Rimworld traits and underlying code

Started by Lord Fappington, December 22, 2014, 06:23:53 PM

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Lord Fappington

Hi all,

I'm looking at some of the traits such as brawler and nudist.  They are conditional wherein the mood effect is dependent on something happening (e.g., a ranged weapon equiped or no clothes, respectively).  I don't see how this is coded in the xml file, so I have two questions I was hoping someone could answer (and bonus points of walking me through, use these two as examples).

1) where is the call to the underlying C++ code that scans for the condition to be met (or is there something elsewhere in the xml defs)?

2) If 2 is yes, there is underlying C++ code, how does one access it?  I have tried to open DLLs with two different IDEs (Netbeans and Eclipse with no such luck).

I must be new at this eh? :)

Thanks all for your help and patience!



You need ILspy to look at the Assembly-CSharp.dll