Rest Until Healed + Plague = just a suggestion

Started by guardian504, April 04, 2017, 05:55:36 PM

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Getting close to the wire 3 colonists all with the plague, treated only with herbal meds bc I don't have medicine at the moment. Two of them keep leaving their beds as I'm trying to treat them. I set their bed rest priority to 1, I assigned them to sleep for 24 hours, I even turned off the TV's (because I read on reddit that there might be a bug with TV's in hospitals). Still my gosu NA space-bar micro was barely enough.

It's 7 am, Lambert, Howell and Dax are all hovering around 80-90% immunity but the severity is less than 1% behind on each of them and gaining. I know if they don't get treatment, the severity ticker will pass the immunity ticker. I've got a lvl 10 doctor night owl Toni and a lvl 10 doctor Fugly (yes that name was game generated lol) who treats during the day. Onesan is lvl 3 doctor, but he is only helping with feeding.

So these are my actions:

Order Lambert to "Rest until healed."
Order Toni to treat Lambert.
Order Dax to "Rest until healed."
Order Fugly to treat Dax.
Lambert gets up to go do some research.
Dax gets up to do some mining.
Howell likes me and keeps sleeping.
Order Lambert to "Rest until healed."
Order Toni to treat Lambert.
Order Dax to "Rest until healed."
Order Fugly to treat Dax.
Lambert gets up to go do some research.
Dax gets up to do some mining.
Howell likes me and keeps sleeping.

Rinse and repeat.

I start making adjustments (priorities, sleep schedule, etc...), for some reason Lambert acquiesced and gets treated. But Dax is being a complete turd. I finally have to arrest him, which he resists, but my colonists kick his ass and stick him in prison where he is finally treated. I get them all treated right at the 90% mark. They barely get immunity before the disease overwhelms them.

Sooooo.... "Rest until healed." is that just a suggestion? Why did Dax feel the need to mine when clearly he could have been 6 feet under within a few hours? More importantly, when he is assigned to sleep, assigned to bed-rest, and asked to rest until healed, while the plague is giving him 60% pain and he's like 3% away from losing his ability to walk anyway, why does he think "Hey, some spelunking would be nice!"???


Did you check his "restrict" tab settings?  If he has an orange "work" block set he'll get up and run around doing stuff even if you've ordered him to rest until healed.
If you give an annoying colonist a parka before banishing him to the ice sheet you'll only get a -3 penalty instead of -5.

And don't forget that the pirates chasing a refugee are often better recruits than the refugee is.


Quote from: Shurp on April 04, 2017, 10:59:02 PM
Did you check his "restrict" tab settings?

Yes, I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. By sleep schedule, I mean that I restricted her to "sleep" for 24 hours.

However I think I figured this one out.

Dax is a female messenger with bloodlust, careful shooter, and jealous. I wonder if it has something to do with jealousy. I have yet to lay sterile tile in the hospital. I could probably afford to make it a bit larger as well.

And then I checked out Lambert. He too has a jealousy trait. That will teach me to read more carefully.

That means my story above was not about a bug. That really happened. Oneson and Fugly had to beat up a woman with the plague because she was jealous of her sleeping arrangements.


Set bed rest to highest priority.
Make sure no work is scheduled in their timetable.