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Messages - SuperCaffeineDude

Ideas / Re: Lightning Rod
January 10, 2015, 07:10:01 AM
I'd like to see them, there are way too many random events that you cannot future proof  yourself against short of playing space-dwarves, this would make settling on plains more feasible (if only a little).

The technical feasibility of whether you can harness some energy from a lightning rod is a bit of a non-issue considering what tech's already available to you. And come on, rule of cool says you should be able to. After-all it doesn't mean that the transfer of power shouldn't explode your batteries and light bulbs (setting fire to everything) if you don't have the capacity for it, that just makes it cooler 8).
Ideas / Re: Story Popups (Expiring Quests)
January 10, 2015, 03:02:41 AM
You're quite right, they already haul prisoners away with them (for reasons) it'd be cool if they could change what they want to return with, with or without the story system I think. Though I suspect you wouldn't notice it all that often without a drastic change in how the ai fights.
Ideas / Re: Give people a Melee AND Ranged slot
January 09, 2015, 07:00:21 PM
Would love this, though I think in general a broad 2 weapon slots would be better, perhaps with the pawn ai doing an auto-equip between long and short/0 ranged. Would be especially good if we could get tools. Not going to be picky though anything like this would be superb.
Ideas / Re: The Grand Exploration thread
January 08, 2015, 11:37:11 PM
I can understand why it's not the focus, though honestly I can't help but want it, even if its as a separate expansion.
In any survival story there's always the "now we take the fight to them" part where we give the raiders their comeuppance, or we become the monsters ourselves. But in terms of workload yeh I'd rather see at-home features fleshed out.
Ideas / Re: Story Popups (Expiring Quests)
January 08, 2015, 11:09:53 PM
Cheers dudes, the suggestion of using the vanilla trade beacon is more a suggestion for a swift means of implementation, but I agree (Johnny and Geertje123) it'd be sweet and more authentic if they either built a tent to conduct business (no innuendos intended) or/and had some dudes come to collect.

I like the tent idea though, after all it'd just be a reskin of the current trade beacon fixed to show a "trade ship" named after the tribe and offering whatever. And it never made much sense why the technophobs are able to receive my silver wirelessly. Though this trade system is perhaps another conversation in itself  :D.

I also agree it'd be great if you could mediate between tribes and even yourself, I think would work especially well with what Johnny suggested, though their seems no reason you couldn't have someone sit at the comms unit trying to convince tribe X that tribe Y are cool using social skill, or even more simply...

Tribe A thinks Tribe B is t'ots uncool, Tribe B pleads you to convince them otherwise
Convince -10 Tribe A +20 Tribe B relationship "They cool"
Stay out of it -10 Tribe B relationship "...I need to... bye"
Agree +10 relation -25 Tribe B relationship "Look at how they dress! ROFLOL"

But yeh I think what I want is a little more role-play going on as the manager, the battle system might not be flawless but it's fun, it just feels a tad arbitrary when it escalates beyond what is manageable without cause. Adding context to these engagements would make everything that much cooler.

For example:
The Pirates threatened to attack my colony if I did not hand over X amount of slaves(male/female) or silver. We refused as we had spent the silver on food and could not bare the thought of selling our own, thus the pirates besieged our colony for a number of days. They later attacked, and had it not been for the tribes people of X who journeyed to assist us in our hour of need (as we had theirs when they suffered from crop blight), we may very well have died.

Who knows though fingers crossed we can get something of the like.
Ideas / Re: Parka = winter cold is meaningless
January 07, 2015, 05:28:47 PM
I like Draecesstra's suggestion, it's not a overly realistic solution but it sounds cheap enough.
But what I'd suggest leading on from that suggestion is that maybe it'd be better if pawns could just toggle their coat on/off?

For example...
If (myTemperature <= 20 OR drafted == true) {  shellLayerOn = true} else {shellLayerOn = false}

It's not unthinkable that someone might carry a coat or tie it around themselves whilst maintaining the ability to haul, in fact I'd say it's more likely to happen than a trip to a wardrobe for a change of outfit. But obviously you'd need to add in exceptions like power armour.
Ideas / Re: Persistent Faction Population/Strength
January 05, 2015, 08:40:35 PM
Would love this, the balance of difficulty can always be achieved in other ways. And you could always just increase the amount of tribes that spawn, or better yet territorial/predatory wildlife, that naturally won't be dropping OP loot. (mega/forgotten beasts)

Hell have you could introduce temporary off-world imperial/pirate factions that are exhaust themselves and leave, perhaps coming back in more force a year later.

