Notifications System

Started by Loki88, December 29, 2014, 10:49:20 AM

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I'm curious as to how this system works and if anyone would know if it's possible to add in new notifications with out a whole lot of coding wizardry?

I'm referring to the little text notifiers that pop up on the right such as "hunter lacks weapon"

Any input is appreciated even if its just a point in the general direction I need to go.

CB elite

If you have ILSpy, you can take a look at the Assembly-CSharp.dll code, and you'll see all of the alerts in there :)

The "hunter lacks weapon" alert that you referenced uses a simple if/then statement.

In English, it basically says:

If a colonist is given the job of "Hunting", AND has no weapon then:

Alert the player that a hunter lacks a weapon


Obviously the code is slightly more sophisticated, but you get the idea :)


With this in mind, I imagine it's possible to add more notifications, but it would require said coding wizardry :(


Thank you CB elite   :D

I'm trying to add a check for colonists having their keys and have a notifier come up if they drop their key or just don't have one. Your answer definitely helps though my .DLL creation ability is still 0  :P

CB elite

Quote from: Loki88 on December 29, 2014, 01:01:52 PM
Thank you CB elite   :D

I'm trying to add a check for colonists having their keys and have a notifier come up if they drop their key or just don't have one. Your answer definitely helps though my .DLL creation ability is still 0  :P

Mine too :( All I know how to do right now is look at the code that's already been written :P