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RimWorld => Mods => Unfinished => Topic started by: UnlimitedHugs on July 01, 2017, 08:14:51 PM

Title: [Finished][A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta
Post by: UnlimitedHugs on July 01, 2017, 08:14:51 PM
Map Reroll 2 is a complete rewrite of the Map Reroll ( project. The significant internal changes should yield improved stability and performance.

Notice: The beta has concluded successfully, and the new features have been merged back into Map Reroll. Thank you everyone for helping test the new goodies.



How to use

Change log

0.10.0: Added map preview system
- Map rerolls are no longer random- the map can be picked from a selection of previews
- Map reroll cost is now per preview page, rather than per map
- Removed the monument
- Added Map Reroll main window button and tab
- Added map generator accuracy setting
- All rerolling can now be done while the game is paused
- Game will auto-pause if it was paused before a map reroll

Pack policy
Feel free to use and include wherever. Credit is optional.
I would advise to wait for the 1.0 release, though.

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Github releases: Latest (

HugsLib library (required): Latest (
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: kaptain_kavern on July 01, 2017, 09:27:53 PM
Nice  8)
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: wwWraith on July 02, 2017, 07:05:49 AM
I've made some tests. I want to thank you for making the deterministic rerolling optionable :)

The idea with this mysterious monument looks interesting at first, but...

So I personally find the old behavior with just onscreen button better.

And a little suggestion: an ability to view the whole map (temporarily) unfogged. It would be very useful for mountainous maps and alike.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: UnlimitedHugs on July 02, 2017, 08:12:46 AM
Quote from: wwWraith on July 02, 2017, 07:05:49 AM
- snip -

Thank you, those are good points.

I agree on #1, usability should come first. Though I do have an idea on how to have the cake, and eat it too, in this case. Ultimately, the loading screen is the most time-consuming part, and generating full maps just to look at the terrain is an epic waste.
The idea is to draw previews of how the landscape of a map would look once generated by the game, and let the player pick among the previews. Making them would take only a fraction of the time, and avoid the costly loading screens. I have yet to do a proof-of-concept on that, but it should work in theory.

#2,3- I have some general checks in place, but if some specific issue crops up, we can fix that. I thought I included a fogged check, but I guess I'll have to double-check that part.

#4- At this point I'm questioning if this is even something I can address on my end. If not, there are still options- the previews would sidestep the problem, and I could include a warning once memory consumption starts to become critical, I suppose. Pre-reroll autosaves could also help.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: SpaceDorf on July 02, 2017, 08:44:37 AM
Big Dwarf is watching you !
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: wwWraith on July 02, 2017, 09:24:35 AM
Quote from: UnlimitedHugs on July 02, 2017, 08:12:46 AM
The idea is to draw previews of how the landscape of a map would look once generated by the game, and let the player pick among the previews.

It sounds really great! :) But I think even with this ability it shouldn't use ingame time at all, it's important in such scenarios like vanilla tribal start or Crash Landing by Katavrik ( Animation is nice, but let it be after the new map generated :)
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: ajaviide on July 06, 2017, 09:17:23 AM
Hey, i tried this,and  its pretty cool, i myself would like a deconstruct or uninstall button.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: UnlimitedHugs on July 06, 2017, 09:23:01 AM
Quote from: ajaviide on July 06, 2017, 09:17:23 AM
Hey, i tried this,and  its pretty cool, i myself would like a deconstruct or uninstall button.

I guess a deconstruct option would make sense once the monument deactivates.
Until then violence is always an option ;)
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: stigma on July 06, 2017, 11:01:40 AM
I love map reroll. It saves a ton of time if I'm looking for a specific set of terrain features for my playthrough (or if I'm just not in the mood for an open base and would like to find a place that is reasonably defensible).

That said - I have no friggin clue why you chose to make the re-roll function tied to an in-game item that you have to claim in this new version. That's just incredibly inconvenient (and unnecessarily error prone). You really need to make that optional and bring back the old menu IMO.

I just don't understand what the point is of making you have to play the game and spend time on a map that you don't want to use in the first place. What possible function does this serve? Hiding something on the map is what you do to delay access to a feature - but the whole point of this feature is to use it immediately (and it becomes useless later). So .. why?