Regardless a flat out strength variable would be great, and might pave the way for diplomacy/story-telling options.
Ideas / Re: Game Settings - Pause on specific events
January 04, 2015, 04:07:24 PM
I'd appreciate the option of an autopause, and it sounds like a cheap addition, personally I more often get screwed over by the little "the xxxx pirates are launching their attack" that doesn't warrant a large icon  ;D. Obviously if it's something I can't turn off (or better yet change the parameters of) I'd prefer to go without though.
Ideas / Re: Raiders use their brains?
January 04, 2015, 12:00:49 PM
Perhaps what I'm more suggesting is having their weapon/role influence target priority within their range, with power supplies being one such target. If there's bugger all to shoot at save a generator, well everyone shoot the generator.

In terms of keeping units together, maybe tie all units to its slowest unit, and similar to the crashed spaceship give them an area in which they may wonder around.

Also, to combat bottle necking, generating some kind of invisible No Man's Land zone might work well. Each enemy corpse, KO and retreat would cause a 5x5 No Man's Land zone to be generated, this zone would be treated as if impassable come the next attack. Then the AI can then treat your base a locked off and seek to knock through a wall, or wait indefinitely, instead. A way of having the AI learn through mistakes.

Idk though, just suggesting how the AI might go about figuring out what it wants to do.
Ideas / Re: Raiders use their brains?
January 03, 2015, 06:00:06 PM
It'd be sweet to have power stations marked as low priority enemies.
Ideas / Re: Story Popups
January 02, 2015, 02:35:02 PM
Cheers, I see the issue there.

I suppose expiring quests might be the solution.

For example similar to a trade ship you receive a notification:
MSG: The XXXX tribe leader has contacted us pleading for supplies to elevate the famine they suffer. Expires in 5 days.
For simplicities sake you then are able to send everything through the comms via trade beacon (or alternatively your stockpiles).
Been reading the Dune wiki and they speak of a silicon plague that sent everyone to darkages, something like that might be in keeping to the theme.

A virus that makes your turrets shoot all organics would be an awesome way to balance things, perhaps as a separate event not tied to a Mech attack though. Whilst active the turrets cannot have their controls meddled with.

But it'd be awesome to have the Mechs use EMP weaponry instead, something longer ranged than the grenades (E.M.P.Cannon/Lance/Rifle/etc).
Ideas / Story Popups (Expiring Quests)
January 02, 2015, 10:46:12 AM
Right now there's a bit of a divide between cause and correlation concerning attacks.
In game, perhaps through the coms-unit, it might be good to have Yes/No questions posed to the player, or multi-choice like in FTL.

Pirates: Arghhh... we be wanting booty, surrender it now or we attack.
Response... Yes (send 250 silver), No (endure a raid)

Clan: Our people suffer greatly from XXXX  plauge, I have come to ask for aid.
Response... Yes (send 30 medicine), No (-25 relation)

Clan: Our people have fallen on hard times, hand over your food or we will fight you for it.
Response... Yes (send 500 food), No (endure a raid)

Character: I am XXXX I have escaped and require protection from the XXXX Clan. Should you provide it I will... (join you / provide compensation / tell my people of your kindness).
Response... Yes (endure a raid), No

Perhaps the cost of a response might be based on social skills, that's my idea though.
Yeh my fully augmented trooper consistently uses his bionic arms over his sword, though the weapons function as you'd expect when hunting (the hand item is used). It was a little unexpected and made me a little sad having invested quite heavily in upgrading the dude. Hopefully it gets fixed next build.
Bugs / Bionic unit ignores its melee weopon
December 30, 2014, 11:47:28 AM
Basically I have a unit with bionic arms armed with a good longsword, in combat it ignores the fact it has a sword and proceeds to fight as if unarmed. However when the unit is Hunting it uses the sword to great effect.

So basically rather than providing my swordsman with an upgrade I've made him quite redundant, I'd presume that part of the problem is inherited from the claw wanting to be the default melee weapon, but I'd prefer he use whatever is in his hands.
