ThingComp.GetDescriptionPart madness

Started by notfood, July 19, 2016, 11:26:37 PM

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I'm working on updating Infusion for a14 and... I'm almost there. I've hit this roadblock and after a digging through the code really hard, this is over my head, I decided to call for help. So here I am.

I have this issue, the Information button in the Gear tab seems to be calling a different function from the one called when the item is on the ground.

What do I have to override instead?

I feel it's calling the generic instead of the item itself.


Well, looks like I found the culprit...

Happens in vanilla as well, no mods loaded.

It's calling the generic, not the one in the map.

I can't fix this. orz

Fluffy (l2032)

You're probably correct. The gear tab is calling the info window with the item's def, while it should call it with the actual item. This is a bug by the way, go report it if you haven't already ;).

There's three things you can do;

  • Wait for Tynan to fix it.
  • Detour the part of ITab_Pawn_Gear that prints the list of items
  • Replace the entire ITab_Pawn_Gear

edit; Also, Latta has been active again lately, I assume you talked with her about updating the mod?