(I'm going by the description here - I haven't loaded it up yet, so perhaps I'm just misunderstanding something but...)

If the previous poster is right that this re-write did not fix the memory leak that results in crashing from multiple re-rolls then I am a bit disappointed. IMO that is the only major problem that the original map-reroll had (constantly having to restart every 5 rerolls takes up a lot of unnecessary time). If it's out of your control because it's leaking somewhere in the core game however then I understand, but if it is fixable then that would definitely be the #1 quality improvement to make.

I do like your ideas on future features for partially rendering maps to give you a preview though. Anything you can do to speed up the re-roll seems like a good idea - but I really hope you won't keep this monument thing as a forced thing. Otherwise I can't ever see me wanting to use this over the old reroll - previews or no.

Don't take anything I said here as anything but constructive criticism. I love your previous work and appreciate your efforts greatly.

Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: UnlimitedHugs on July 07, 2017, 07:18:46 AM
Quote from: stigma on July 06, 2017, 11:01:40 AM
- snip -

That's some strong input right there :D
The monument will tie in with the future content I have in mind, but I do plan to make all of it optional. This means, that the reroll controls will be accessible through a main window tab, or something similar, if the player so chooses.
As for the leak, I'd love to fix it- but even if I were to find and patch whatever the cause is, any other mod can undo that simply by keeping a reference to a generated map. Or a reference to anything in a map. Or something that contains a map. You get the idea.
So, a different approach is needed here. The mod is still WIP and I'm pretty sure that a solution will present itself eventually.
Thank you for your feedback.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: AngleWyrm on July 07, 2017, 10:05:29 AM
I'd like the ability to move the dice monument to another location; it's a rather attractive piece of sculpture.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2: The Dice of Fate (0.9) - Public beta
Post by: UnlimitedHugs on July 07, 2017, 10:39:01 AM
Quote from: AngleWyrm on July 07, 2017, 10:05:29 AM
I'd like the ability to move the dice monument to another location; it's a rather attractive piece of sculpture.

Ah, someone who appreciates fine art around here :D
I'll add a reinstall option.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: UnlimitedHugs on July 17, 2017, 02:41:43 PM
Updated to 0.10.0

Well folks, there you have it- the new map preview system. Born from the ashes of your crash reports, and destined to change the face of rerolling for all times ;D
The thing is massive and complicated, but I suspect it'll be worth the effort.
With the new system in place, the reroll cost also had to be overhauled- now the cost is per additional preview page, rather than per map- which is roughly 9 times more bang for your buck.
Also, I thought it over and decided to move the monument and all pending content to a separate mod- there is really no need to inflict it on everyone, since it would have been optional in the first place.
Without the monument, reroll controls have been moved to a tab- you can find it in the bottom bar.
Finally, I added an auto-pause feature that allows to keep the game paused while rerolling- this goes for both maps and geysers.

Do let me know how the new goodies are working for ya.

( (
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: Robloxsina66 on July 17, 2017, 05:57:05 PM
i have an error that u couldn't click on the map buttom
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: UnlimitedHugs on July 17, 2017, 06:32:22 PM
Quote from: Robloxsina66 on July 17, 2017, 05:57:05 PM
i have an error that u couldn't click on the map buttom

Logs, please. Use Ctrl+F12.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: Robloxsina66 on July 17, 2017, 09:08:47 PM
Quote from: UnlimitedHugs on July 17, 2017, 06:32:22 PM
Quote from: Robloxsina66 on July 17, 2017, 05:57:05 PM
i have an error that u couldn't click on the map buttom

Logs, please. Use Ctrl+F12.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: Robloxsina66 on July 17, 2017, 09:15:36 PM
Quote from: UnlimitedHugs on July 17, 2017, 06:32:22 PM
Quote from: Robloxsina66 on July 17, 2017, 05:57:05 PM
i have an error that u couldn't click on the map buttom

Logs, please. Use Ctrl+F12.

well this

[attachment deleted by admin due to age]
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: SpaceDorf on July 18, 2017, 07:59:20 AM
The preview of the map is great.
A highly useful information.

But I thought the landscape of a map was bound to the seed ?

