Elysium Now, a story

Started by rrooster, January 11, 2015, 05:05:46 PM

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This story is my take on the social experiment described here: https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=9056.0.

This is vanilla Rimworld.


Survivor log, day 1, planetside.

Wow, what a ride. To make a long story short I am alive. And free again.

The slaver ship ran into a mine off of some nameless rimworld and I managed to get into an escape pod before the whole thing exploded. I was joined by two others, Tony and Jon, both live cargo just like me.

We made a semi-rough landing on the planet surface, but are all okay. The air here is breathable and all in all the planet reminds me of Earth.

The evening sky is on fire due to all the fragments of the ship entering the atmosphere. Some cargo pods have landed intact and we've started to rummage through them for supplies and building material.

I don't know what survival chances we have long term, but this planet seems hospitable enough. There seem to be plenty of flora and fauna, and we've already located some derelict structures where we've set up shop at least temporarily. Among other things, we hope to get a drone airborne asap to get a better overview of the surroundings.

We also met a local tribesman. His name, as far as I can gather, is Trado. He was kind enough to take a picture of us with my camera, which took some damage on landing but still works.



Good job on the photos! This story shows promise. Well, at-least the photos in it do. We haven't really gotten any actual story yet, but considering how much time the photos probably took, I can guess that the story will be great, too.


Wow, awesome artwork!  And I like your intro.  More please!  :)


Survivor log, day 5

A lot has happened in the couple of days since we landed on this rock.

We struck gold! Literally. I was out looking for rock samples and lo and behold, I stumbled upon a wall of gold! I went to get my pickaxe and started working on extracting the stuff immediately.

We've also managed to get comms going, so the plan is to get the gold sold asap to fund further exploration efforts. As a result of our early luck, we have decided to build a proper outpost here.

We also got a drone off the ground and got our first bird's-eye view of the area. Using the first shot, I was able to start sketching some initial defensive lines that we will start working towards. Given the apparent lack of steel, Jon believes we should utilise indigenous rock as the main source of building material. So we will need to get a stonecutting operation going, which will be hard given our limited numbers. Speaking of which, Trado, the tribesman, is going to be staying with us for a period of time... as a guest. We have him stationed in a cavern for the time being, while I try to convince him to join our little operation on a more permanent basis.

We also just made contact with a combat supplier and bought a few additional weapons, as Trado has indicated there are rather hostile outposts nearby.

So, the immediate plan is clear. I am in charge of mining and construction, while Tony handles the crops. Jon cooks and, for the moment at least, continues scouting for and hauling useful stuff from the surrounding area. Additionally, as part of his scouting missions, he has started hunting the local wildlife to get a bit of variety into our diets.

I must say, the climate here is very agreeable, I hope this is true year-round.

There is some activity outside, I better go investigate. I'll try to add to this log whenever possible.



Survivor log, day 13

The first month is nearly over and time has gone by peacefully and industriously. Then today... there was a firefight.

As far as I can gather, a nearby pirate outpost had their scout try to sneak up on us, but Jon spotted him a good ways off and ran back to warn the rest of us.  While setting up a defensive perimeter inside one of the derelict buildings, the guys, Tony and Jon, somehow activated a bunch of long sleep sarcophagi that lay there under a ton of dust. So out came five clearly disoriented but fully-geared soldiers.

To our surprise they started to fight among themselves. First came angry words, then bullets. After observing the exchange for a while we decided to side with the party that had shown zero hostility towards us. With a few well-placed shots the hostiles were down. The hapless pirate scout also got involved but was soon down and wounded. We were able to capture him for later interrogation, along with two of the injured soldiers. The rest are dead. Our "guest house" of a cavern is overflowing, I am going to have my hands full tomorrow dealing with that bunch.

Jon did get a flesh wound as well, but Tony was quick to patch him up. Thankfully we've some medicine stored.

On more positive side of things, Trado has decided to join us and has already began to ponder how we can most effectively transform rough stone into sturdy walls.

It is only our 13th day here and this settlement has already been baptised in blood. That can't be good. Also, Trado joining us was not taken well by his tribe, so we need to keep our eyes and ears open for more trouble.

But for now, it's time for some well-earned shut-eye.


Pictured here: the boys with their toys. On a side note, I need to get this camera sorted out, or better yet, get my hands on a new one.