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RimWorld => General Discussion => Topic started by: Breadbox on March 14, 2020, 06:20:50 AM

Title: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Breadbox on March 14, 2020, 06:20:50 AM
Ever since the 1.1 update I've realised that many mods are in a precarious state of existence. This has me worried as truth be told if certain mods stopped working, I would find it very hard to enjoy playing rimworld. They overhauled aspect of the base game that is painfully lacking. They are the reason I stuck around for hundreds of hours, because sometimes the basegame feels like a pie with meager fillings.

There are many mods which I think are purely postives if they become part of the basegame. I wouldn't be putting in any content only mod or controversial overhauls here.

1) Facial Stuff
The game's called a story generator, but how can a story be compelling if every single one of the characters look identical and does not react to their surrounding. Their primary distinguishing feature, their hair, gets covered up the moment they wear a headgear.

Before you tell me that you don't like hands feets or weird eyes, every feature can be turned off individually. Personally I've only played with additions like head rotators(they turn their heads to look at eachother when talking), head bobbing, some facial expression and removing head gear when in doors. If all features are enabled, pawns would laugh and gloat when they down an enemy, flail their arm in terror as they flee, scream and squint their eyes when hurt.

The difference even minor changes make are huge, they look different and feel much more like real people who REACT to their surrounding rather than identical looking polyhedron statue gilding through thin air.

2) Dubs mint menu
I remember my first time playing the game and trying to figure out what cloth to make during winter and heatwave. It's impossible to figure out what clothing does what and clicking on detail of the bill tells you the incredibly useless information of 'Make 1 unit of this clothing'.

I mean come on, some image, description or search function would make it much friendlier for new players(who probably don't use mod) and much less tedious for older players.

So what are mods you can't live without and fit well into the basegame?
Title: Re: Mods that you%u2019d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Lexa on March 14, 2020, 07:49:28 AM
*inhales* Ahem.

Interaction Bubbles: Visualizes what people are talking about.

Cleaning Area: Lets you desingate areas to be cleaned, rather than whole home zone

Setup Camp: Cause having to make a whole ass colony to tend to someone or manage your caravan is dumb.

Smart Medicine: Save good medicine for dangerous injuries and use the medicine in my inventory? Why i never...

Dress Patients: So your're not forced to spam heaters to save your naked and incapicated pawns from dying of hypothermia. Also prisoner uniforms.

Filth washes away with rain and time: Huge performance gains from removing all that filth around the map nobody cares about eventually, in a super vanilla friendly way.

Animal Logic: Animals can be desingated beds, generally are less dumb and other niceties like fixing the useless meat bloat, converting eggs and making hostile predators actually, yknow, considered hostile so your pawns will shoot at them instead of politely letting the predator eat them.

Rim fridge: Lets be real, who walks into a giant walk in freezer to get their meal? Meals belong in the dining room/kitchen but you dont want them to spoil.

Better Workbench Management: Lets you actually specify details about bills, drastically decreasing the micromanagement involved. Why would your pawns need to make simple meals when the fine meal supply is stocked? And more such stuff.

Rimhud: More dense and better hud information, saving you quite a few clicks. Im actually not super sure on if it should be absorbed into vanilla but i cant imagine playing without now, tones down on the UI wrangling massively.

Export agency: Lets you save and load bills, restrictions uvm. Every time you start a new game you have to re-set all those all over again and this well... now you can do it easier and without spending 2 hours on it. A few clicks and you're good to go.

Real ruins: I know, i know, we already merged some parts of this into vanilla... and yet still, the new vanilla ruins are dull and dont really look like something people would build to live/use. Why exactly do they all look like mandela fractals?

Work Tab: Massive efficency boost in larger colonies, by letting you define shifts, times for specific works (sow plants at night anyone?) and split down work types down to their workgivers, so you can have a shitty doctor who doesnt attempt to do surgeries but will gladly tend to peoples every day hurts.

Carry Capacity Fixed: Unifies caravan and map hauling capacities, the stats for either now are the same, additionally it lets bionics affect how capable your pawns are at hauling.

Pick up and haul: Neccessary to actually make use of the previous mod. Makes haulers pick up items into their inventory, letting them carry odd amounts and multiple different things.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Breadbox on March 14, 2020, 09:12:47 AM
Real ruins actually does alot more than just generate ruins on map, it generates ruin/bases markers on the world map that you can visit or attack. You'll have to go to the planetary ruin mod menu and click 'load map pr something'.

