[M|0.0.254b] Beating up prisoners trains Shooting skill

Started by shokwave, November 08, 2013, 09:00:48 AM

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(This was in 0.0.250 too, just checked and it's still around)

When your warden delivers mild or violent beatings to a prisoner, their Shooting skill improves (by 45 per hit).

Start a new game, immediately build a prison cell, draft a colonist and arrest a fellow colonist.
Set the prisoner to receive mild or violent beatings.
Watch the Shooting skill on your warden's character page. When delivering the beatings, their Shooting skill will rise.

This happens whether or not the colonist has a gun equipped. Even someone who's never touched a gun in the entire game will have their shooting skill improve.

Expected: Their melee to improve instead, I guess?


good catch, and this should be easy enough to repro... im curious to see if it happens 1) in the latest build and 2) against a raider you capture, as opposed to one of your own

nice find though!


Just tested exactly that right now. On 0.0.254b it works on captured raiders too.


Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke