[A11b] Enhanced Defence - 0.19.1 - 07/07/2015 (New Poll)

Started by Jaxxa, October 06, 2014, 03:28:24 AM

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Should this be separate mods or one big mod split into modules. (Read Page 30)

Keep it as it is
101 (49.3%)
Split it up into separate mods
104 (50.7%)

Total Members Voted: 205


Thought i had got this to work finally but...:( So have the load order of the mods as good as can be. Have the autloloader mod for the resource hoppers etc. And finally got a group to arrive at a new colony and works ok till saved and reloaded. Then all the colonists but three just stand around not doing any work at all - they will eat but that is it.

Done this four times and each time when i have to save it and reload this begins again. Any ideas or anyone else hase same issue?



Quote from: OmegariusWolf on January 08, 2015, 09:46:17 AM
(...reload main base repeat steps 3 to 7 to Spam unlimited resources\clones in new colony...)

One possible way to prevent this is to create a second file keep sort of a 'transaction log' of gate activity between the colonies.

For example (Generated at main base):
Transaction Id* | Gate Idc | Gate Status | Gate Buffer Flag
2165468            Chmntn      Inactive**    Full (Buffer file created)
*Id stored in buffer file for added verification...
**User did not send outgoing wormhole. If he did it would be changed to *Outbound*

User load game at new colony:
Transaction Id | Gate Idc | Gate Status | Gate Buffer Flag
2165468            Chmntn      *Inactive      Full (Buffer file stored until gate is activated...)
**2165469        Atlantis        Outbound    Full (Can safely receive at main base)

*Gate checks last entry in log file > sees gate was not activated at main base and sends absolutely nothing ;D
**When user loads second colony and send new outbound connection for example...

Of course the Gate IDC is superficial and I only used it for demonstration purposes...


Quote from: Asero on January 08, 2015, 11:41:23 AM
Quote from: OmegariusWolf on January 08, 2015, 09:46:17 AM
(...reload main base repeat steps 3 to 7 to Spam unlimited resources\clones in new colony...)

One possible way to prevent this is to create a second file keep sort of a 'transaction log' of gate activity between the colonies.

For example (Generated at main base):
Transaction Id* | Gate Idc | Gate Status | Gate Buffer Flag
2165468            Chmntn      Inactive**    Full (Buffer file created)
*Id stored in buffer file for added verification...
**User did not send outgoing wormhole. If he did it would be changed to *Outbound*

User load game at new colony:
Transaction Id | Gate Idc | Gate Status | Gate Buffer Flag
2165468            Chmntn      *Inactive      Full (Buffer file stored until gate is activated...)
**2165469        Atlantis        Outbound    Full (Can safely receive at main base)

*Gate checks last entry in log file > sees gate was not activated at main base and sends absolutely nothing ;D
**When user loads second colony and send new outbound connection for example...

Of course the Gate IDC is superficial and I only used it for demonstration purposes...

Good idea. I would also like to see that log in the saves instead of in the root game.


Quote from: Asero on January 08, 2015, 11:41:23 AM
Quote from: OmegariusWolf on January 08, 2015, 09:46:17 AM
(...reload main base repeat steps 3 to 7 to Spam unlimited resources\clones in new colony...)

One possible way to prevent this is to create a second file keep sort of a 'transaction log' of gate activity between the colonies.

I could do something like that, but right now I want to try and keep it simple.
And if you are going to do this to duplicate resources, you may as well just spawn things in with the dev mode, and how else are you going to simulate the multiverse / timetravel episodes.

Quote from: seadderkrupp on January 08, 2015, 09:58:52 AM
Thought i had got this to work finally but...:( So have the load order of the mods as good as can be. Have the autloloader mod for the resource hoppers etc. And finally got a group to arrive at a new colony and works ok till saved and reloaded. Then all the colonists but three just stand around not doing any work at all - they will eat but that is it.

Done this four times and each time when i have to save it and reload this begins again. Any ideas or anyone else hase same issue?


Sorry to hear that. I have not encountered that.
Is it happening with no other mods installed?
On a new colony testing with dev mode?
Can you draft them?
Are they showing up in the overview screen? is so have you enabled them to do work that is available?

Quote from: Anduin1357 on January 08, 2015, 08:21:40 PM
Good idea. I would also like to see that log in the saves instead of in the root game.

Next version will have the ability to set the location that you want the files kept. Not really recommended but if you want to try running multiple instances on the same machine and gating between them, using a network drive or something like dropbox as asynchronous multiplayer I wont stop you.


Quote from: Jaxxa on January 08, 2015, 09:27:00 PM
I could do something like that, but right now I want to try and keep it simple.
And if you are going to do this to duplicate resources, you may as well just spawn things in with the dev mode, and how else are you going to simulate the multiverse / timetravel episodes.

Indeed. If someone really wants to use the stargate exploit to cheat (and spoil their game in the process) I guess it's you won't be able to stop them anyway. It's their problem then ::)


I seem to have a problem with the stargate, I cant load resources I get an error message from the debug log saying that something like "defs.687.autoloader was not found" that is not exactly it but I cant send resources through the gates right now saddly, while colonists load fine...


Quote from: Hayhorse on January 12, 2015, 08:40:57 PM
I seem to have a problem with the stargate, I cant load resources I get an error message from the debug log saying that something like "defs.687.autoloader was not found" that is not exactly it but I cant send resources through the gates right now saddly, while colonists load fine...
1. Have you enabled the Autoloader Module?
2. Then you have to research and build an Autoloader next to the Stargate (research requirement is being removed next update, probably tomorrow)
3. Fill the autoloader with the resources you want then try loading again.

let me know how that goes.


I just looked into the folder I have containing the other mods (not all of them are enabled) and I saw auto-loader, 2 groups of mods have the same image file in them (autoloader and mortar ammo are the same and emrasierise and the EMRG turret have the same image as well) so I thought they where just duplicate mods.

Edit: Went and looked at them again and it was only EMRG and Autoloader using the same image in the "about" folder, whoops!


Thanks for pointing that out, sorry it was a it confusing.
Glad you got it working.

They are separate modules, they shared the graphic from back when the only thing for Autoloaders to do was load the EMRG, but it has since been expanded in usage. I will look at getting a new preview graphic for Autoloader.


Maybe several preview images if that's possible? With it just being the loader for one and it loading other objects that need it, and possibly a .txt file saying what mods need it so others know!


When i use this mod, when building things like the stargate and shields, at the point of finnish building, it just disapears, like it wasnt built.


Just uploaded a new version:
This will most probably break already constructed Stargates and Mortars, I THINK it should be save compatible if you deconstruct those building first, but as always keep a backup.

-Fixes to Mortar turrets to bring them in line with Alpha 8 changes
-Increased Cost of Stargate
-Increased Stargate Power Consumption
-Added charge options
--Increase the power consumption of the Stargate for a reduction in charge time
-Removed Autoloader Research Requirment
--Would have been problomatic to be used with offworld gates
-Stargate Dynamic Save location
--Change where the stargate .xml files are saved and read from
--Most people will want to leave this alone, but it might be helpful for trying more complex stuff or bug fixing.
-Updating / Balancing OmniGel recipies based on resource cost

One interesting thing is that the Stargate building xml not has a record for the path that it should store the files it uses to keep track of offworld teams. So if you want to move it from it's default location or try something having it on a network drive or dropbox to move them between multiple computers you can try that.

Quote from: Hayhorse on January 13, 2015, 06:02:14 PM
Maybe several preview images if that's possible? With it just being the loader for one and it loading other objects that need it, and possibly a .txt file saying what mods need it so others know!

This new version should have a different image. Any Module that needs the Autoloadershould say so in it's description, for example the first line on the Stargate description is:
"Requires: ED-Core, ED-Autoloader"

Quote from: Nitote on January 16, 2015, 10:58:46 PM
When i use this mod, when building things like the stargate and shields, at the point of finnish building, it just disapears, like it wasnt built.

Sorry you are having trouble. This is usually a problem with the instalation, modules not being installed or not in the correct load order. Could you please read through the FAQ https://github.com/jaxxa/RimWorld-Enhanced-Defence/wiki/FAQ-Problems and let me know of that does or does not fix your problem.


Thanks Jaxxa :)
I just saw a wild ED-Vehicule apear in your update  ;D The teasing is to strong  :P


Quote from: HBKRKO619 on January 17, 2015, 06:29:35 AM
Thanks Jaxxa :)
I just saw a wild ED-Vehicule apear in your update  ;D The teasing is to strong  :P

Nothing to see here ::) move along, these aren't the droids you're looking for.

In all seriousness don't get your hopes up, it is very early ideas and I don't even know if it will be possible the way I am thinking of doing it.


Vents don't work. O.o Yes, I checked to make sure it was open.