The game concepts from the Dead Space

Started by garaman, November 09, 2013, 01:46:29 PM

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Imagine that our colonists during an excavation have met a monolith from the dead space!
Also the chaos and panic will begin. Our people are compelled to supervise a colony:
- from the risen creatures that had appeared from the dead bodies;
- they have to look for an exit from a colony to rescue or to destroy a planet...;
- to utilize corpses (for obvious reasons);
- to wait for the help (even from raiders).
And so on....
I hope that i transferred my thoughts correctly. ;)
The big fan of this game!
From Russia whith Love! :)


not... such a terrible idea.. It cant be dead space thou... but.

let me see if I can translate this into something usefull
an event for this.

your colony has gotten into contact with an extrange life form.
some of the dead arise as mutants hunting for others.

they will attack from everywhere forcing you to keep your defenses up almost at all time.
a bit like a siege mode, you can lock up blocks of your base, so the enemy cannot advance.

you must destroy the bodies of the infected before they come back to attack the survivors.

there wouldnt be cure except for complete anahilation of the enemy.
if you can imagine it I can build it with pixels.
if I cant well then imagine something else.


No Zombies... please... I beg you.
Why every flippin game needs to have zombines?!
Self-sustaining colony with hydroponic glasshouses.