Weapons and their stats?

Started by dzuari, December 29, 2014, 08:29:57 AM

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Is there any post or videos on understanding the weapons stats? There isn't much on the wiki, most of it is self explanatory but what exactly is warm up and cooldown?


warm up = aim time
cool down = delay after attack before they can move or start another.

Don't know if there's any resources available on the topic.


It is measured in ticks also 60 ticks is 1 second.
If a weapon have 120 ticks on warmup it means that before firing the first round(s), it takes 2 seconds.
After firing the rounds the cool down sets in. If the cool down is 90 ticks it means that it is 1.3 seconds befour the weapon is reloaded and the warmup starts again.
So betweed the first round(s) and the second round(s) it will take 3.3 seconds instead cause it take longer time to fire the second time due to the cooldown.


Systemwhise: If you mod a weapon to have 0 ticks warmup the weapon would fire instantly. And if you have 180 cooldown it should only reload for 3 seconds then fire again instantly cause the warmup is 0.

That's the description on how warmup and cooldown work and how it is used. Hope it awnsers the question.