War zone

Started by devon, December 14, 2014, 12:32:04 PM

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Hey Ludeon forums! So this is my first time posting here but I have played Rim World a good year and a half and have only one main complaint, which is colonists running out to complete tasks while combat is occurring. My solution is War Zones, areas that are designated to not be passed though during a combat instigation, or areas designated as safe zones, which tell the colonist AI to only complete tasks within this area, and to ignore other tasks, if a combat instance is occurring.


Safe zones are a good idea. I once had a cotton plantation in a separate building halfway to the edge of the map. Whenever a siege started, I had to lock the entrance to this building, because otherwise there was a chance my colonist will not make it back in time to protect the main base from assault, or he'll just be shot if the raiders camp is near the plantation.


as an alternative, i usually just lock the main entrance to my base after all of my drafted soldiers have exited. this keeps my brawlers and my non combatants safe and keep the base operational while my soldiers attack the enemy.