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RimWorld => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dr. Z on April 08, 2016, 04:41:53 AM

Title: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Dr. Z on April 08, 2016, 04:41:53 AM
So we're crash landed on a mostly uninhabited planet at the edge of the known galaxy. What is the possibility that all of the sudden the brother of one of our colonists walks in and turns out to be stranded on that exact planet some time in the past. Alongside with the facts that the colonists may have spend the last two hundred years in cryptosleep, that humanity spread out across the galaxy and that there's no way to travel faster than light, I think it's nearly impossible to find family members on some random planet you happen to come by on your journey (in fact it even surprises me that there are other people in the first place, but that's a different story). If this is not some Bermuda triangle thing where all the ships entering the system get destroyed for some reason I don't see how this makes sense.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Shinzy on April 08, 2016, 04:46:23 AM
But.. think of the story potential!
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Nanvi on April 08, 2016, 04:49:52 AM
The same ship i guess? When you begin you don't get to know how many people were on the ship, do you? You don't know how big your ship was and i think assume that our 3 people are the only survivors, but that's how i think about it, since Rimworld is in alpha the 'plot/lore' can happen to have some holes.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: skullywag on April 08, 2016, 05:45:28 AM
you also dont know why you were heading into this area of space either. The point is its up to you to make these stories.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: JonoRig on April 08, 2016, 05:53:04 AM
I always liked to assume it was a large ship and that my three landed in the area I choose, but survivors are scattered all over the planet, some join the pirates or other towns for safety or by force, and tribals are people who crashed in the past.

Also, as they technically aren't meant to be colonising thay planet, I also like to assume it's some kind of space Bermuda triangle, or swarming with those mechanoids, bringing all the these ships down without mercy.... 

But thats just me
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Headshotkill on April 08, 2016, 05:53:15 AM
I'd imagine most families wouldn't get too split up in this universe, why would one brother leave his home-planet to travel to the other side of the galaxy? (It would be the same as him dying for the family members cause of the thousand years he'll spend in coma. They will never see each other alive.)

So I guess families would most likely stay relativly close together, probably in the same star-system for most part. Then there's the question why our colonists were in a ship flying out near the rim of the galaxy. Except for colonisation or resource gathering from new planets there isn't much point in being out here, better go to the center of the galaxy with all those glitter-worlds, no?

Well, I think the main point here again is family cohesion, the family most likely lived near the rim for a long time or maybe they don't have the money to travel to the center, and they just stick to it.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Listy on April 08, 2016, 06:24:13 AM
This was one of the things that was bugging me. Especially when I rolled one colonist who was the son of a tribal group on the planet.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: RawCode on April 08, 2016, 06:26:14 AM
watch this film

ark type spaceship crashed on orbit, escape pods still raining from sky and will rain for ages, some colonists escaped now, other escaped years before, some will escape years later.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: falconbunker on April 08, 2016, 10:54:10 AM
 I'd like to think that maybe the starship that you were in was first diverted off course by some stellar event, like asteroids, which damaged the ships AI and forced it way off course, it then enters orbit of the crash planet and then sections of it catastrophically fail. These sections wouldn't fail at the same time, maybe even have hundreds of years between each failure, allowing the colonies and tribes that we encounter on the planet to actually be there
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Negocromn on April 08, 2016, 11:40:07 AM
I was thinking the same thing as the OP haha. These posts convinced me tho, the whole situation sounds reasonable now I guess.

Quote from: JonoRig on April 08, 2016, 05:53:04 AM
I always liked to assume it was a large ship and that my three landed in the area I choose, but survivors are scattered all over the planet, some join the pirates or other towns for safety or by force, and tribals are people who crashed in the past.

Also, as they technically aren't meant to be colonising thay planet, I also like to assume it's some kind of space Bermuda triangle, or swarming with those mechanoids, bringing all the these ships down without mercy.... 

But thats just me

Quote from: RawCode on April 08, 2016, 06:26:14 AM
watch this film

ark type spaceship crashed on orbit, escape pods still raining from sky and will rain for ages, some colonists escaped now, other escaped years before, some will escape years later.

