[MOD] (Alpha 7) Mining&Co.: Security enforcement (V1.5 12-11-2014)

Started by Rikiki, October 17, 2014, 06:46:46 PM

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What should be modified to balance the high precision lasgun?

Reduce range (45 -> 40 like a m-24).
9 (16.7%)
Reduce range and increase damage
14 (25.9%)
This weapon is awesome and should not be modified! (kidding) ;-)
30 (55.6%)
Other (please specify how)
1 (1.9%)

Total Members Voted: 54


I normally studied tree technology! included only 3 of the fashion!


- Have you cleaned (so removed) any previous version before unzipping the last update?
- Have you created a new world/started a new colony?
- Have you activated M&Co. Common V3.1 before M&Co.Security?
- Did you read the tech tree?

I always thoroughly test my mods before release. I would have seen this kind of obvious bug.


Quote from: Rikiki on October 29, 2014, 08:58:40 AM
You must look into the source code if you want to make it work. ;)
Just removing those parameters completely breaks the custom laser mechanics. :( So no warmup and no beam...

I will detail the used mechanics when I have some free time.
Here is the simplified mechanics:

Step 1: warmup projectile (if any):
o from tick = 0 to preFiringDuration =>
   - begins warmup custom animation (depends on the selected projectile thingClass. Heavy lasgun uses Projectile_Laser.Projectile_HeavyLasgun, High precision lasgun uses Projectile_Laser.Projectile_HighPrecisionLasgun)
   - caster pawn is in aim(=wait) stance.
o when tick = preFiringDuration =>
   - ends warmup custom animation

Step 2: ticksBetweenBurstShots:
o from tick = 0 to tick = ticksBetweenBurstShots => just wait

Step 3 : actual projectile:
o from tick = 0 to preFiringDuration =>
   - draw the beam with intensity ramping from preFiringInitialIntensity to preFiringFinalIntensity
o when tick = preFiringDuration => actual shot (apply the damage at destination)
o from tick = preFiringDuration + 1 to postFiringDuration=>
   - draw the beam with intensity ramping from postFiringInitialIntensity to postFiringFinalIntensity

I hope it's clear enough. If not, just wait for some proper graphs and pictures... :D

i'm really eager to learn C# like a teenager eager to have sex, but because of my stupidity it's just hopeless. with xml moding i can find a lot of examples to compare with but C# is like another world :o

i appreciate your tipps and i do understand the logic but that's it(i did took a peek at the source code and can't understand a thing :-[)

PS: this is my turret mod, i just gave the laser turret a jump start with normal projectile:


You're welcome eatKenny! :)
Coding is not so hard. Get a good tutorial and go ride those pesky code lines! Yeeeehaa! ;D

You will however have to be patient for your laser turret as I'm still working on a fun security item.
=Heavy siren sounds= "Colony is under attack! All valid men to the combat posts!"* >:(
*(There is no link with richeygator propaganda speaker)


1) yes
2) yes
3) yes
4) yes
my version of the game 0,7,583 39989!



Quote from: sanya02 on October 30, 2014, 07:55:23 PM
1) yes
2) yes
3) yes
4) yes
my version of the game 0,7,583 39989!
Your problem sounds like a mod incompatibility, are you perhaps using this mod and the version from Tech Tree Minami? Have you tried playing with only these mods?
In many cases any computer issue can be solved by a reset of some kind, worst case you might have the wrong version of Rimworld (I dunno what versions are which), perhaps try redownloading it into a new location, then installing only Mining Co mods.


I'm doing everything right! But does not work (

[attachment deleted by admin: too old]


What are the steps to get this bug?
Is it upon loading a savegame?

Was the workbench built before saving?
I will have another look at it tonight...


Quote from: Rikiki on October 30, 2014, 07:42:59 PM
=Heavy siren sounds= "Colony is under attack! All valid men to the combat posts!"* >:(
*(There is no link with richeygator propaganda speaker)
sounds very useful, i hope it's like with one click everyone goes to their own reserved combat position. and with another click all those positions will be saved/updated for next combat ::)


Sorry to disappoint you but no, it is not the idea.
I think Haplo did something like that with a "call to arm" with its strategic/holo map in Miscellaneous.
There was a mod for the "saved combat position" along with other automated tasks in previous alpha but is no longer maintained.


Hi guys. A hotfix is available in the main post concerning the recipes bug when loading a savegame.
This was tested fast, so please report any remaining bug... :P

@sanya02:please next time specify the steps to reproduce the bug, it helps me a lot! :)

For those interrested, the bug was due to the fact that the game only loads the def databases at start-up (and when you change the active mods). So any modification to the database remains valid until the game is shutdown.


Thanks for the correction RIKIKI! Now everything works)) Nice mod!


Thanks for the Portuguese community! :)

Here is a little teaser of the next update:
Alert speaker! 8)