Complexity of Assembly modding

Started by Nitrodev, July 19, 2016, 10:43:21 AM

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Hi there, i'm an aspiring modder and a wiki contributor and since i bought the game and started modding it (only 2 days ago), there has been one question on my mind: How complex can Assembly modding get? so far i've only modded with XML and it's been quite nice and easy, but since i (at some point) would like to learn more complex modding (Assembly) i want to know exactly how far i could get with it.

Thanks for any answers i get and sorry for any typos.
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With no dependencies, your C# can be fairly complex within certain constraints.

If you make use of CCL and it's classes, extention methods and detours, it can be as complex as you can pull off.
(2*b)||!(2*b) - That is the question.
There are 10 kinds of people in this world - those that understand binary and those that don't.

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stay away from unsafe and native and you will be fine.

Fluffy (l2032)

Nitro, your only limit is the amount of time you're willing to spend.

More realistically, you're limited by what is available in Mono/C# 3.5*. You can make use of the entire C# 3.5 spec, which basically means everything is possible. I've done force directed graphs, I know of someone doing an ingame chat client, and another trying to add multiplayer aspects.

You can add any system or dependency you want. Go mad!

*: Realistically, larger projects that add for example chat or multiplayer will need to use premade libraries. This is sometimes an issue, as many will only be available in different (newer) C# specs, or depend on proprietary Microsoft additions to the spec (so not in Mono).