Disappearing pants, m16 and prisoner

Started by Serrate Bloodrage, December 12, 2014, 09:34:40 PM

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Serrate Bloodrage

Version 0.8.652

Items and prisoner disappearing.

I first noticed one of my initial pawns was getting upset so I checked their mood mods and one was that they were nude. Checked their equipment and saw they had no pants. Thought I had let the poor girl walk around pants-less since crash landing, so I put some pants on her and thought no more of it.
Someone joined the colony a few weeks later so I armoured them up and carried on, however they also had a mood drop (there was a lot of corpses around) so I checked how I could improve their situation and found he had lost his pants! (Both lost pants were synthread, not sure if that matters).
No issues for about 3 hours of play, then my main run and gunner's M16 is suddenly missing as I select her to engage the enemy.
And the final thing that happened was I created 2 new separate prison rooms to close my old mass prison. Not remembering how I get the warden to move the prisoners I turned all the sleep spots to medical only. The warden rolls down there and grabs one (I wasn't watching, some other crisis needed my attention (not an attack)) and when I look, only one of the prison rooms is occupied. The second prisoner just vanished.
I checked the whole map and he is nowhere ( I play on 2nd largest map).

Thanks for reading!

If only my colonist could have 'personal time' to reduced stress =D


This is scary but having had no other similar reports and no repro steps I'm not sure what we can do.

I very much hope you are running some mod that is screwing things up.
Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog

Serrate Bloodrage

Playing vanilla...was hoping I wasn't the only one getting this. Ill try a clean dload + new colony.

I had stopped playing and planned on waiting for next release, but if my game got corrupted somehow it might be that simple.
I wouldnt know how to reproduce it since it was happening at random as I played

If only my colonist could have 'personal time' to reduced stress =D


Afraid I'm going to have to add to this.

I just had a Light Machine Gun go poof on me in the middle of a firefight.

Not using any mods, and I'm playing on the largest map size. About half to two thirds of a way through the first year. I had three raiders drop down in the center of my town and drafted some people to take them out. They split up and spread out between the buildings of my town, so I sent my dedicated soldier (a deathjack with an M-24 ^-^ ) to take out one guy while two others, equipped with an M-16 and Light Machine Gun to take out another. While my sniper exchanged potshots with the first guy, my other two took out the second raider and I then relocated them to deal with the other two. While the guy with the M-16 took up his position and began firing on the third raider, my guy with the LMG went around to the other side of the building to flank the first raider engaging my sniper and then, if need be, flank the last raider. But my third colonist just stood there. I at first thought he was somehow automatically targeting the other raider, who wasn't in his LoS, so I right clicked the first raider and... no option to fire on. I then realised that the LMG he had had... vanished. Maybe he'd dropped it? Nope, it's not lying on the ground. The gun had just vanished into oblivion, randomly and with no explanation what-so-ever.

Absolutely baffled, I quickly scoured google but after five minutes of trying different variations of "rimworld weapon disappear/vanished/gone" I came here. This is the first and only mention of what has happened, so I guess it's not something very common.


After posting the above, I continued on with my game and was promptly set upon by not just a second attack, but a third, as well (Randy can be a real bugger at times). As I watched my colony burn to the ground, I decided to fall back to a previous save, just before the first attack. I then noticed something... odd.

Where before I had two LMGs, I now only had one in my stockpile. I can't say for sure if I had one to begin with or two, but I'm now wondering if perhaps somehow a second LMG had accidentally duped or glitched its way into my stockpile, and it was this faux LMG that I equipped. If this is the case, I'm wondering if perhaps its possible that it vanished because it was never there to begin with...


yall sure their hands/arms didn't get shot off OR did they EVER fall unconscious? Both will cause them to drop weapons. That really is freekish if their just vanishing. As for pants colonists do show up without them at times. Even when beginning a new colony. Sure you didn't just NOT notice it?
Only asking because I've never had anything like that happen... in more hours than I'm willing to admit lolz

Tynan's just yanking our chains and pirates really do steal stuff... including pants it seems  :o

EDIT: Now that I think about it I do seem to remember "loosing" weapons BUT it was after they where on the ground. I prolly just figured there was eventual despawn or "cleanup" on loads. But who knows... with all those trees it's sometimes hard to find your hand in front of your face. Ok I think my mysterious weapon disappearance was do to fire after they fell on the ground and I just didn't notice.

Hey Tynan, can't weapons also be destroyed by explosions? I'm talking while they're equipped? I noticed they do have "health" and I've seen it not be 100/100 before. Pretty sure I've seen it in red before. I may be loosing it. I'll pay attention next time the cents show up and blow the crap out of things.


If you have a fallen weapon on the ground during a firefight and it vanishes that's a strong indicator that it was destroyed from fire or an explosion. As for things going missing like clothes or pawns I have never experienced this.


Ok when screwing around with an OLD save on a new update I've been able to reproduce the "disappearing pawn" phenomena...(Yes I've been playing with an older version of A8 this entire time. This may explain why I've been experiencing very few bugs. Older version was possibly the more stable of the two)

Not even gonna call it a "bug" because obviously playing old saves on a new update is something you should avoid like the plague. 

Did ither of you guys update your game recently and use existing/old saves in the new update?

I'll definitely report any issues while playing this newer version on new games though. Should help narrow things down a bit.