Quote from: falconbunker on April 08, 2016, 10:54:10 AM
I'd like to think that maybe the starship that you were in was first diverted off course by some stellar event, like asteroids, which damaged the ships AI and forced it way off course, it then enters orbit of the crash planet and then sections of it catastrophically fail. These sections wouldn't fail at the same time, maybe even have hundreds of years between each failure, allowing the colonies and tribes that we encounter on the planet to actually be there

Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Tynan on April 08, 2016, 12:37:14 PM
Quote from: falconbunker on April 08, 2016, 10:54:10 AM
I'd like to think that maybe the starship that you were in was first diverted off course by some stellar event, like asteroids, which damaged the ships AI and forced it way off course, it then enters orbit of the crash planet and then sections of it catastrophically fail. These sections wouldn't fail at the same time, maybe even have hundreds of years between each failure, allowing the colonies and tribes that we encounter on the planet to actually be there

Bingo. The brother could be from your ship. Except his pod orbited for 10 less years for whatever reason before crashing.

Cryptosleep, man. Cryptosleep.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: falconbunker on April 08, 2016, 12:48:33 PM
One of my posts posts was quoted by the all powerful Tynan! The void gods have answered my prayers!
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Mikhail Reign on April 08, 2016, 06:32:09 PM
Quote from: Tynan on April 08, 2016, 12:37:14 PM
Quote from: falconbunker on April 08, 2016, 10:54:10 AM
I'd like to think that maybe the starship that you were in was first diverted off course by some stellar event, like asteroids, which damaged the ships AI and forced it way off course, it then enters orbit of the crash planet and then sections of it catastrophically fail. These sections wouldn't fail at the same time, maybe even have hundreds of years between each failure, allowing the colonies and tribes that we encounter on the planet to actually be there

Bingo. The brother could be from your ship. Except his pod orbited for 10 less years for whatever reason before crashing.

Cryptosleep, man. Cryptosleep.

Shouldn't this means your starting 3 colonists should all start with a few years (all equal or higher then each other) on their cryo clocks?

Also the can of worms that makes for time times. You couldn't have a starting colonist married to a a raider if one of your other starting colonists Didn't have any cryo time.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Bob_Namg on April 08, 2016, 06:51:17 PM
Maybe your brother was on the same ship you came from during the crash.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: falconbunker on April 08, 2016, 07:03:24 PM
Quote from: Mikhail Reign on April 08, 2016, 06:32:09 PM
Quote from: Tynan on April 08, 2016, 12:37:14 PM
Quote from: falconbunker on April 08, 2016, 10:54:10 AM
I'd like to think that maybe the starship that you were in was first diverted off course by some stellar event, like asteroids, which damaged the ships AI and forced it way off course, it then enters orbit of the crash planet and then sections of it catastrophically fail. These sections wouldn't fail at the same time, maybe even have hundreds of years between each failure, allowing the colonies and tribes that we encounter on the planet to actually be there

Bingo. The brother could be from your ship. Except his pod orbited for 10 less years for whatever reason before crashing.

Cryptosleep, man. Cryptosleep.

Shouldn't this means your starting 3 colonists should all start with a few years (all equal or higher then each other) on their cryo clocks?

Also the can of worms that makes for time times. You couldn't have a starting colonist married to a a raider if one of your other starting colonists Didn't have any cryo time.

The raider could have been on your ship, but the drop pod that they were in dropped the, somewhere else, and for the issue of different cryogenic times, it could just be that the raider was in stasis before meeting the husband/wife, spent enough time with them to get married, and then they both boarded the doomed ship.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Devon_v on April 08, 2016, 08:01:54 PM
Yeah, chronological age just means how many years have passed since that character's birth. I had a colonist who was like 27 (4978), and that cryptosleep time could easily have been multiple voyages. If Fry and Leela crashed on your planet he'd have more cyptosleep time logged, but they'd certainly know each other well.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Shurp on April 08, 2016, 08:02:56 PM
Well if we're going to use cryptosleep to explain this, let's go all the way.  How about a colonist getting a visit from his great-great grandson who's 30 years older than him?
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Mikhail Reign on April 08, 2016, 08:54:09 PM
So they joined the raiders over night? Thats my point. If you use the whole 'You pods landed later, thats why other family members are already in factions' argument, that means that ALL your starting colonists have to have cyro time already in the bank to give them the required time for the earlier crashed pods to have integrated with their faction.

I get why everyone misunderstood what I said - talking about time travel (essentially what cryo is, except only in one direction).

Lets say you have 3 starting colonists.

