What do you want me to do, let them die? (Incapacitated Visitors)

Started by KarolineDianne, October 05, 2014, 02:22:23 PM

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It would be nice if you could try to recruit the visitor while they're still recovering after they've come out of being incapacitated.  Some of the visitors have quite nice abilities sometimes.  If you recruit them, you might have a minor decrease in relationship with the faction they're with, but not too terrible, or maybe base it on their highest level skill (ie, if they have high skills, they're worth more to the faction losing them).

If you let them go, then you get an increase with the faction for the return, but of course it cost you the medicine and possible a prosthetic or  two to get them moving again.

This would add a balance to the recruit or send on their way since your standing with the faction would be affected.