I cannot fathom how dress patient isn't in the vanilla game, when a person collapse from hyperthermia there is not a damn thing you do about it without a heated room.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: codyo on March 14, 2020, 03:12:41 PM
A Dog Said for animal prosthetics.
Mad Skills to balance the skill decay rate. It's so hard to get anything above 18 and stay above it in Vanilla.
Door Mats. Or anything that makes cleaning not so terrible to deal with.
Smart Medicine and similar mods that let doctors carry medicine and treat the wounded in the field is extremely essential.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Hatti on March 14, 2020, 07:05:55 PM
... numbers....
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Bozobub on March 16, 2020, 10:47:38 PM
Frankly, I'd prefer mods stay mods, for the most pary, with any additional *official* content packaged as optional DLC.

a) The "vanilla" game is actually the most popular form, according to mod downloads vs. sales.

b) EVERY addition to content increases the load on your system, whether gameplay slowdown from additional scripting ("per-tick" calculations") or longer load times from item definition changes/additions.

c) Significant additions to the base game need to be paid for.

As mods or DLC, this lets people who prefer the game pretty much as-is (like me) to keep it that way.  Mods have the advantage of not having to pay staff (or the rent), plus don't have the same quality-control burden of official content,so they can often go farther afield and do unique things that nearly, or even fully break the game.  DLC has the advantage of MUCH better quality, generally, plus constant maintenance by professional coders.  Both approaches have merit.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Malackai on March 17, 2020, 12:41:36 AM
For me the Allow Tool Mod is the number 1 mod I am unable to play without.

Also, Mend/Recycle.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: TrashMan on March 17, 2020, 06:41:28 AM
Vein Miner
More bridges
Snap Out
Metal doesn't burn
Sensible surgery (was it called like that? A mod that adds medic bags and allows stabilizing downed pawns on the spot... also fixes surgeries)
Duel Wield and/or Simple Sidearms
Run and gun
Nature is beatifull
Rain washes filth
Sculpting from stone chunks
Bulk recepies
Solar roofs
Embrasures/trenches/more turrets
Giddy Up

Title: Re: Mods that you%u2019d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: TrashMan on March 17, 2020, 06:42:45 AM
Quote from: Lexa on March 14, 2020, 07:49:28 AM
*inhales* Ahem.

Interaction Bubbles: Visualizes what people are talking about.

Cleaning Area: Lets you desingate areas to be cleaned, rather than whole home zone

Setup Camp: Cause having to make a whole ass colony to tend to someone or manage your caravan is dumb.

Smart Medicine: Save good medicine for dangerous injuries and use the medicine in my inventory? Why i never...

Dress Patients: So your're not forced to spam heaters to save your naked and incapicated pawns from dying of hypothermia. Also prisoner uniforms.

Filth washes away with rain and time: Huge performance gains from removing all that filth around the map nobody cares about eventually, in a super vanilla friendly way.

Animal Logic: Animals can be desingated beds, generally are less dumb and other niceties like fixing the useless meat bloat, converting eggs and making hostile predators actually, yknow, considered hostile so your pawns will shoot at them instead of politely letting the predator eat them.

Rim fridge: Lets be real, who walks into a giant walk in freezer to get their meal? Meals belong in the dining room/kitchen but you dont want them to spoil.

Better Workbench Management: Lets you actually specify details about bills, drastically decreasing the micromanagement involved. Why would your pawns need to make simple meals when the fine meal supply is stocked? And more such stuff.

Rimhud: More dense and better hud information, saving you quite a few clicks. Im actually not super sure on if it should be absorbed into vanilla but i cant imagine playing without now, tones down on the UI wrangling massively.

Export agency: Lets you save and load bills, restrictions uvm. Every time you start a new game you have to re-set all those all over again and this well... now you can do it easier and without spending 2 hours on it. A few clicks and you're good to go.

Real ruins: I know, i know, we already merged some parts of this into vanilla... and yet still, the new vanilla ruins are dull and dont really look like something people would build to live/use. Why exactly do they all look like mandela fractals?

Work Tab: Massive efficency boost in larger colonies, by letting you define shifts, times for specific works (sow plants at night anyone?) and split down work types down to their workgivers, so you can have a shitty doctor who doesnt attempt to do surgeries but will gladly tend to peoples every day hurts.

Carry Capacity Fixed: Unifies caravan and map hauling capacities, the stats for either now are the same, additionally it lets bionics affect how capable your pawns are at hauling.

Pick up and haul: Neccessary to actually make use of the previous mod. Makes haulers pick up items into their inventory, letting them carry odd amounts and multiple different things.

Frak I forgot those. Yes.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: TrashMan on March 17, 2020, 06:45:58 AM
Quote from: Bozobub on March 16, 2020, 10:47:38 PM
Frankly, I'd prefer mods stay mods, for the most pary, with any additional *official* content packaged as optional DLC.

a) The "vanilla" game is actually the most popular form, according to mod downloads vs. sales.

b) EVERY addition to content increases the load on your system, whether gameplay slowdown from additional scripting ("per-tick" calculations") or longer load times from item definition changes/additions.

c) Significant additions to the base game need to be paid for.