Colonist 1: 25 yo, 0 cryo years
Colonist 2: 40 yo, 400 cyro years
Colonist 3: 20 yo, 10 cyro years

This means that the starship exploded recently - within the last year, since one of the colonist has no cyro time. This mean that any family members that they meet on the planet also landed within the last year regardless of their cryo time. The person with the lowest cryo time dictates WHEN the ship crashed.

So to get around this, lets give all your starting colonists at least 10 years cyro time when they land. This means the ship would have crashed anywhere between 0 to 10 years ago, and they have spend the interregnum floating in space. Ok that gets rid of one can of worms.

Enter new can.

Colonist 1: 25 yo, 10 cryo years
Colonist 2: 40 yo, 410 cyro years
Colonist 3: 20 yo, 20 cyro years

Colonists 1's raider wife: 18 yo, 2 cryo years

After landing, a raid occurs and colonist ones Wife appears - sweet! Reunion! Now since she has only been in cyro 2 years, this again sets in stone a few timeline points. She either banked the cyro time before the crash, and she landed when her husband did, joined a different faction and then willingly took up arms against him within a year, or she spend a maximum of 2 years floating in space before crashing to the planet. Or some kinda of combination of the both. This means she has spend somewhere between 0 to 8 years living on the planet. This also means that they were married when she was aged between 10 and 18.

Now imagine if you gave them both a child with no time on the cyro clock?

See what I mean? The only real way around this time traveling can of worms is to just give everyone 10 years or so on the clock to give everything some wiggle room.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Shurp on April 08, 2016, 09:36:46 PM
Why not do Pandorum and give everyone 1000 years on the clock?

*Everyone* on the planet is decended from the spaceship :)  The tribals were just the first to land...
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Mikhail Reign on April 08, 2016, 09:37:24 PM
Quote from: Shurp on April 08, 2016, 09:36:46 PM
Why not do Pandorum and give everyone 1000 years on the clock?

*Everyone* on the planet is decended from the spaceship :)  The tribals were just the first to land...

I actually REALLY dig that.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: AllenWL on April 09, 2016, 03:02:12 AM
Quote from: Mikhail Reign on April 08, 2016, 06:32:09 PM
Quote from: Tynan on April 08, 2016, 12:37:14 PM
Quote from: falconbunker on April 08, 2016, 10:54:10 AM
I'd like to think that maybe the starship that you were in was first diverted off course by some stellar event, like asteroids, which damaged the ships AI and forced it way off course, it then enters orbit of the crash planet and then sections of it catastrophically fail. These sections wouldn't fail at the same time, maybe even have hundreds of years between each failure, allowing the colonies and tribes that we encounter on the planet to actually be there

Bingo. The brother could be from your ship. Except his pod orbited for 10 less years for whatever reason before crashing.

Cryptosleep, man. Cryptosleep.

Shouldn't this means your starting 3 colonists should all start with a few years (all equal or higher then each other) on their cryo clocks?

Also the can of worms that makes for time times. You couldn't have a starting colonist married to a a raider if one of your other starting colonists Didn't have any cryo time.

But who say's the starting colonists all entered cryptosleep at the same time? All we know is they awoke to sirens and ran to the nearest escape pods. For all we know, one of your starting colonists might as well be from a different ship and had their pod crash into the ship the other colonists where on, which caused the ship to break apart, which had them all land.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: JonoRig on April 09, 2016, 04:14:51 AM
Also, just because "we know" that colonist x is married to raider y, it doesn't nessecarily mean that either side know who they're fighting initially once the gunfight starts, I'm sure who you're shooting in the face isn't as pressing as "shoot him before he kills me"  and as a raider /pirate faction how do you know she isn't being made to fight? Captured and enslaved. It's all about your own creativity and suspension of disbelief  not to say your opinion isn't valid that they should be more consistent with crypto sleep times, just saying until they can be made more so, as I'm sure it's not top of Dev priority if on it at all, you can fill in the gaps however you like
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Mathenaut on April 09, 2016, 05:08:02 AM
To be honest, the way these relationships crop up gives Rimworld a sort of 'Twilight Zone' level of twist to the stories. I think it's perfect.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Mikhail Reign on April 09, 2016, 07:20:40 AM
Quote from: AllenWL on April 09, 2016, 03:02:12 AM
Quote from: Mikhail Reign on April 08, 2016, 06:32:09 PM
Quote from: Tynan on April 08, 2016, 12:37:14 PM
Quote from: falconbunker on April 08, 2016, 10:54:10 AM
I'd like to think that maybe the starship that you were in was first diverted off course by some stellar event, like asteroids, which damaged the ships AI and forced it way off course, it then enters orbit of the crash planet and then sections of it catastrophically fail. These sections wouldn't fail at the same time, maybe even have hundreds of years between each failure, allowing the colonies and tribes that we encounter on the planet to actually be there

Bingo. The brother could be from your ship. Except his pod orbited for 10 less years for whatever reason before crashing.

