Why minified installation does not work properly?

Started by Latta, February 04, 2015, 04:26:06 AM

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I was trying to make a turret minified like a piece of abstract sculpture so that I can move it freely rather than completely deconstruct it. By inheriting from Building_TurretGun and copy&paste Building_Arts code it works well, making a turret from a minified one. Except the original package(minified thing) remains. Which means, I can install a bunch or more turrets from just one source turret package. Hilarious.

The error log with it gives me something related to Verse.AI, saying Failed to give resource to (constructed turret). It explains why the package still remains. But it doesn't explain why arts just work well with minify system. There is a class called MinifyUtility which seems to DeSpawn the package when InnerBuilding is spawned, and one of problems is that I cannot see where it is being called.
Maybe it's in a [DebuggerHidden] GetCommands() method in a class MinifiedThing?

Well, all I found was a quote from Shinzy:
Quote from: Shinzy on January 30, 2015, 02:15:34 PM
I tried to make a mod that would of added those minified decorations and furniture so there could be tons of different kinds without them cluttering up the furniture/decor tabs like crazy
but my rare super plant pot only plopped errors when installed and then even duplicated itself
and the colonists wouldn't consider my chair as a chair at all and sit on it after being installed


That's a classic example of Shinzy being right on the case without understanding a thing!

with the flowerpot I got the same error as you described
and chair I got working all proper and nice by just leaving it as building_art
and then obviously expected it to work as a chair cause I'm craaaaazy blaaarghblablablarg

All I can say is it's somehow tied to be building class thing
But I feel you already knew this bit so I'm practically just bumping up the thread ;D Go me!
imma just go go away now! *slips down a sewage drain sluuurpprlprprlplrpl*