[1.0] EdB Prepare Carefully - v1.0.13 (28 Jul 2019)

Started by EdB, September 21, 2014, 12:30:45 PM

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Because they are traits.
Basicly you can say there are no negative traits. Someone with a -20% workspeed trait will get more XP each resource. Ok maybe not 100% truth since i wouldn't know a good use for a pyromanic.

If you want extra points, give your pawn cyrosleep sickness and/or Malnutration.


Quote from: Canute on November 06, 2017, 04:20:20 AM
...i wouldn't know a good use for a pyromanic.

Arctic colonies! If the fire ever goes out, just have to wait for the maniac to go and set a new one  ;D


Kiame, I tried the version you posted to see if it would work for me and sadly it does not I get this error when I try to use it, Any advice is appreciated:

Exception filling window for RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Verse.PawnGenerationRequest..ctor'.
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.PawnGenerationRequestWrapper.get_Request () <IL 0x00001, 0x00015>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.Randomizer.GenerateColonist () <IL 0x00000, 0x00036>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.RelationshipManager.ComputeInverseRelationship (RimWorld.PawnRelationDef) <IL 0x00001, 0x00031>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.RelationshipManager.PopulateInverseRelationships () <IL 0x0003d, 0x00099>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.RelationshipManager..ctor (System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.Pawn>,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<EdB.PrepareCarefully.CustomPawn>) <IL 0x0007e, 0x0016b>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.PrepareCarefully.InitializeRelationshipManager (System.Collections.Generic.List`1<EdB.PrepareCarefully.CustomPawn>) <IL 0x00057, 0x000ef>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.PrepareCarefully.Initialize () <IL 0x00023, 0x00044>
at EdB.PrepareCarefully.HarmonyPatches.DoWindowContentsPostfix (UnityEngine.Rect,RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns) <IL 0x0006c, 0x00171>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.DoWindowContents_Patch1 (object,UnityEngine.Rect) <IL 0x000c3, 0x0052b>
at Verse.Window/<WindowOnGUI>c__AnonStorey0.<>m__0 (int) [0x00217] in C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\UI\Windows\Window.cs:193

Verse.Log:Error(String) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\Utility\Debug\Log\Log.cs:48)
Verse.<WindowOnGUI>c__AnonStorey0:<>m__0(Int32) (at C:\Dev\RimWorld\Assets\Scripts\Verse\UI\Windows\Window.cs:197)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle) (at C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime\IMGUI\Managed\GUI.cs:1817)


It looks like there's a problem with relationships... I've just tried with multiple relationships and it did work. I'm guessing it's a problem with a mod.

I've seen a post by the author in the steam messages so they're around and are planning to update this so i'm not planning to really support this, it's really just a hack to get it to work with the unstable builds in a very limited fashion.


Understandable, I just am pretty much clueless when it comes to it and didn't know (Or hoped) it was something easily fixable. Thanks anyway and thank you for the attempt at getting it to work.


Just curious, if you remove any relationships does it work then?


Hmmm not sure, I honestly hadn't even thought to check to see if there was any relationships between the 5 of them I'll have to try to start a new one and double check for that.


Nope, Sadly still no love. Started a new one and made sure none of them had any relationship to each other and still errors out. Could it possibly be that I chose to start with 5 instead of 3?


Hmm i did try w/ 5 on a crashlanding when i was initially testing and noticed only 3 landed. I did also try a tribal start whch worked as well.
I am perplexed  :o


The most important part of Prepare Carefully is the ability to modify and save each character/preset. The number of starting colonists can be set in custom scenarios, meaning it isn't mod breaking. Don't get me wrong, I would love it to work, but for the time being I'm not picky.

Pure speculation is that when making the colonists, it shows a list of 8 or something in A18, but only the first 3 will go. When the game starts, I suspect all the colonists are in one list and then it takes X colonists from the start and make them land where X is a number read from the active scenario file. This means if you add more to the list, they end up being in the list of non-landing colonists. Sounds like it shouldn't be that hard to fix and it's likely inserting/replacing one instruction in Harmony Transpillar. The big question is where the code to control this is located. Also since I haven't actually found the code, my theory could be way off, but at least this theory will provide something to look for, which might fix the problem.
ModCheck - boost your patch loading times and include patchmods in your main mod.


Quote from: Kiame on November 10, 2017, 09:29:58 PM
Hmm i did try w/ 5 on a crashlanding when i was initially testing and noticed only 3 landed. I did also try a tribal start whch worked as well.
I am perplexed  :o

I got around that bug by going into the scenario editor and upping my starting colonists to the amount I wanted to create in PC. If you didn't do that, the pawns aren't deleted, but they are moved in as a world pawn and you can spawn them in and recruit them then (without their starting clothing).
I'm not creative enough to make up a good signature.


Thought I'd mention here, since I'm still on A17, there's a huge problem when it comes to PC actually saving relationships when unknown pawns are involved in player-set family trees. The problems mentioned recently for the A18 version are pretty much the same issues A17 had when trying to use a preset that has those types of relations and attempting to start the game with just that. (At least, on my end it has... sometimes deleting all relationships worked & I had to start a map and dev mode add relationships I needed. Only drawback with that is there's no solid way to make siblings unless you put some creative liberties into that process.)


In Beta 18, is there any way to add the 5 other colonists to the save in Prepare Carefully?  Sorry, I have very little idea of how to adjust things for the game.


I've released an initial version of the mod for beta 18.  See the original post for download links.  Please consider this a beta release of the mod (a beta release for the beta release :) ).  It has a few known issues that I'm working on, but it seems like it mostly works.