As mods or DLC, this lets people who prefer the game pretty much as-is (like me) to keep it that way.  Mods have the advantage of not having to pay staff (or the rent), plus don't have the same quality-control burden of official content,so they can often go farther afield and do unique things that nearly, or even fully break the game.  DLC has the advantage of MUCH better quality, generally, plus constant maintenance by professional coders.  Both approaches have merit.

a) wrong metric

b) depends on optimization. Something that is part of base game would have less of an impact than a mod, due to better implementation

Also, did you say quality control? Much better quality and balance? Thanks, I needed a good laugh.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Bozobub on March 17, 2020, 07:19:34 AM
I meant exactly what I said.  Furthermore, your attitude is crap; no one was being shitty to anyone  here, until YOU showed up.

Feel free to expire in a high temperature, reducing environment.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: hechicera on March 17, 2020, 01:59:17 PM
Numbers (!!)
Heat Map (!!)
RimHud (!)
More Planning (!)
Color Coded Mood Bar
Auto-Pause Plus
Interaction Bubbles
Animal Gender on Caravan
Pharmacy/Smart Medicine (anything to give more granularity!)

(above really just expand UI or existing options)

Inventory Tab
(same but performance implications)

The following may be more DLC oriented
Animal Logic
Fishing (Vanilla Fishing Expanded or Rainbeau's)
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: 8roads on March 18, 2020, 07:02:38 AM
all of the above
and Prison Labor!
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: ShadowKatt on March 18, 2020, 07:05:10 AM
Simple Sidearms. But not all of it. I believe that mods should stay mods but SS does something that is desperately needed: Pawns remember and recover their weapons. If a pawn is downed and loses their weapon, it's on YOU to remember every person that needs to visit the armory. Why can't they do it themselves? I told you what weapon I want you using, that rifle is yours. There are many like it, but THAT ONE is yours. I shouldn't have to tell you to go get it again.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Breadbox on March 18, 2020, 07:18:19 AM
Quote from: Bozobub on March 16, 2020, 10:47:38 PM
Frankly, I'd prefer mods stay mods, for the most pary, with any additional *official* content packaged as optional DLC.

a) The "vanilla" game is actually the most popular form, according to mod downloads vs. sales.

b) EVERY addition to content increases the load on your system, whether gameplay slowdown from additional scripting ("per-tick" calculations") or longer load times from item definition changes/additions.

c) Significant additions to the base game need to be paid for.

As mods or DLC, this lets people who prefer the game pretty much as-is (like me) to keep it that way.  Mods have the advantage of not having to pay staff (or the rent), plus don't have the same quality-control burden of official content,so they can often go farther afield and do unique things that nearly, or even fully break the game.  DLC has the advantage of MUCH better quality, generally, plus constant maintenance by professional coders.  Both approaches have merit.

1)No, lots of people either bought the game and have it sit in the backlog forever or play the game for awhile and then stop playing for various reasons(like the unintuitive/uninformative vanilla UI), this sort of pattern is quite common to many steam games, I am one of them until I return one day lush through the learning stage.

2)The game is much more optimised to handle additional content

Most people who play for a significant amount of time will assemble a Personal mod list.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: TrashMan on March 18, 2020, 07:20:51 AM
Quote from: Bozobub on March 17, 2020, 07:19:34 AM
I meant exactly what I said.  Furthermore, your attitude is crap; no one was being shitty to anyone  here, until YOU showed up.

Feel free to expire in a high temperature, reducing environment.

If you consider disagreeing "being shitty", then sure.
Otherwise, no.

Feel free to have a nice day.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Bozobub on March 18, 2020, 07:58:51 PM
Quote from: TrashMan on March 17, 2020, 06:45:58 AMa) wrong metric

b) depends on optimization. Something that is part of base game would have less of an impact than a mod, due to better implementation

Also, did you say quality control? Much better quality and balance? Thanks, I needed a good laugh.
Quote from: TrashMan on March 18, 2020, 07:20:51 AM
Quote from: Bozobub on March 17, 2020, 07:19:34 AM
I meant exactly what I said.  Furthermore, your attitude is crap; no one was being shitty to anyone  here, until YOU showed up.

Feel free to expire in a high temperature, reducing environment.

If you consider disagreeing "being shitty", then sure.
Otherwise, no.

Feel free to have a nice day.

Yeah, no.  You should remember your posts don't magically disappear; your tone and intent is quite clear, along with the actual words used.

