Ludeon Forums

RimWorld => Bugs => Topic started by: Tony7424 on August 01, 2020, 05:00:41 PM

Title: Please help! Anyone knows what this problem could be?
Post by: Tony7424 on August 01, 2020, 05:00:41 PM
Happened to have the following error from the log file:

Could not execute post-long-event action. Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'GenStepSettings.SettingsImplementer' threw an exception. ---> System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
at GenStepSettings.SettingsImplementer..cctor () [0x0000c] in <331da72196324c9b82967d7c4192e52b>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor(intptr)
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.RunClassConstructor (System.RuntimeTypeHandle type) [0x0002a] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0
at StartupImpact.Patch.StaticConstructorOnStartupUtilityCallAll.Prefix () [0x00054] in <234e1d185e324317a6c03310707b7118>:0
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.StaticConstructorOnStartupUtility.Verse.StaticConstructorOnStartupUtility.CallAll_Patch1()
at Verse.PlayDataLoader+<>c.<DoPlayLoad>b__4_2 () [0x0000a] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0
at Verse.LongEventHandler.ExecuteToExecuteWhenFinished () [0x0007d] in <0ee2c524c4be441e9b7f8bfcb20aca6f>:0

Here is the log file:

I have absolutely no clue on what could this error relate to the mods that I'm using.

