Kickstarter next week

Started by Tynan, September 26, 2013, 10:32:30 PM

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Just a quick note the forum goers: The Kickstarter will be next week (if nothing insane happens).

I cut the trailer and created the Kickstarter page. I also shot and cut together my little interview which I stuck after the trailer in the KS video. Shooting this took FOREVER; goddamit taking live video properly is hard. It turns out that there is about a 90-minute window each day when the light in my room is decent for shooting video. I shot the first one at night and had to scrap it because the lighting was terrible. Then I shot one in the day, which was okay, but I had to shoot another day to fill in some missing points. And I thought game dev was challenging. Perhaps it's just because I've no experience with a camera. But I digress.

Alistair has done his first pass of the trailer audio and it's awesome. He nailed the Western/sci fi mix perfectly. It sounds like the Mass Effect score edged with Ennio Morricone's The Good The Bad and They Ugly music.

I'm also working with an artist on getting the art together for the game; she's hitting the AI Storyteller portraits, ingame characters, and main title logo first. Hopefully, once she's got some work in the game, people will stop going crazy with the Prison Architect comparisons. Not that they're unfair or they really turn anyone off, but it's not the first thing I want everyone to say about the game.

So in general, things are looking pretty good!
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


E Nystrom - @enystrom8734


Sweet! Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see the video!


Would you like feedback on the pitch before it goes live? Not everything can be modified after it launches.


Good luck!  My wallet is ready


Here we go! Let's promot this thing like crazy.


I don't suppose there's any pre-version page of the KS I could put on the wiki ? ::)


I'm hashtagging rimworld on my stream and recommending it to anyone who watches this weekend. So that'll probably net you at least 3 additional views on that kickstarter. Thank me later, there's work to be done!


When we can expect new game builds?


Quote from: Jakadasnake on September 27, 2013, 03:44:46 AM
I'm hashtagging rimworld on my stream and recommending it to anyone who watches this weekend. So that'll probably net you at least 3 additional views on that kickstarter. Thank me later, there's work to be done!

Jake, I'll have a nice sexy stable build for you when the KS opens. The wait makes it better! (har har)

IIFaust: For testers, twice a week or so. Will vary. For players, probably between every two to fours weeks. Public builds take time to stabilize.

Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog



Wow any idea what that spike on the 19th is from?  More of that is needed!


Quote from: Zorbane on September 27, 2013, 05:32:43 PM
Wow any idea what that spike on the 19th is from?  More of that is needed!

Probably from all the websites the game was featured on.