[MOD](Alpha 9) Lightsaber

Started by ehh713, December 31, 2014, 03:18:09 PM

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Lightsaber for A9

I made a lightsaber for A9 which can be constructed using stone or metals from the smithing bench, though it is costly and time-consuming. The original graphics for the lightsaber are from Sooner535's weapon pack for A7. I could not figure out how to use damage deflection as in A7, so hopefully in a later version this will be added.

Changelog: updated to A9 on 2-22-15
Sub Topic
The weapon gives the user increased armor to model deflection as well as increased movespeed and hit rate.

Author/Mod Team
ehh713, special thanks to Sooner535

attached to post

How to install:
- Unzip the contents and place them in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

[attachment deleted due to age]


Quote from: faltonico
I truly can't understand that sense of balancing a LOT of modders have, pouring more resources on something doesn't make it more difficult, but more annoying. It is not engaging, even if i'm swimming in silver at late game ¿why to bother?, why all the effort to get there?.


I crash to main screen when I sue this a prepare carefully. :/
Quote from: faltonico
I truly can't understand that sense of balancing a LOT of modders have, pouring more resources on something doesn't make it more difficult, but more annoying. It is not engaging, even if i'm swimming in silver at late game ¿why to bother?, why all the effort to get there?.


Thanks for pointing it out. I had tried to set apparel info and it threw an error.

The new version loads fine with prepare carefully :)


YAY!! Uh did you know it replaces the long sword?
Quote from: faltonico
I truly can't understand that sense of balancing a LOT of modders have, pouring more resources on something doesn't make it more difficult, but more annoying. It is not engaging, even if i'm swimming in silver at late game ¿why to bother?, why all the effort to get there?.


Nope! good call though.... I will try to fix and upload new version before too long

Edit: OK fixed that problem, now longswords and lightsabers coexist.

I am still trying to figure out how to get the prices of the lightsabers to scale with material cost more effectively.... more updates to follow but the bugs should be worked out now


I agree besides everything is expensive (I wanna say keep it under 4,000 but I know it should be around 8,000) so the long you put of working on it the better lol
Quote from: faltonico
I truly can't understand that sense of balancing a LOT of modders have, pouring more resources on something doesn't make it more difficult, but more annoying. It is not engaging, even if i'm swimming in silver at late game ¿why to bother?, why all the effort to get there?.


I fixed your topic to match the community standard :)
Evul Out!


Thanks Evul!

Yeah, the cost is about right, naybe a little cheap for the stone materials, but it doesn't currently scale with material as the other craftable weapons do (e.g. gold spear is ~21k silver, lightsaber only is 3ish k) ... perhaps it is because the material amount is higher, but I have not figured it out yet. I  hope to add a sound effect on use, and the spark that armor makes, and a replacement for "DamageDeflection" from A7,  I just need to figure out what code I would use for that.

It also wouldnt kill me to require some metal and uranium in addition to the base materials, but i dont know how to do that either. I was happy to see the color of the lightsaber changing based on material though :)

If anyone has comments or feedback I'm happy to hear it.


my only problem with uranium is how to obtain it ( I do agree it should be required tho :[ ) since you can only get it either by buying it (and that is up to the ai to give you a trader that sells it.) or by tearing down cryosleep bods (non ship) yeah gold costs more because of the cost of the material lol.
Quote from: faltonico
I truly can't understand that sense of balancing a LOT of modders have, pouring more resources on something doesn't make it more difficult, but more annoying. It is not engaging, even if i'm swimming in silver at late game ¿why to bother?, why all the effort to get there?.


You obtain uranium via trailer, airdrop or via the cyopods :)
Not a hard resources to obtain :)


via trailer? whats that? (no sarcasm I really want to know) btw I found out you can make lightsabers out of uranium.
Quote from: faltonico
I truly can't understand that sense of balancing a LOT of modders have, pouring more resources on something doesn't make it more difficult, but more annoying. It is not engaging, even if i'm swimming in silver at late game ¿why to bother?, why all the effort to get there?.


You can make them out of uranium, but I have yet to figure out how to require multiple types of materials. Of course, this would only add to the difficulty, but they should be complex to make.


Who the hell said Darth Vader wouldn't arrive on a rim planet!?
B20A TD05-16g 276hp. Daily driven.


i had a little plasteel left over due to too many mechanoid-raids, so i made a lightsaber out of it (you know just for fun, not planning to actually send one of my guys into melee combat against cetipedes^^) and my crafter made it legendary... that thing is worth 100k silver, cant even sell it, because no traders carry anywhere near that much^^

oh and i suppose it's extremely powerful and quick, but as i said, melee against centipedes is pretty much suicide, and i don't get any humanoid raids anymore, released too many prisoners for favor