Cryptosleep, man. Cryptosleep.

Shouldn't this means your starting 3 colonists should all start with a few years (all equal or higher then each other) on their cryo clocks?

Also the can of worms that makes for time times. You couldn't have a starting colonist married to a a raider if one of your other starting colonists Didn't have any cryo time.

But who say's the starting colonists all entered cryptosleep at the same time? All we know is they awoke to sirens and ran to the nearest escape pods. For all we know, one of your starting colonists might as well be from a different ship and had their pod crash into the ship the other colonists where on, which caused the ship to break apart, which had them all land.

Ty did. I'm not talking about the cyro time on the ship before the crash. I'm talking about the cyro time in the escape pods while they were waiting to deorbit, as Ty said in the post I quoted.

Unless your suggesting that all the family members you encounter in the game were in different ships, on trips that started at different time, and all happened to crash into each other around a planet in the middle of no where.
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: Shurp on April 09, 2016, 07:29:49 AM
Quote from: Mikhail Reign on April 09, 2016, 07:20:40 AMUnless your suggesting that all the family members you encounter in the game were in different ships, on trips that started at different time, and all happened to crash into each other around a planet in the middle of no where.

Bermuda Rimworld :)
Title: Re: Does the relationships system conflict with RimWorld lore?
Post by: AllenWL on April 09, 2016, 08:41:49 AM
Quote from: Mikhail Reign on April 09, 2016, 07:20:40 AM
Quote from: AllenWL on April 09, 2016, 03:02:12 AM
Quote from: Mikhail Reign on April 08, 2016, 06:32:09 PM
Quote from: Tynan on April 08, 2016, 12:37:14 PM
Quote from: falconbunker on April 08, 2016, 10:54:10 AM
I'd like to think that maybe the starship that you were in was first diverted off course by some stellar event, like asteroids, which damaged the ships AI and forced it way off course, it then enters orbit of the crash planet and then sections of it catastrophically fail. These sections wouldn't fail at the same time, maybe even have hundreds of years between each failure, allowing the colonies and tribes that we encounter on the planet to actually be there

Bingo. The brother could be from your ship. Except his pod orbited for 10 less years for whatever reason before crashing.

Cryptosleep, man. Cryptosleep.

Shouldn't this means your starting 3 colonists should all start with a few years (all equal or higher then each other) on their cryo clocks?

Also the can of worms that makes for time times. You couldn't have a starting colonist married to a a raider if one of your other starting colonists Didn't have any cryo time.

But who say's the starting colonists all entered cryptosleep at the same time? All we know is they awoke to sirens and ran to the nearest escape pods. For all we know, one of your starting colonists might as well be from a different ship and had their pod crash into the ship the other colonists where on, which caused the ship to break apart, which had them all land.

Ty did. I'm not talking about the cyro time on the ship before the crash. I'm talking about the cyro time in the escape pods while they were waiting to deorbit, as Ty said in the post I quoted.

Unless your suggesting that all the family members you encounter in the game were in different ships, on trips that started at different time, and all happened to crash into each other around a planet in the middle of no where.
Didn't read the second page of comments... woops?

Well, even before relationships, the chronological clock thing was kinda weird. One example being a tribal, who's backstory states they where born and raised a tribal, having a extremely old chronological age, meaning they where born raised in a primitive tribe before somehow boarding a spaceship for extended periods of time then landing back on a planet to join a primitive tribe... all within 19 years of life. Either that, or they found an abandoned crytosleep casket and climbed in for a (not-so) short nap.
Also, it should possible to have a chronological age which is lower than their biological age, for some backstories(like vat-grown pawns and such) but they don't, which means every one of those colonists had excessive space-travel, and never crashed until their chronological age had at the very least caught up with their biological age.

In my opinion, relationships just made the chronological/biological age thing more obviously weird.
Personally, I'd prefer to do away with chronological age and just go with the biological one, with the chronological age left open for us to imagine.