Or are you also generating a new landscape ?
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: AngleWyrm on July 18, 2017, 08:20:10 AM
Quote from: SpaceDorf on July 18, 2017, 07:59:20 AM
But I thought the landscape of a map was bound to the seed ?
A seed can paint an infinite series of worlds.

The hand of fate creates a sequence which we as yet cannot see, but that sequence is already defined forever into the future. And so we walk a path that was placed by the ancients.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: SpaceDorf on July 18, 2017, 10:43:15 AM
Quote from: AngleWyrm on July 18, 2017, 08:20:10 AM
The hand of fate creates a sequence which we as yet cannot see, but that sequence is already defined forever into the future. And so we walk a path that was placed by the ancients.

Help. I am imprisoned in a fortune cookie factory !

Quote from: AngleWyrm on July 18, 2017, 08:20:10 AM
A seed can paint an infinite series of worlds.

By definition this is true.
But when the fixed rules of RW's Map Generation Algorithm are applied the outcome of a given seed is always predetermined.
I am aware that some mods can influence those rules, though, and a generated world can look different with a different set of mods.

This is also the reason why I was curious if UnlimitedHugs is creating the new layouts by himself or if this is a actual unknown ( to me ) Rimwolrd Feature.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: AngleWyrm on July 18, 2017, 12:13:41 PM

Quote from: SpaceDorf on July 18, 2017, 10:43:15 AM
Help. I am imprisoned in a fortune cookie factory !
Heee! If I can't see what's over the next hill then does it exist?

Are the layouts drawn as cards from the endless deck of the world seed that shuffled them, or is another random number generator used?

Ya know, if another random number generator was used, where would it get it's seed? From the first one? Seems like all the random numbers ever generated could be started with a single seed fraction, and marked on a magic staff as the dividing line of proportion between two parts.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: SpaceDorf on July 18, 2017, 12:35:14 PM
Which sound does a lumberjack make, when he is crushed under the falling tree and no one is there to hear it ?

And come on .. we allready know this single seed fraction  .. it's 42.

But it might as well be what happened when someone figured out what the universe meant and it turned itself into something more complicated.
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: UnlimitedHugs on July 18, 2017, 02:37:53 PM
Quote from: Robloxsina66 on July 17, 2017, 09:08:47 PM

Looks like HelpTab is to blame. Also- good Lord, that mod list.
There are some strange issues with Combat Realism, as well.

Quote from: SpaceDorf on July 18, 2017, 07:59:20 AM
The preview of the map is great.
A highly useful information.
But I thought the landscape of a map was bound to the seed ?
Or are you also generating a new landscape ?

Basically, the map contents are determined by the seed and the world location, to factor in biomes, rivers, coasts, etc. What I do is temporarily swap out the world seed while the map generates.
Also, the preview maker is based on an extremely stripped down map generator.

Quote from: AngleWyrm on July 18, 2017, 08:20:10 AM
A seed can paint an infinite series of worlds.
The hand of fate creates a sequence which we as yet cannot see, but that sequence is already defined forever into the future. And so we walk a path that was placed by the ancients.

Which makes all of existence a deterministic fractal pattern of unfathomable complexity :)

Quote from: AngleWyrm on July 18, 2017, 12:13:41 PM
Are the layouts drawn as cards from the endless deck of the world seed that shuffled them, or is another random number generator used?

That depends on the setting- when deterministic mode is on, each new preview seed is mathematically derived from the previous one- so that you can always have the same sequence of maps. When off, seeds are derived from the time at which they are requested, sooo... no true randomness to be found here, either :P
Title: Re: [A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta - Now with map previews!
Post by: SpaceDorf on July 18, 2017, 02:47:43 PM
The "simple" solutions are always best.

Thank you for your understandable answer :)
Title: Re: [Finished][A17] Map Reroll 2 (0.10.0) Public beta
Post by: UnlimitedHugs on July 27, 2017, 10:10:27 AM
With no significant issues found, I have merged the new features back into Map Reroll.
The original idea was to make a separate mod, but since the content portion was decided against, there's really no reason to publish the new features separately.
This concludes the beta, and any additional work will be done on the main version.
Thank you everyone for trying out the new features, and I'll see you in the main Map Reroll thread ( :)