Flooring effects

Started by Lechai, October 02, 2014, 12:52:30 AM

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So i had a look around and couldn't find the answer so I'll ask it here.

All flooring seems to make speed 100% but what modifiers do each have in regards to colonist happiness?
I know they like carpet and hate concrete but whats the actual amount for each type. Or do they like a mix?

I'm specifically after hard numbers if anyone knows or has them, not just your assumption.



take a look at <RimworldDir>Mods\Core\Defs\TerrainDefs\Terrain_Floors.xml You can see the beauty values there.

For your example, concrete has -2 beauty and Carpet has 4 oh and other than speed they only provide beauty.


Quote from: Neurotoxin on October 02, 2014, 01:19:34 AM
take a look at <RimworldDir>Mods\Core\Defs\TerrainDefs\Terrain_Floors.xml You can see the beauty values there.

For your example, concrete has -2 beauty and Carpet has 4 oh and other than speed they only provide beauty.
Thanks Neurotoxin!

Thats exactly what i was after


Here is the list if anyone else was interested:
-2 Concrete
3  Wood Floor
2  Metal Tile
0  Paved Tile
3  Stone Tile
4  Carpet
5  Smooth Stone          
-1 Rough Hewn Rock   

0    Sand
0    Soil
-5   Marshy soil   
0    Rich Soil
-10 Mud           
-10 Marsh        
-1  Gravel       
-1  Rough Stone   


Does it stack?

Say i put smooth stone, then put carpet over it.

Will i have +9 or will i just have whatever is seen.


Quote from: dices543 on October 04, 2014, 01:26:20 PM
Does it stack?

Say i put smooth stone, then put carpet over it.

Will i have +9 or will i just have whatever is seen.

I'm pretty sure if you smooth stone, and then place carpet it'll replace the stone with the carpet