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Messages - Disnof

General Discussion / Re: To RNG or not to RNG
July 21, 2018, 01:57:47 AM
I came to RimWorld because I love the aspect of do x and y or z will kill you, with RNG thrown into it.

Ex. try building more out of stone or a raider with molotovs will come burn everything, but maybe molotovs never show up so a wooden base could survive sometimes but not usually.
Ex. try your best to get a sniper rifle/mortars early or a mech ship will be hell.

The game currently has a few things in it (being one-shot in the best armor, because RNG) that the player can do little to nothing about. When you get destroyed by a raid that was too strong you can try to learn from the situation and improve. But, when someone just dies because RNG, then most people are just left with savescum. The game really does need ways to hurt the player for those up-and-down, but the more uncontrollable it is the less enjoyable the whole experience is. I would think that a system of risk management would be better than better luck next time/reload.

Although no mater how detailed a game is people will try to min/max it, and will find the best way to win. Having RNG come in and just say NO hes dead goodluck seems to be the best way to spices things up. So you shouldn't abandon a good part of what rim is just try to balance it with frustrating the player.
General Discussion / Re: Weapon time span
November 27, 2017, 02:32:28 AM
Vanilla weapons are perfectly balanced, adding any more could easily break that. 

Every other patch in the last while has added a new gun.
General Discussion / Re: B18 Performance ?
November 27, 2017, 02:28:50 AM
Not sure why people are saying it got worse. My guess is its their mods. Vanilla B18 is a large improvement from A17 for older colonies. In A17 the social system would lag any colony older than 3 years, this has been fixed.

Also in general there have been a few updates in the past that have also helped, many performance mods are no longer needed.
Video / [B18] From Beginning To End. Cassandra Extreme
November 27, 2017, 01:53:31 AM
Crash landed group gets to space with the new ship journey event on cassandra extreme. ~8hrs
How is random destruction by mother nature not perfect for RimWorld?

Must keep tornado!
It is a sandbox base builder game. You do what you want. All I can say is they have a mod for that.
Now you expect a video game to respect the laws of thermodynamics? Yes free power baby :)
Can we have no pride in finding THE BEST SET UP?

I wouldn't put my butcher table in the same room as my cooking thats barbaric! The butcher table is dirty and butchering now causes blood!

Who says you need everything optimal? I haven't used a kill box in about a month. Sometimes optimal is boring.
Ideas / Spacer Tier Starting Scenario
November 24, 2017, 05:57:02 AM
People are complaining that the space ship is to hard to build. It takes too long to research and costs to much resources.

A simple solution for this could be a spacer starting scenario option and adding new research to help obtain resources and refine them.  The spacers would easily get this new tech to aid in getting the ship faster, while tribal and colonist scenarios would remain the same as the added research for the new stuff wouldn't be worth it for them.
Ideas / Re: Apparel to Textile conversion
November 24, 2017, 05:40:12 AM
There is a mod for that, a few in fact :)
Ideas / Re: Support for tundra tribal starts
November 24, 2017, 05:37:53 AM
Tribal should have ability to make parka imo.
General Discussion / Re: B18 disease rate higher?
November 24, 2017, 05:33:51 AM
Did you have prisoners? they count for the disease events, up to half of the colony can get it. There is now a stat for frequency of disease on each tile on the map screen.
Well that is just what part of the meta of rimworld is, base layout is extremely important. Someone new will struggle with certain aspects of the game until they figure it out and set their base up differently.

Take cooking "WTF i need 4 cooks to feed 20 people?" Then they set things up different and bam 1 guy is feeding 20. "Why is my guy bleeding to death isn't the medic on it??" maybe build a medic room with medicine in it so the medic doesn't run 20 miles for it.

I am not sure what you want there is a game called Factorio. It bring the stuff to you on belts.. is that what you want? If so I think they got a mod for that...
General Discussion / Re: Devmode Speed '4'
November 23, 2017, 04:18:11 PM
About the only thing you will do on accident with dev mode is turn on god mode. It is a button at the top right and I sometime hit it while trying to click on one of the pawns icons.