Tip: Making shivs out of plasteel (or gold)

Started by nuschler22, December 28, 2014, 11:39:35 AM

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I believe you need the Smithing table to do it (not sure if that's native or a mod, I have sooo many mods). 

Plasteel shivs only cost 10 (while gold costs 200). 

I would recommend your crafter be at least 10 or so to attempt it.

The great thing about the plasteel shiv is it only costs 10, but more importantly it's only 5 work at the moment.  So you can make a ton of them quickly.  Shoddy ones go for about 200 I believe while good ones go for more than 400 or so.  Which is a pretty good investment even if you're buying the plasteel from traders at 20 bucks a pop.

The gold shivs are a bit iffier.  If you have a ton of gold, it's better making them and selling them, then selling the gold outright.  From what I recall, the bad ones go for about 2000 while the good ones can get to 5000 or so.  So, if you sell 200 gold to an average trader, you'll be lucky to average over 10 silvers per gold selling.