Feel free to expire in a high-temperature, reductive environment.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Ukas on March 19, 2020, 09:15:08 AM
Set up camp or something like should be in the game. But most of these no. Definitely not for likes of real ruins, which could be fun to try once, but in long run practically ruin the fun by making things ready for the players.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Lexa on March 19, 2020, 06:57:26 PM
Quote from: Ukas on March 19, 2020, 09:15:08 AMwhich could be fun to try once, but in long run practically ruin the fun by making things ready for the players.

... dont crank up the mods settings to insanely overpowered levels then? I use that mod and i can tell you every single damn post on reddit for "wow look what cool thing real ruins gave me for free on my starting map" has cranked the settings way up. The only thing i ever get on the default settings are ruined wooden shacks with sometimes a ok bed or two, but mostly awful to poor.

If these setup the shelter for you then im really curious what you got to say about the vanilla ruins, which are generally in a much much better shape and larger. But look real goofy.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: Ukas on March 19, 2020, 09:14:33 PM
I like the new ones and don't view them as goofy, instead they look quite historical, like they were left behind by an ancient civ more than a colony of random space refugees or pirates. Although, got to admit that I have plenty of floor mods which may make them look cooler than how they'd appear in vanilla.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: RicRider on March 19, 2020, 09:23:52 PM
The new ruins make it feel like you're on some kind of a ruined, graveyard planet with steles and sarcophagi everywhere and nicely aligned pillars. It's a pretty good aesthetic I haven't seen for a while.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: dmitriid on March 20, 2020, 03:35:30 PM
Below "should" means "IMHO". I may be mis-remembering some mod names. Off the top of my head without starting the game.


- Allow All. Current behaviour: Such a simple thing that already exists in the game in true Hitchhiker fashion: through a click in a menu invoked by right clicking on an item in a menu in the Orders tab of the Architect tab. Should be available in a less awkward fashion.

- Priority hauling. Current behaviour: That crucial medicine or armour is deteriorating? Oh, sorry, colonists are busy building floors, planting daisies and hauling stone blocks 🤷‍♂️

- Smart medicine, Pharmacist. Should be: No, you don't need Glitterworld medicine to treat a bruise.

- Pick up and haul, While you're up, Build from inventory. Current behaviour: "Hey, I'm mining this plasteel at the end of the map, now I'm returning to the colony, I'm gonna ignore everything I've just mined". This is not right :) Should be: Colonists should haul stuff while they are going somewhere.

- Numbers. Current behaviour: Which of you colonists is the best shooter? You can click through info on each colonist, write down/memorise numbers, repeat a few years in. Or look at the hunting skills in the Work tab and hope they reflect reality (not necessarily). Oh, you wanted to see who your best trader is? Good luck. Should be: Numbers changes all that. You can now make educated decisions faster. Which is extremely important for harder games.

- Dubs Mint Menus. Current behaviour: any bill menu is a list of things with a tiny i icon that you need to click for more info. Should be: Well, Dubs Mint Menus

- Where is my weapon. Should be: Now that you're healed, go and fetch your weapon. You can easily cloth yourself, why can't you grab a weapon?

Additional nice-to-haves:

- (nice to have) Everyone Gets One. Should be: There are quite a few things (especially apparel and weapons) that you want to build X per colonist.

- (nice to have) RimHUD. Should be: More info in the colonist info panel


- RimFridge. Should be: Yes, food should be stored in fridges.

- RealRuins. Current behaviour: ruins generate a circle of walls, urns and steles. That's it. Should be: We know Rimworld is populated and there are settlements always being set up and destroyed. We destroy many of them ourselves. With the Royalty DLC there's even a fallen empire. So why are ruins so.... boring and same? Ruins may be an expansion on the "ancient danger" concept with actual realistic ruins generated and perhaps containing unknown dangers (but perhaps not).

- More events, more trader types.

Additional nice-to-haves

- (nice to have) More Floors, More Bridges, Embrasures, Hardened Walls and Doors, More lights (wall lights, ceiling lights, outdoor lamps)

- (controversial) RimCities. Current behaviour: We as a player can easily cover the entire map with a base. Why can't the AI? Especially towards the endgame? Should be: Increase size of settlements (perhaps not as much as Cities, but still). Bring in events from Cities: toxic, bombardment, infested.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: TrashMan on March 23, 2020, 06:17:05 AM
Quote from: Bozobub on March 18, 2020, 07:58:51 PM
Yeah, no.  You should remember your posts don't magically disappear; your tone and intent is quite clear, along with the actual words used.

Feel free to expire in a high-temperature, reductive environment.

Neither do yours.

Start taking your own advice.
Title: Re: Mods that you’d like to see becoming part of the basegame.
Post by: AileTheAlien on March 25, 2020, 02:10:19 AM
I wouldn't mind vanilla ditching half of the leathers and wools. They all overlap a lot, and are all outclassed by Devilstrand anyways, which is relatively easy to farm. (And would save me fixing the errors 1.1 introduced into my mod...)