.657 Gameplay: Colonists Choosing to not Work Behind Closed Doors

Started by XrypticPyro, December 20, 2014, 11:02:09 PM

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I had built a base in the mountains and had a small turret defense at the front door as a first line of defense. When trouble would come, I would scurry everyone inside and undraft them after locking the door and unfortunately, while some who couldn't reach their usual tasks of Cooking, Growing, or Hauling, would start to clean here and there to show they will do something, others just stood there completely lost. They weren't stuck, they weren't forbidden, they cleaned when I commanded them to but only one tile and then would stop.

I thought perhaps they were trying to get outside to perform more primary tasks and I was partially correct. The bug I found seemed to exist within the "Clearing Snow" command. My colonists would have the status of Standing and I would try to bugfix them by draft/undraft and then it would change to Trying to Clear Snow. The bug of them not working behind closed doors seemed to be resolved by removing all the tasks of clearing snow from my map.

I can recreate the bug on my saves if additional information or help is needed.

After recreating the bug several more times, I discovered the conflict is not with all work but rather only with the "Cleaning" task. Colonists that are able to cook or grow if they have it available to them will continue to do so, however colonists that have dirty areas around them that can be cleaned (assuming they can only clean) will instead stand there attempting to clear the snow outside the locked door. If the area inside is entirely clean, the colonist will stand there attempting to clear snow rather than idling and wandering in place.



Tynan Sylvester - @TynanSylvester - Tynan's Blog