
Started by Zknar, September 25, 2013, 02:37:29 PM

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Multiplayer: Multiple players join a game, without the knowledge of one another. They play as normal until they encounter one another; early game, they may kill each other over vital resources (geysers, soil, defensable positions, maybe even metal deposits depending on desperation.) Late game, they may trade with one another, or assist each other in defense/construction. Or they may still kill each other over somewhat-less-vital resources.
Os iusti meditabitur sapientian, et lingua eius loquetur iudicium. Venerit vir qui sufferit tentationem.


Solution to time control with multiple players (a HUGE problem!), encoded save system, mods detection, multiplayer mods implementation, in-game chat system, bigger maps, net-code, multiplayer balancing, cheat protection (especially with how easy it is now), multi implementation to every module yet to come...

So yeah, just wanted to point out it's a tad bit more complicated than "just put two players on one map" ;) If multiplayer was a throw-away feature, Tynan would make one already. Unfortunately, it's nowhere near that.


How difficult would it be to do this:

You're low on resources but have a bunch of people. Your friend has an established base. He can sort of check a box that allows you to invade his world with your people and you can seize some of his resources if you can get to his stockpile. No necessary additions to the game world, just your people are transplanted into his map like raiders and you get to control them, he plays his game as normal.

Your friend wouldn't be forced to let you into his world, and it doesn't have to be as simple as assaulting his base. It could potentially be open enough to develop its own story, similar to the natural idea the game is based on.

I can imagine two friends playing the game simultaneously with the invasion option allowed, and one grows more powerful and ends up establishing a sort of "tribute" where his friend has to allow him to take resources every week in game. To prevent exploiting the system (I don't need resources, here, take them!) if your resources are seized, you lose happiness, and your people are less likely to fear you if you have apparent fear of someone else.

Granted, I have minimal programming knowledge, but it doesn't seem that any additional, complex features need to be added into the game. Just transferring character profiles and equipment, and resource transferal (which I imagine could work very similar to the way it's done with trade ships).


kdfsjljklgjfg... paheithska.... lasdhe9thdszalkfa... aewftigh28035)#%7*... 05ruqa0ewfrjasirdyqw;;=asf;l32'...

(no, seriously, what's wrong with your nickname!?)

But now, seriously (even if I abuse that word in this post) this idea is so good I lack words to describe it. A invasion system. OF COURSE! If off-map mission get implemented, this is a gold mine, right there. No more problems with speed and such (because storytellers need to calculate colonists power anyway), a nice "frell you" to AI min-maxers, wonderful online mode (with both positive and negative missions possibilities). Dark Souls system in a nutshell - how to do a multiplayer without doing a multiplayer. And, ironically enough (if indeed so... I hate irony! so hard to tell...), working even more to strengths of the game than Dark Souls itself!

kdfsjljklgjfg, I juts said to some guy/gal that I love him/her, but if he/she turns out not to be a redhead cutie of female species, I do love you. If you're a redhead cutie of a female species, that is.

And now, to abuse some words even more, in all it's simplicity this idea seriously turned my approach to multilayer 180 degree. Darn, scrap it! It turned it 540 degrees. It's insane how much possibilities a different approach can get you.


Co-Op is awesome, Ty, If you are going to make a game like this one, PLEASE have Co-op, i dont care for pvp, but if there is i want it by choice of options


Quote from: CodyRex123 on January 26, 2014, 06:55:48 PM
Co-Op is awesome, Ty, If you are going to make a game like this one, PLEASE have Co-op, i dont care for pvp, but if there is i want it by choice of options

That provided an amazing idea. What if there's a multiplayer option where you open a world with friends, and each person just controls one character? Then it provides very much the idea that you're just a bunch of people trying to survive, coming together to build this colony. Either additional colonists are all completely autonomous (one player elected overseer to hand out orders) or it runs persistently, and a character sleeps when his user is offline, and a new player joining the game is represented by a wanderer.

The latter gives a grand thought: What would happen if a RimWorld colony had 50 colonists, all run by 50 players? All doing their work to keep the colony alive, and fend off raiders?

It may be WAAAAAY down the line that this is even considered, but it doesn't hurt to dream.


Quote from: kdfsjljklgjfg on January 26, 2014, 07:54:51 PM
Quote from: CodyRex123 on January 26, 2014, 06:55:48 PM
Co-Op is awesome, Ty, If you are going to make a game like this one, PLEASE have Co-op, i dont care for pvp, but if there is i want it by choice of options

That provided an amazing idea. What if there's a multiplayer option where you open a world with friends, and each person just controls one character? Then it provides very much the idea that you're just a bunch of people trying to survive, coming together to build this colony. Either additional colonists are all completely autonomous (one player elected overseer to hand out orders) or it runs persistently, and a character sleeps when his user is offline, and a new player joining the game is represented by a wanderer.

The latter gives a grand thought: What would happen if a RimWorld colony had 50 colonists, all run by 50 players? All doing their work to keep the colony alive, and fend off raiders?

It may be WAAAAAY down the line that this is even considered, but it doesn't hurt to dream.

You just GOT the Greatest idea ever, Now If theres any type of mutiplayer incuded, make it like this!


WAIT! Wouldn't it be like Minecraft with physics then?


I dont think so, and minecraft gots physics


No it doesn't.. You can have floating blocks...

By the way, this is what it would be like if multi-player was really designed like that.

Here is a few examples:
Rust(You fight other people, zombies, and try to make a living by hunting, harvesting, and crafting)
7 Days to Die-Same thing as rust except for the multi-player.
And a few others that I don't remember.


Have you forgot about sand and gravel Or even lava and water, just saying, And i think just 3 people per player, or each player as a colonist/wonderer whos looking for a place to stay, if they find a base they like they will stay, or else they will leave, thing is, there needs to be some ai travelers so if a base dont grow it can grow like that, but it depends on who captures them is who its loyal to, Ahh. Perfect mutiplayer, But think about the speed. each gets to vote on the speed, and a ingame chat systeme to, And There you go, A okish working Mutiplayer or just muti colonys on one map


Co-op would be AWESOME!
PVP would change everything (like Tynan said, story!, not winning)
With the story events it would never be a fair 1v1

In my opinion 2 players in one colony would be better but every player has his own style how to build the colony, they could "block" each other.
The colonists limit should be for everyone himself like 6,7,8, whatever for each player or one of them would "steal" all the colonists they can get. (Or like Monopoly one house after another; one player after another :p)

But on the other Hand:
Two Colonys doesn't sound so awesome in my ears.
What if raider coming? Which one are they going to attack? If you, will the other player even care? If the other player, if you want to send him help, it may be a long way, will you be there soon enogh? Will you meet Raiders on your way? They wont simply ignore you.. But they can't simply attack you because there target was the other player. Well they can, but where is the team then? It would be more of attacking the raiders to prevent them to attack the other player. So you dont Need any turrets anymore because YOU are going to attack the raiders, not them you! I think it would't be Rimworld anymore..
Thats why I think two in one would be better and easier to establish, but the players really need to cooperate A LOT!


Have you forgotten something, no one said it has to be a team, and the person who gets the message raiders have landed and are gonna raid your colony is kinda enof to know if they want help they gotta ask it


My post was nothing but my opinion :-)

And in my opinion co-op should support the highest possible amount of teamplay.

And the highest possible amount of teamplay is when cooperative playing is neccesary for both to survive. :-)


Quote from: CodyRex123 on January 27, 2014, 10:07:03 AM
Have you forgotten something, no one said it has to be a team, and the person who gets the message raiders have landed and are gonna raid your colony is kinda enof to know if they want help they gotta ask it

Yo, you got to change the attitude in the way you post. You called me hopeless in another thread when you only said 2 sentences for me interpret and tweak. Either you be sarcastic/funny/weird or be a nice friend to everyone else. Because your the only person that is butting heads with other people aggressively. In addition, this is an opinion thread, there is no specific set of rules, because this is a suggestion thread about multi-player. SO, calm your aggressive behavior against others.  8) 8)