Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Stories => Topic started by: bobguy on June 21, 2018, 09:57:36 PM

Title: What is the most beneficial accident you experienced
Post by: bobguy on June 21, 2018, 09:57:36 PM
My half bionic builder went to kill my dogs so I told my guy to shoot at her at point blank range not thinking anything of it.

The first shot is all it took for Queenie's murderous rage to disappear as she collapsed to the ground.

Queenie was shot in the brain by an assault rifle at point blank and the story teller blessed me with the trait: Tramua Savant

Queenie can no longer speak or hear but she has +50% Manipulation (with bionic arms it's 190%) terrible for her, insanely good for my builder, fighter, and my part time crafter
Title: Re: What is the most beneficial accident you experienced
Post by: bobguy on June 21, 2018, 10:00:44 PM
Forgot to mention Queenie was a sanguine so I have NOOOO idea what caused her to break.
Title: Re: What is the most beneficial accident you experienced
Post by: silenced on June 22, 2018, 01:10:06 AM
1. a raid running straight through a large on-map by default hive of bugs.

2. a raid running past a crashed ship that had been activated before with lots of centipedes with rockets

3. a heatwave basically killing a raid that decided to prepare for too long

Title: Re: What is the most beneficial accident you experienced
Post by: tyriaelsoban on June 24, 2018, 06:56:10 PM
I play with Marvins "Sometimes Raids Go Wrong!" and sometimes they go wrong in a spectacular fashion, so spectacular infact - that they basically gave me a free colonist when i accepted "Suppy" who was running from tribals, if youre wondering what happened ; when Marvs mod rolls a 2 on a boarder attack raid, they can arrive under attack by manhunters, mechanoids or meteorites will drop on/around them - its sheer RNG, especially with the latter as the rocks may land too early to cause damage, manhunters and mechanoids can and will remain a problem for you, so its not entirely one-sided.
This particular time, the rocks landed so well that a good 75% or more of the raid was wiped out.

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Title: Re: What is the most beneficial accident you experienced
Post by: MerlinEngine on June 30, 2018, 07:29:51 PM
I started out a game using the new start with nothing option introduced in 1.0 unstable. I quickly realized the map was way too easy for me to manipulate (plenty of defensive choke points enemies have to cross to get to my colony) so I decided to basically kill my single character by opening up the ancient danger building. Instead of finding what I figured to be a usually fatal encounter at this early point of a game, I discovered three people in the sleeper pods and a lot of insects, none of them hostile. I quickly stripped the downed person, took the power armour and a sub-machine gun, and used these to try and arrest the other two sleepers and take their stuff. One died, but the other survived and paradoxically, I discovered I could rescue him rather than arrest him as I intended. I ended up rescuing that guy and the downed stripped sleeper, and both joined my village. Since the start with nothing beginning gives your lone character no starting resources, I lived off insect meat from the bugs from the sleeper pods while the human sleepers healed. After they both healed, I got a series of events granting me two more members, each with skill sets my other characters lacked, including the older brother of my initial character. All things considered, this arguably hardest start ended up being my easiest game thus far on record. I would usually step aside for a more challenging experience, but I like this crew, and the former sleeper pod base makes quite a good barracks.

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