The mods I'm using with:
- brrainz.harmony
- automatic.startupimpact
- Ludeon.RimWorld
- Ludeon.RimWorld.Royalty
- UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib
- sumghai.medpod
- Haplo.Miscellaneous.Robots
- leion247658.MiscVHCraftableHRobots
- Alaestor.MiscRobots.PlusPlus
- Saakra.Empire
- VanillaExpanded.VFECore
- brrainz.achtung
- VanillaExpanded.VFEMedical
- VanillaExpanded.VWE
- VanillaExpanded.VAPPE
- VanillaExpanded.VARME
- VanillaExpanded.VAECD
- VanillaExpanded.VAEAS
- VanillaExpanded.VFESecurity
- VanillaExpanded.VAED
- VanillaExpanded.VAEED
- VanillaExpanded.VFEProduction
- VanillaExpanded.VHE
- VanillaExpanded.VAET
- VanillaExpanded.VAEIS
- VanillaExpanded.VAEBF
- VanillaExpanded.VWEQ
- VanillaExpanded.VAETR
- VanillaExpanded.VAETS
- VanillaExpanded.VCEF
- VanillaExpanded.VAEAU
- VanillaExpanded.VFEArt
- VanillaExpanded.VWEL
- VanillaExpanded.VTEXE
- OskarPotocki.VanillaFactionsExpanded.Core
- OskarPotocki.VanillaFactionsExpanded.MedievalModule
- VanillaExpanded.VFESpacer
- OskarPotocki.VanillaFactionsExpanded.SettlersModule
- VanillaExpanded.VFEPower
- VanillaExpanded.VFEPropsandDecor
- VanillaExpanded.VCookE
- VanillaExpanded.VCookEStews
- VanillaExpanded.VPlantsE
- VSE.EmpressEvil
- VanillaExpanded.VEE
- VSE.PerryPersistent
- OskarPotocki.VFE.Insectoid
- VanillaExpanded.VCookESushi
- fluffy.blueprints
- Jaxe.Bubbles
- Jaxe.RimHUD
- erdelf.MinifyEverything
- Sandy.RPGStyleInventory
- notfood.ResearchPal
- Cabbage.RimCities
- Dubwise.Rimatomics
- Uuugggg.ReplaceStuff
- jecrell.jecstools
- EdB.PrepareCarefully
- NotooShabby.HomeMover
- kikohi.cybernetic
- Ykara.EPOE
- fluffy.medicaltab
- Ogliss.TheWhiteCrayon.Quarry
- n7huntsman.rimgunsextended
- smashphil.neceros.srtsexpanded
- Shazbot.SRTS.RC
- roolo.giddyupcore
- Roolo.DualWield
- roolo.SearchAndDestroy
- Murmur.PawnNameVariety
- roolo.giddyupbattlemounts
- Fuji.SRTS.RimHeli
- TheInfinityIQ.Halo.UNSC
- roolo.giddyupcaravan
- UnlimitedHugs.AllowTool
- avius.prisonlabor
- VouLT.BetterPawnControl
- LWM.DeepStorage
- Mehni.PickUpAndHaul
- Uuugggg.SmartMedicine
- UnlimitedHugs.DefensivePositions
- weilbyte.snapout
- fluffy.pharmacist
- Uuugggg.EverybodyGetsOne
- notfood.Outfitted
- roolo.RunAndGun
- neceros.reinforcedwalls
- Wemd.ReinforcedDoors
- Linkolas.Stabilize
- Jaxxa.ED.Embrasures
- gguake.ui.simplesearchbar
- FrozenSnowFox.VanillaBionicsExpansion
- automatic.bionicicons
- automatic.prisonerbedsetowner
- FrozenSnowFox.ComplexJobs
- dracoix.doormat.r11a
- Revolus.WhatsMissing
- falconne.BWM
- Absolute.Legends.Gunz
- Primus.OverWallNutrient
- Nif.ToolBox
- Nif.ArchitectExpanded.Fences
- JangoDsoul.ExiledDawn
- JangoDsoul.SimpleResourceCrate
- JangoDsoul.SimplyStorage.Ref
- RH.Faction.War.Mongrels
- RH.Faction.Coalition
- RH.Faction.UAC
- RH.Faction.The.Ghosts
- RH.Faction.Militaires.Sans.Frontieres
- JangoDsoul.SimplyStorage
- Orion.FactionDiscovery
- notfood.MendAndRecycle
- Mlie.HolyWasher
- Uuugggg.ShareTheLoad
- Uuugggg.RoomFood
- Uuugggg.MealsOnWheels
- Uuugggg.WhatIsMyPurpose
- Uuugggg.MiningPriority
- syrchalis.setupcamp
- Uuugggg.GearUpAndGo
- RH.Faction.VOID
- RH.Faction.Allegiance
- Mlie.AdvancedMortar
- tammybee.whereismyweapon
- ben.automaticnightowl
- Knight.MedicalIVs
- Pausbrak.RangedDPS
- Orion.Hospitality
- netrve.dsgui
- CaesarV6.DamageIndicators
- chromiumboy.extrapsycasts
- PeteTimesSix.SimpleSidearms
- itzal.vw.emg
- pelador.ssfetempfix
- Mlie.MechanoidPower
- Alex.FriendlyFireTweaks
- Dubwise.Rimefeller
- wit.expandedroofing
- GT.Sam.TilledSoil
- GT.Sam.FishingNets
- GT.Sam.Furnace
- pelador.camouflageandstealth
- yrtwof.Rimpedia
- netrve.usemelee
- brrainz.samespot
- Haplo.PowerSwitch
- GT.Sam.GlitterTech
- FrozenSnowFox.MoreQuests
- FrozenSnowFox.FilthVanishesWithRainAndTime
- telefonmast.graphicssettings
- avilmask.CommonSense
- ratys.rtfuse
- Yume.HighDensityHydro
- NanoCE.GlassLights
- K.PsiTech
- Rooboid.Royalhair
- Peppsen.PMusic
- marvinkosh.sometimesraidsgowrong
- sumghaiCoalcat.DefensiveMachineGunTurretPack
- nilchei.powerfulfactionbases
- likeafox.rimworld.tacticsmode
- notfood.FrameRateControl
- Albion.SparklingWorlds.Full
- Rikiki.MiningCo.Spaceship
- newcolonist.largefactionbases
- automatic.rimlaser
- Supes.AutoSeller.Core
- Taveron.IncreasedStack
- Mlie.CentralizedClimateControl
- Uuugggg.UseBedrolls
- Mlie.AutopsyTable
- Abraxas.MSERevived
- Meltup.BeautifulOutdoors
- zyxabacab.NoSympathyForPrisoners
- fluffy.modmanager
- Jaxxa.ED.EnhancedOptions
Title: Re: Please help! Anyone knows what this problem could be?
Post by: Canute on August 02, 2020, 03:22:12 AM
just a question how did you made the logfile ?
Did you copy it from the ingame window and paste it to a file to upload it ?
Maybe you should read stickies, that whould have shown you a better way.

At the error you can see
i don't think it would help, but you can try to disable StartupImpact.
But beside that it is impossible to say which mod cause the problem.
You need to go the long way, disable half of the mod and check if the error is gone, and find the mod at this way.
Or try to live with that error.
Title: Re: Please help! Anyone knows what this problem could be?
Post by: Tony7424 on August 02, 2020, 12:08:49 PM
Hi, I am sorry for the late reply due to the place that I am living in, and I did copy it from the in-game debug log window. Thanks for your advice btw. Let me check it out if that works. By chance, I want to know if the error like that will cause stutters since I am an utter idiot in programming stuff.
Title: Re: Please help! Anyone knows what this problem could be?
Post by: Canute on August 02, 2020, 03:13:18 PM
That is hard to say what these error made during gameplay.
So long no error's during gameplay appear the effect of that error was minimal.
Normaly i suggest people to avoid error's that appear during rimworld startup.

You use alot of mods, so you will encounter some lagspikes during mid and late game for sure even on Hiend mashines.