Just some jazz that I think should be implemented

Started by sonicwolf, December 13, 2015, 04:53:07 AM

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Okay so I already posted these ideas and all in the mod request section but that doesn't mean they HAVE to be for mods, these things can be implemented. Hopefully not too difficult to implement but what the hell do I know, I just do the ideas, drawing, and writing.
Here it is anyway:
In the game I greatly enjoy the little treasure boxes of ruins with cryosleep caskets in them, and/or mechanoids, plus the whole, "you can't see a damn thing past this wall, break it down to find out," intrigues me in like every way, I want to see what's inside, so, I break the wall down, of course if there's a door I'll use the door because I'm not the Kool-Aid guy. Anyway I want a city map and/or an option in the 'advanced' section when you select your map where it allows you to pick the amount of ruins you want there to be, which can be ranging all the way up to Ludeonicrous if you guys at Ludeon Studios want. Just that I think a lot of people would find it nice to control the amount of ruins in the place they're landing, for the people who hate ruins and for the ones who adore them.

I'm pretty sure we've all though the same question at some point, "don't these people have any friends or do they have sex or something?" Okay maybe that's just me because I'm dirty minded but still, the question remains to be unanswered but what this would entail is maybe friendships, as in colonists getting a mood boost multiplier from talking to friends and/or making that colonist want to be near their friends in their down time, I know I wouldn't be cloud watching if my friends were like 30 feet away probably walking in circles because colonists are weird, as for reproduction, I think it makes sense to have 1 female and 1 male(apologies to LGT but it's physically impossible, for now at least) and match them up depending on their characteristics, for instance maybe somebody who's masochistic would like somebody who's bloodthirsty and likes to hurt people(ooo kinky), or two joggers might like to run with each other, then after a while of this pair bonding, they'll go into a two-person bed and.. do the horizontal conga, to sum it up. Then I guess the girl can be pregnant, just for practicality I would say a month of in-game time, but if you want to be realistic nine months can work too, but that would make reproduction a pain in the ass since game time passes slowly compared to most games.

It's hard to think of yourselves as simply, "the colony," while everyone else is a junk town or a raider town or something like that, the point of a leader could be to further diplomatic actions between factions, inspire hope and morality in the hearts of colonists during rough times, combat, pre-combat, etc. A leader could talk to leaders of other factions in more depth, providing dialogue such as, call to war, apologize, call meeting, demand tribute, send/ask trade caravan(maybe for just generally setting up trade routes), and much more, colony factions type can possibly alter who joins your colony, who likes/hates your colony, (if you're vanilla)what items your colonists start with, and so on. OH and for war, possibly, probably not, but possibly you can initiate raids on OTHER colonies and factions(WHAAAAAAAAAAT), yeah that's right, sending a raiding party to another faction base to figuratively push their poop in. For instance if somebody's bothering you, like a raider faction you can go send a raiding party to their base and maybe steal their weapons while they sleep or sabotage their power supply, possibly even ride a full on attack against them and lay waste to the land, which may or may not erase them from the factions screen but at the same time new up-and-coming factions can be added over time to the planet, while also over time maybe piece of crap factions can slowly die off.

SO, THAT'S ALL I'VE GOT FOR NOW, how do you guys like it?
About half of this aren't original ideas I thought of myself, but just went into a little bit more detail, nonetheless they're good ideas in my opinion.


I like it! but no one cares what i think so... it's not worth much.

some of your ideas are a bit extreme. there's talk about allowing you to travel to different maps and such, but i think that would take away from the game. even your idea of sending raiding parties seems counter productive to how the game feels/plays. or even birthing children...

but all in all, i think you have some interesting points.

1) i like the idea of ruins.  and i understand the appeal. you should come up with specific ruin ideas and submit them on the "Your Cheapest Ideas" sticky.

2) i think you bring up a good point with mood boosts. There are far too many negative affects on your colony and not nearly enough positive ones. An organ farming colony/slave trader colony are very short lived. The "friend" idea is actually an interesting bit or RNG. you dont chose who your pawns grow fond of, and you may have had plans for them, but because THEY chose their friend maybe it would be better to change your plans to utilize the mood boost from their friendship?

Adds a interesting element... Green Thumb perk gives +2 mood when growing.... maybe this shouldn't be a perk, but instead be a like/dislike. maybe if pawns liked/disliked certain things (not just people) it would affect their mood.

3) There has been talk how the factions are an under developed portion of the game, i believe they have plans to improve this.


Well you're in luck with the colonist relationship wish, it's set to come next patch!

QuoteSocial relationships with friends, rivals, family, chats, arguments, and fights



Quote from: AnalBuccaneer on December 13, 2015, 05:57:28 AM
I like it! but no one cares what i think so... it's not worth much.

some of your ideas are a bit extreme. there's talk about allowing you to travel to different maps and such, but i think that would take away from the game. even your idea of sending raiding parties seems counter productive to how the game feels/plays. or even birthing children...

but all in all, i think you have some interesting points.

1) i like the idea of ruins.  and i understand the appeal. you should come up with specific ruin ideas and submit them on the "Your Cheapest Ideas" sticky.

2) i think you bring up a good point with mood boosts. There are far too many negative affects on your colony and not nearly enough positive ones. An organ farming colony/slave trader colony are very short lived. The "friend" idea is actually an interesting bit or RNG. you dont chose who your pawns grow fond of, and you may have had plans for them, but because THEY chose their friend maybe it would be better to change your plans to utilize the mood boost from their friendship?

Adds a interesting element... Green Thumb perk gives +2 mood when growing.... maybe this shouldn't be a perk, but instead be a like/dislike. maybe if pawns liked/disliked certain things (not just people) it would affect their mood.

3) There has been talk how the factions are an under developed portion of the game, i believe they have plans to improve this.
Haha that was a good analysis no worries, hope somebody other than me reads this and cares!


Quote from: REMworlder on December 13, 2015, 07:35:08 AM
Well you're in luck with the colonist relationship wish, it's set to come next patch!

QuoteSocial relationships with friends, rivals, family, chats, arguments, and fights

Oh yeah I didn't see that but does it really implement friendship? Like I have the feeling it'll just be an array of mood boosts and not-so happy mood effects along with some titles thrown onto colonists.
But hey I'm hoping!