[A13] Combat Realism v.1.6.5 (08.05.16) Final release

Started by NoImageAvailable, January 29, 2015, 12:27:41 PM

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There is a bug related to load outs creating permanent hauling loops in some cases. I haven't 100% isolated it but the game throws:
    Pawn started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. lastJobGiver=, curJob.def=Wait, curDriver=Verse.AI.JobDriver_Wait
Initially observed it when I had a load out consisting of a simple meal, swapping to an empty load out broke the cycle.


Quote from: jaynus on August 03, 2016, 08:50:10 PMThis seems to be the new default value from the core mod as well; so either its globally incorrect in vanilla base game, or it [the value] does something else.

You're right, I had wrongly assumed this was a CR-specific field.

Quote from: skyarkhangel on August 04, 2016, 01:59:17 AM
Thanks all for support :) I appreciate it very much.
Now, let's make patches for CR! Also CR Defence needs update. It such easy to update.
I'm still busy with Hardcore SK pack, its almost ready. Dont forget to propose changes into Github.

I just updated and tested CR Defence, if you wanna save yourself the time to fix it. Everything seems to be working, except turrets can't force-target the ground or certain objects like chunks. I don't think that's something that can be fixed in XML, though. :P

I looked into making a pull request in your GitHub, but maybe this should have its own project to keep the files separate, seeing as it's an addon? Anyway, I'll leave the files here and you do what you want with them: CR Defence


Quote from: Vek17 on August 04, 2016, 06:05:19 AM
There is a bug related to load outs creating permanent hauling loops in some cases. I haven't 100% isolated it but the game throws:
    Pawn started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. lastJobGiver=, curJob.def=Wait, curDriver=Verse.AI.JobDriver_Wait
Initially observed it when I had a load out consisting of a simple meal, swapping to an empty load out broke the cycle.

It's normal if item that you want to load extends your bulk/weight limits. Then Pawn will drop because he's over encumbered and he will try to grab it again because he has room in inventory. But I don't think it throw any errors, maybe it's related to formula that prevents example that I described.

EDIT: I think that job "hauling with backpack" is causing it for me, but I don't remember it's also from CR, originally it was from Tools for haul mod and I have installed it to. When I remove priority from this job my Pawn goes to do other things.


I'm seeing Centipedes and scythers take full damage from weapons they shouldn't be taking damage from in the first place.  The built in armor doesn't seem to work at all.


Hi, thanks for the update but the EPOE comp patch seems to be for A12 ? Is there some kind of solution or do i have to choose between the 2 mods?


I cannot find where to post bugs on Github, sorry.

Bug 1: When animals are maddened they do not attack humans.

Bug 2: When raiders try to steal what they can when raiding, they stand still and pick up and drop the item as they cannot pick up what they are trying to steal as it is too much for them to carry.



I've been testing the A13 EPOE combat realism patch using A14 EPOE and A14 Combat Realism. From what I've gathered this far, by killing of over 100 people with miniguns and stuff in development mode, the EPOE patch MIGHT actually work for A14 already. I need a better tester to actually confirm this though, as I'm quite inexperienced.

When it comes to Biotics, it seems like attacks hit the biotics as expected, and causes no bleeding from what I've gathered. The thing with biotics is that it seems like the biotic part is hit without telling where the body part is hit. I don't remember if this is intended or not.

I hope this helps the modders in a small fashion. I'm gonna try to run som tests on the missing fragments from the fragmentation grenades and HE shells as well. I'm kinda using this to learn basic modding, so my hopes is that I can find my answers somewhere in the .xml files.

Also, thank you Skyark and Skullywag for your continued service of the modding community. You guys are great.


EPOE Comp. Patch is only an modification to human body parts that adds more HP and "hit probability" for organs (you can use it even without CR, probably even without EPOE) it should be compatible with alpha 14 release of CR, I'm using it and it works.  Just change in about.xml <targetVersion>Alpha 12</targetVersion>  to  <targetVersion>Alpha 14</targetVersion> and it shouldn't bother you with ver. conflict.


Combat realism seems to break animal aggression. Wild animals do not aggress when shot (they do aggress when melee'd but will not chase if you leave melee range), mad animals act no different then normal animals and manhunter packs do not attack (they spawn then sit near the edge of the map wandering).

This is on a clean install with just Community Core and Combat Realism.


I'm not sure what's going on exactly, but far as I can see, mortars flat out don't work with this mod, which kind of kills sieges. A bunch of 81mm mortars drop with the siege, with the sprite for charge rifles, but they can't be clicked directly, and right-clicking with a pawn only allows the option to equip it. Once equipped, it seems like it functions as a weapon, but if unequipped it's stuck in your inventory until equipped again, and if dropped while equipped, it vanishes.

Tested with just core, CCL, and Combat Realism loaded, so I'm pretty sure it's CR doing it. Don't see any obvious way to fix it, so, brought it here.

(I've also noticed the issues with animal aggression, just to throw in my own anecdotal evidence on that)

Diana Winters

Quote from: Tai on August 04, 2016, 11:19:56 PM
I'm not sure what's going on exactly, but far as I can see, mortars flat out don't work with this mod, which kind of kills sieges. A bunch of 81mm mortars drop with the siege, with the sprite for charge rifles, but they can't be clicked directly, and right-clicking with a pawn only allows the option to equip it. Once equipped, it seems like it functions as a weapon, but if unequipped it's stuck in your inventory until equipped again, and if dropped while equipped, it vanishes.

Tested with just core, CCL, and Combat Realism loaded, so I'm pretty sure it's CR doing it. Don't see any obvious way to fix it, so, brought it here.

(I've also noticed the issues with animal aggression, just to throw in my own anecdotal evidence on that)

Not to mention that you get a shit ton of errors whenever a mortar shell explodes


I didn't actually try to fire the mortar, so I didn't see that myself, but yeah, that sounds like something's broken badly.


Quote from: Tynan on August 03, 2016, 11:53:08 AM
Awesome to see this coming back. Thanks skyark!
You should totally just add this to the base game.

EDIT: Can someone tell me what this    <specialDisplayRadius>40</specialDisplayRadius> does?

Quote from: Gizogin on March 16, 2012, 11:59:01 PM
I think I've been sigged more times as a result of my comments in this thread than I have in most of my other activity on these forums. 


Quote from: Reviire on August 05, 2016, 01:52:29 AM
Can someone tell me what this    <specialDisplayRadius>40</specialDisplayRadius> does?

Isn't that displayed min range, also sunlamp radius?
EDIT: Yes, sunlamp has it to.


Quote from: Diana Winters on August 05, 2016, 12:15:49 AM

Not to mention that you get a shit ton of errors whenever a mortar shell explodes
The crapton of errors also spring into existance when something different explodes. Like a firefoam explosion by which i intended to cheat an engine from crashlanded free of fire.