[A11b] Enhanced Defence - 0.19.1 - 07/07/2015 (New Poll)

Started by Jaxxa, October 06, 2014, 03:28:24 AM

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Should this be separate mods or one big mod split into modules. (Read Page 30)

Keep it as it is
101 (49.3%)
Split it up into separate mods
104 (50.7%)

Total Members Voted: 205


New updates sequel mod available at:

Enhanced Defense

This mod has been created with a number of distinct modules. Theses are designed to allow you to only have to use the parts of the mod that you want to.


Discussion and Latest Download available on the Official Rimworld forums at:

With a Download Mirror on the Nexus:

Installation instructions:
Installation instructions are available in the README.md file in the download.


Reverse cycle Cooler
Adds a Reverse Cycle Cooler. Identical to the standard cooler except that it can easily be rotated to reverse the direction of the temperature flow.


Adds a Stargate System, Allows for the Transport of Personnel and Supplies between Colonies.


This mod allows you to place shield generators. They are expensive and power hungry but can really strengthen your defences. The shields will stop projectiles that try to enter it, but allow weapons to be fired out.


Adds Personal Shields into the game. Allows you to construct a building capable of upgrading your colonists to have a personal shield capable of protecting them from damage.


Allows the creation of a Wireless power grid.
Wireless power Nodes can transmit or receive power from the grid.
If the grid is overloaded it will completely shutdown all receiving nodes and require you to reactivate them.


This mod allows you to have a renewable source of Metal and Stone.
You start by planting and harvesting the OmniGel plant.
You then need to research and build a MK1Replicator.
This is a workbench that allows you to transform the OmniGel that you harvest into slag or rock.
You then use this in the standard rock cutting or slag refining benches are in rimworld to get usable materials.


Adds a Laser Drill that allows the creation of new steam vents, and a Laser laserFill that allows you to remove unwanted steam vents. Both of these operations will take a considerable amount of time.

Embrasures is a mod that adds 4 new wall types (one for metal, stone, wood and logs). The walls have openings for colonists to shoot at their enemies, while not allowing any to pass through. Basically, they look like holes in the walls but they work more like like impassable sand bags (it looks like a hole in each block but the whole block is open to let through bullets).


This adds a Drop Pod system to the game, allowing you to build a command building to deploy your Colonists and resources to any point on the map almost instantly.

-Plants will grow 24 Hours a day if they have sufficient lighting
-Effects PlantPotato, PlantStrawberry, PlantCotton, PlantDevilstrand, PlantXerigium, PlantRose, PlantDaylily


Adds a Vent System that allows you to Equalise the temperature between two Rooms.
Uses a modified cooler graphic, does not matter what direction it is placed. Power it on to equalise the temperature between two rooms, power it off to keep the temperature separate. Made out of Stuff, has the same health as a wall made from that stuff. Except for the power switch none of the buttons will do anything.


Older Downloads:


I have not had much time to playtest this, so let me know any balance or other issues that you find.


Do we have a way to produce shells ourselves (Even if it's a bit expensive)? Because if not that means we rely on cargo drops (which aren't exactly a reliable source) and traders (Which again, aren't the most reliable)


Hmm I'm torn on this one, I really want the mining drill however i don't like ammo consumption on turrets i always play with the zombie apoc mod and when you have 50+ of them charging your base ammo limitations become an issue fast.

Is there a chance you will release a version that makes turrets not use ammo? or even better perhaps a stand alone laser drill mod?


If you read at the top of the post it's modular, so you can play without the parts you want easily enough


Quote from: shadowstreaker on October 06, 2014, 03:41:45 AM
Do we have a way to produce shells ourselves (Even if it's a bit expensive)? Because if not that means we rely on cargo drops (which aren't exactly a reliable source) and traders (Which again, aren't the most reliable)

The OmniGel system should allow you to do that. With the Level 3 Replicator you can take the plants that you grow and turn them into shells.

Quote from: Hand on October 06, 2014, 03:45:09 AM
Hmm I'm torn on this one, I really want the mining drill however i don't like ammo consumption on turrets i always play with the zombie apoc mod and when you have 50+ of them charging your base ammo limitations become an issue fast.

Is there a chance you will release a version that makes turrets not use ammo? or even better perhaps a stand alone laser drill mod?

The first two sentences of the description:
Quote from: Jaxxa on October 06, 2014, 03:28:24 AM
This mod has been created with a number of distinct modules. Theses are designed to allow you to only have to use the parts of the mod that you want to.
You should be able to get what you want by just installing the Core and the laser drill modules. Also I have not changed the standard improvised turrets, just the mortar ones and added a new rapid fire one that needs ammo.


Herp derp for checking the forum before coffee, sorry didnt even notice it said modular. now you got my attention lol.


The deepstrike one makes me really happy for whatever reason!
Kinda wish to make small forward outpost and have main castle build inside impenetrable walls
But that might be a game for when I have time to realize something like that!


Could you tone back some of the research costs? 70k seems a bit extreme


A: Love the mod, fills a gap where I was seeing one before (personal and regional defense shields and high-end turrets/turrets being ammo-free). Thanks for making this! B: Tiny, tiny thing to note, but Phoenix is spelled properly everywhere except in the title, haha. Figured I'd inform you of that.


Wow ... people are really making some amazing mods, and this is no exception!

Do any of these require a new world/colony?


Minor issue, when i place the laser drill (And yes I'm sure it's the drill not the filler) when it finishes construction it seems to just disappear without doing anything


Quote from: shadowstreaker on October 06, 2014, 04:41:37 AM
Could you tone back some of the research costs? 70k seems a bit extreme

Yes, Done that. I think it was a hold over from alpha 6 when all the research had larger numbers for the same speed. I think they are all less than 5k now.

Quote from: Shinzy on October 06, 2014, 04:29:32 AM
The deepstrike one makes me really happy for whatever reason!
Kinda wish to make small forward outpost and have main castle build inside impenetrable walls
But that might be a game for when I have time to realize something like that!

Glad you like it :)

Quote from: Clibanarius on October 06, 2014, 04:57:53 AM
A: Love the mod, fills a gap where I was seeing one before (personal and regional defense shields and high-end turrets/turrets being ammo-free). Thanks for making this! B: Tiny, tiny thing to note, but Phoenix is spelled properly everywhere except in the title, haha. Figured I'd inform you of that.

Glad you like it, thanks for pointing that out, fixed it.

Quote from: thrakkemarn on October 06, 2014, 05:38:01 AM
Wow ... people are really making some amazing mods, and this is no exception!

Do any of these require a new world/colony?


As far as I know new world / colony should not be needed because I am not changing the factions or map generation, but I haven't tested it extensively.

Quote from: shadowstreaker on October 06, 2014, 06:28:49 AM
Minor issue, when i place the laser drill (And yes I'm sure it's the drill not the filler) when it finishes construction it seems to just disappear without doing anything

That strange, I checked my version and that is working for me. I am assuming that you have the core module enabled or it would have thrown up more errors. If it persists can you try new map / world. Anything in the log?


It was on a new map/world, downloaded a few mods at the same time that added new factions so needed to do that, I'll check momentarily to see what it says in the log

If it occurs again*