Cooking tweaks

Started by AlyfoxLP, January 21, 2015, 07:36:36 PM

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I'm looking for a mod that tweaks the amount of raw mats needed for preparing meals; I havn't been playing Rimworld long, but feel that 10 mats needed for a meal is unbalanced in the wrong direction.. 5-6 seems more reasonable, for example.


Funnily, I think simple meals of 10 ok though, i think fine meal should be 15 and the as they progress they should increase to meet a set "nutrient value" rather then grab 1 crappy monky meal and then 9 potatoes for a fine meal, wtf right thats not a balanced meal at all and the colonists eat this meals all the time. After 4-5 months they'd have kidney failure and malnutrition issues...

> All meals require 10 "material amount" though depending of the ingredients you get different "nutrient value".
> Just create a 3x3 per colonist growing zone for a dedicated grower and you'll be all good. Build a 5x5 freezer to sort 250 meals for winter and then a second freezer if you need it for additional meals and material storage.
Yes another god damn youtuber.