Pawn mood bonus for free standing dwellings

Started by kingtyris, February 01, 2015, 09:05:58 PM

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I notice I tend to build my colonies as efficient single structure dwellings with a honey comb of rooms and utility areas, but wouldn't pawns be happier if they got not only their own room, but their own little cottage to themselves? A bed and maybe a table with a chair, unconnected to the rest of the colony except by power conduits. Would give incentive for a little architectural variety.


I like the idea, it is a way to bring colonies out of the rocks yet still balance out the extra mood bonus with additional resource costs, the only problem i can see is how awkward this would be to carry out.

What would the bonus be called?
What exactly makes it a stand alone house? furniture? blocks away from a wall? sounds glitchy....

Johnny Masters

I'd give a +5 bonus. Qualification could be a a room with the assigned bed and no other rooms+assigned bed(s) connected.

sharing a room with a friend: -2 or 0
sharing a room with a loved one: +5
sharing a room with a neutral colonist: -3 per colonist up to -15
sharing a room with someone i dislike: -5
sharing a room with a new colonist: -10
sharing a room with a recently converted ex-raider/tribal: -20

i mean, people usually don't mind sharing a house with friends, family or loved ones, and given the circunstances, sharing a room with friends shouldnt be that bad, but sleeping right next to someone who was shooting you a couple of days ago should be really scary.