Sounds and textures not loading correctly.

Started by TheEpicNoob2014, December 28, 2014, 12:44:30 PM

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It says the following when I enable the mod I'm working on (please note that I have copy and pasted)  :

Could not load Unity.AudioClip at VanillaGuns_Sounds/Item/ThompsonM1A1Sound in any active mod or in base resources.

Grain couldn't resolve: Clip not found at VanillaGuns_Sounds/Item/ThompsonM1A1Sound

Can any1 help me please? I'm trying my best here (with what little knowledge I have of C#) and I would like to know how to resolve this.

        With kind regards,

Sometimes, I like to go and use my copy and paste skills.
And when I do, I get really excited. Wanna know why?

Because, for me, modding is awesome.


It says that the path to file you did write is wrong, check letters its a racist( dont remmber technical term :D) system and it see "I" and "i" as diffrent characters :D
All i do is clutter all around.


All i do is clutter all around.


I'm putting my money on the sound format. I tried mp3's and ogg's, but in the end I could only get wav files to work. Then, if you have XML similar to:

      <eventNames />
               <li Class="AudioGrain_Clip">

your wav file should live under:
