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Messages - BoogieMan

General Discussion / Re: Guard animals for farm animals
February 08, 2018, 08:07:09 PM
I've tried, but no luck. No shepherd dogs for you. Animals don't seem to perceive anything that doesn't happen to them directly outside of being told to attack. Even then I sometimes have issues getting them to attack hostile animals.
Did I miss the description of what this actually does somewhere? Is it just a collection of other mods?
General Discussion / Re: What was that Iron mod again???
February 08, 2018, 07:57:40 PM
The fact that most of the metals you find are stated to be "compacted" I always assumed it was from previous constructions over the years. Failed colonies/civilizations, crashed ships, etc. Given the game year is 5500, a lot of stuff has happened.
General Discussion / Re: Manhunter Pack Overpowered?
February 05, 2018, 06:20:01 PM
My colony once got attacked by 66 Boomalopes.

As has been said, just lock up and stay inside if you can't deal with it. That's your best bet. So long as you don't get their attention they should eventually leave.
Sounds very ambitious, going from just hitting beta to 1.0 in one update.

I've had a lot of fun with Rimworld, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it evolve even further.
I have trouble making much real use of non resource animals, period. Haygrass seems to grow so slow and it gets eaten so fast. Unless you're on a map with a very long growing season it seems too troublesome to me to really make use of it until the colony is well established, and at that point it's not as useful as it would have been earlier on.

I thought to use combat capable pets to guard my animal trainers as they go out in the field for when training goes awry but either they aren't close enough (even when set to follow during said activity) or if they are they don't seem to defend their master from wild animals. I'll click the release command and they don't really seem to behave differently in this situation. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it's never really worked out well.

In actual combat they don't seem to be much more than cannon fodder. They usually just get mowed down by enemies and friendly fire.

They don't seem to provide much comfort or happiness for just being around, yet their loss can be a very harsh penalty. so all in all if they don't produce a resource then they feel mostly like a resource drains without a lot of payoff.

How to make them better? Well the grass growth getting fixed should help, assuming it grows fast enough to allow longer term grazing. This isn't all specifically combat focused, but here is my feedback:

1. Reducing friendly fire would help. Or at least have people try to target the target they believe has the lowest chance of resulting in friendly fire (while still a decent chance of hitting desire target) instead of just what is closest without regard for what is in between. They also wander around too much when told to follow someone while drafted. Possibly hitting traps and getting in the way and getting shot before the enemy is close enough to be given an attack order.

2. Tweaking animal food requirements, maybe increasing haygrass growth rates or environmental tolerance? Maybe research that lets you crossbreed crops with local plants to increase yield and resilience? That'd be nifty.

3. Animal armor and shield belts/collars/harnesses etc.

4. Hunting animals. When a hunted animal goes down the hunting pet, if large enough, rushes in for the kill and carries it back. Otherwise it waits behind the hunter ready to protect them from harm.

5. Colonists can snuggle with friendly animals for warmth if needed.

6. Less of a mood hit for pet death, if they died heroically defending the colony instead of some other random pointless demise.

7. The more intelligent animals being able to be trained to go to a specific zone when the alarm is sounded would be nice. People too.

8. Not just for animals, but it would be nice to be able to set a colony alert state that prevents people from leaving safety for mundane jobs if they aren't drafted, while combining with number 7 above. Assigning posisitions of your soldiers could be better. How about Danger: go to your assigned area (for combatants) and (stay inside) for non combatants.
I imagine it probably will see a lot more at 1.0, some people avoid early access/in development games like the plague.

Check it before and after 1.0 and see.

Playtime is impressive compared to a lot of games I searched too.

When related to hunting and not in actual combat, very much yes.
General Discussion / Re: How large should bedrooms be?
January 11, 2018, 05:08:32 PM
5x5 has worked for me for quite awhile. Wood permitting, I usually build double beds for each room so when they hook up with someone you don't have to bother with new construction.
I haven't seen any relations yet either.

They were far too common in A17, but now I don't see them at all. From one extreme to the other, but I'm much more okay with this way of doing it.
General Discussion / Re: The best Caravan request ever
December 29, 2017, 01:36:28 AM
I just had one request human leather...
Bugs / This is no time for a party! (A18)
December 25, 2017, 11:25:06 PM
Doing gear cleanup and launch pod construction after raiding a base. Limited time available. Bodies everywhere.


But this is not a good time, but I don't see any way to cancel it and have to babysit their every move until it ends to get things done in time.
Perhaps parties should not be thrown by people not at a colony?
I can't get anyone to stay away from traps, and they keep triggering them and hurting themselves. Both my own people and traders and so forth.

I go out of my way to discourage pathing over them, even trying to path avoid mod, but they are insisting on climbing over sandbags and over the traps time and time again. It's not unusual that defensive positions need to be constructed in places where there is probably going to be some foot traffic.

The worst is the visitors. They will literally stop their carvan in the middle of them and start strolling about, constantly getting injured and wasting my resources.

So, please... Could the little brains of non-hostile people be educated on the dangers of traps and why they are to be avoided? Also their eagerness to crawl over sandbags instead of walking another 3 tiles around should perhaps be looked at as well.

General Discussion / Re: [B18] New Mental Breaks
December 19, 2017, 04:52:26 PM
That does seem a bit overkill.. Not looking forward to that one.

I take issue with the current system as well. People can go downhill way too fast, just off of little things. I don't like my room. It's hot. I had a bad dream. I ate without a table. Better go murder some chickens! It would be nice if the more severe breaks only triggered off of real trauma, not just having a bad day or two.

I could see someone freaking out when a loved one died or something significant, but a series of minor negatives should really only have such consequences after a longer period of time dealing with them.

Pawns are too much of delicate little snowflakes. Horrible penalties for bad moods, and other than less a chance of someone going on a murderous rampage, very little in the way of reward for having happy people.
General Discussion / Re: Should Predators Ignore Gunshots
December 18, 2017, 06:39:48 AM
Maybe they just attack whatever enemy is closest, even if it's not hurting them.