Hey Tynan, have a few questions regarding the new temperature system!

Started by Ramsis, November 14, 2014, 02:10:19 PM

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Goo Poni

Quote from: Wex on November 17, 2014, 08:09:52 AM
Quote from: Nasikabatrachus on November 17, 2014, 04:49:12 AM
I have a few questions, myself:

1. Will refrigeration work on the heat pump idea, requiring the heat from a room to be moved somewhere else in order to cool the target room down?

2. Just how cold or hot will we be able to make an environment? Will we be able to start fires in super-hot rooms?
I get this. Raiders with heavy coats break the first door. Outside temperature -20C Inside temperature - in a buffer, between outer wall and actual colony - +60C. Heat stroke.
On the flipside, raiders will be able to flick their lighters, that they never leave home without, at your buildings and whoosh.


It does not work this way IRL:

Anything that protect from cold, provide exactly same protection from heat.
Actually there is no "cold", there is no flow of "cold energy", only "heat" flow in objects.

Heat conductivity have no direction, there is no way to make material that will pump heat on its own by providing different conductivity in different directions.

Normal gear have reduced heat conductivity, it simply stop heat of body to move outside.
It have exactly same protection in case of "outside hotter then body".

If raiders enter +60 building from -20 outside they wont receive heat stroke due to "cold protection gear" in long time.
If they enter naked, they will receive heat stroke shortly, since nothing protect body from adsorbing heat from outside.


It's a lot more complicated than simply "slow heat transfer": you most certainly will get heat stroke if you wear cold-weather gear in hot weather, for example.


i killed my entire colony with my own turrets just to take out some squirrels ..... im not saying im the coolest one on this thread- but i think i might be

ps- i mean who else has the audacity to pull off what i did? i had the perfect little city- but the squirrels went crazy- what else could i do

pss- i coulda done a lot i suppose- but i didnt want to :( it was a massacre of epic proportions...and my slow cook finally got what was coming.......

pss- i truly wonder after the 3 remaining squirrels saw me kill 5 of my own people to kill a couple of their brothers- why they didnt back off. Perhaps the squirrel AI needs to get looked at. It didnt have to end the way it did- perhaps diplomatic ties with the squirrels could be added?

psss- im not saying the squirrels in this game are related to the super uber squirrel race in Galactic Civ 2 . But its something to think about..........


Quote from: mc858 on November 17, 2014, 11:01:36 PM
i killed my entire colony with my own turrets just to take out some squirrels ..... im not saying im the coolest one on this thread- but i think i might be

I don't think you are the coolest in this thread, because this thread is talking about the temperature system and has refereed to -20C.


So, you're telling me, if I wander about in full winter gear, in summer (not so extreme here, but we range between -10C and +45C) I won't be hot? How is then that I see only people in t-shirt or vests in summer?
I am not making sarcasm, I am genuinely curious.
"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."
    Harlan Ellison


The thing about good winterclothing is: The lack of heat transfer from the inside to the outside. That also means if the outside is too warm/hot you will soon have problems with heat, because it will never perfectly stop the heat transfer, so the inside (the person) will get hotter and hotter. Yes it CAN protect against heat too BUT only for a short time, until your body overheats itself, because it can't get rid of the excess heat which builds inside.


So, in the end the heat stroke will come. Not from external heat, but from my own.
Am I correct?
"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."
    Harlan Ellison


Quote from: Wex on November 18, 2014, 05:41:14 AM
So, in the end the heat stroke will come. Not from external heat, but from my own.
Am I correct?
Yes that is correct. And the reason why you get a heatstroke in the first place: Your body can't get rid of the internal heat to a "healthy" point, it doesn't even matter if the external temperatures are causing it. Simple as that.


I can settle for that. As long as they collapse on the floor, I don't really care the reason why.
Free prisoners!  ;D
"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant."
    Harlan Ellison


In hottest summer no matter how heavy your winter gear is it wont get hotter then air outside.

In case of perfect heat insulation (like space) human overheat and die, since body designed to drop heat outside.

Coldblood creatures like snakes and lizards can wear heavy winter gear all year since they produce minor heat on they own and unlikely to overheat themselves.

In order to get heatstroke from external heat source, something more conductive then air is required (or long time).
As you may know, human can stay in 70-200 sauna and survive process, but at same time ever 50 water is lethal.


SO. The new way to fight raiders and tribals is to build a killbox full of maybe 20 radiators and give them all heat stroke.
I will love this game.


Quote from: RawCode on November 18, 2014, 10:21:58 AM
In hottest summer no matter how heavy your winter gear is it wont get hotter then air outside.

Sure it can.  Your body produces heat, and the clothes are designed to be thermal insulators, which means they retain the heat and therefore are hotter inside than out. I have experienced this first hand, when I was wearing a snow suit while shoveling snow in Ontario, Canada.  My clothes were far warmer than the outside air.


Quote from: Wex on November 18, 2014, 07:26:46 AM
I can settle for that. As long as they collapse on the floor, I don't really care the reason why.
Free prisoners!  ;D

And everyone knows! Free prisoners = free food! C:


Quote from: milon on November 19, 2014, 01:22:49 PM
Quote from: RawCode on November 18, 2014, 10:21:58 AM
In hottest summer no matter how heavy your winter gear is it wont get hotter then air outside.

Sure it can.  Your body produces heat, and the clothes are designed to be thermal insulators, which means they retain the heat and therefore are hotter inside than out. I have experienced this first hand, when I was wearing a snow suit while shoveling snow in Ontario, Canada.  My clothes were far warmer than the outside air.

Snow suit while shoveling snow is not "in hottest summer" since outside temperature is less then body temperature.

Hottest summer case is:
Body 35
Outside 60
Gear temperature wont be 95 or 65 or ever 61, no matter what, it wont get more heat then air can "share", this is first law if thermodynamics.