[A11b] Prison Improvements v1.1 updated by kexici

Started by Wastelander, February 05, 2015, 01:53:42 AM

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Mod Help! The basics on how to download mods!


If the Prison Improve mod off then is the Zombie Virus active if the mod is on then the zombie virus don,t work


QuoteJust in case you interested. It seems that i know what's the problem with sec cameras rotation.
one key press turns camera. But there is 4 directions. And in texture atlas you have only 2 textures. Camera actually rotates on each key press, but we just don't see it, cause for top and left(just a guess it may as well be top and right or smthng) textures are similar.

Yeah, the problem I run into is there's 3 textures ('front', 'back' and 'side'), but side gets flipped to be the graphic for two different sides. I couldn't figure out a way to make the camera go left-right-left-right with that setup - the best I can do is left-left-right-right. I might be able to work around this with a custom graphic class, but I just haven't invested the time in that yet.

QuoteI'm having an issue. In my new colony I have a prison are with a named camera, but there's no option to haul the prisoner.
Looks like you've got another UI mod in there (colonist icons mod?). They are probably incompatible, at least the feature that allows for prisoner transfer. The rest of the mod should still work fine.

QuoteIf the Prison Improve mod off then is the Zombie Virus active if the mod is on then the zombie virus don,t work

Pretty surprised to hear that... but yeah given the huge number of mods there are for this game, I can't guarantee none will interfere with each other  :( This should be much more compatible if it gets rolled into one of the mod packs like Epyks.

If you guys do have details about what's breaking, I can probably invest some time in making this mod more compatible.


It conflicts with the zombie mod because both mods use the Races_Humanoid.


I have another issue: http://puu.sh/g9hpp/c4a7095d23.jpg

Dude does go out in the yard, but doesn't lose the debuff. On mouseover the area says "unroofed", not "outside". Is that the reason? If so, how do I fix it?


I did a rough sizing of that yard you've got and it looks like 26x9 - slightly short of the 300 unroofed tiles required to lose cabin fever. Could you try enlarging it a bit?

Although now I think about it, I might be able to manually remove the cabin fever thought instead of requiring a huge yard and letting the core code remove it. I'll put that on my list for an updated version of this mod.


I actually managed to make it work. It wouldn't work with an "unroofed" area, but I expanded it a bit more (made a roofed room, set it to no roof and broke the walls between them) and it became outdoors, removing the debuff.

But yeah, having the debuff directly removed would be easier.


Issues aside, I absolutely love this mod. Really love it. I hope we see more prison-related stuff from you!

Prison Architect in Rimworld when

Razul Antiwield

I do not mean to be rude but, where is the download button? I swear it is not right infront of me.


Quote from: Razul Antiwield on February 24, 2015, 02:54:38 AM
I do not mean to be rude but, where is the download button? I swear it is not right infront of me.
Click the attachment links at the bottom

Razul Antiwield


HEy, like the mod. However the shape of the prison doors bugged me a little. I changed your textures and made the door a little smaller as to match the other doors in the game. If you like maybe you can put it in your next update.
Im no modder, just helping where i can .

[attachment deleted due to age]


Thanks for the images! I'm no artist, so I'm happy to incorporate anything that looks better than my attempts. I'll test those images out and I'm assuming I'll use them in the next version of the mod.


Quote from: hsoden on February 22, 2015, 03:31:47 AM
weres the download button i have looked for about an hour now and i cant find it

at the very bottom of the mod post, you will see a tiny scrollable window
there are the downloads

funny fact: it took me over 10 minutes to realize that


cant seem to transfer prisoners. made 2 rooms, both have cameras, "the lab" and "the stables" both prisoners have no legs so they cant walk on their own, and my wardens are not moving them.


Maybe PI can be compatible with Zombie Apocalypse by simple fix?
As far as I can see, this mod overrides pawn to display its own ITab instead of vanila one. So if I put the ITab to Zombie Apocalypse's pawn definition, well.
Just a guess now, but I may try it at least if you and Justin C don't mind...