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Messages - Mattk50

Apologies if this has been posted before, i haven't looked through the whole thread and came up with this the other day. This is a modification of the efficient kitchen setup others have came up with, but this one lets you grab cooking materials through walls in order to bypass the low temperature work speed penalty on the stove while still keeping the extreme work speed benefits and the ingredients frozen when the cook is done.

Brief explanation: diagonal walls are airtight keeping the cold in the fridge, you also need to place stools on the 1x1 vegetable and meat stockpiles in the opposite corners or the colonist will not pick up the items through the walls and will properly path around.
If i trade for a bunch of materials my actual power goes up but my "wealth" estimate goes down sharply. The storyteller seems to interpret these trade events as losses on my end, and after i got a solid 20k silver and continuous hiring caravans to come i ended up without a significant raid for 100 days as seen on the history screen.

This is one example of how annoying it is to have to worry about accidentally cheaping out a storyteller that tries to to baby the player. I wish there was just a mode that presented threats in a way that made sense within the world without any kind of special sense for how the player is doing population and defense wise, this doesnt mean "randomized" either. For example, wealth would attract pirates in scale of the amount of wealth without any regard for fairness with number of colonists you had to defend it, lots of high tech items and electronics could give off EM that attract mechanids, and lots of food/excessive hunting might attract tribals. These kind of things give the player choices and guess how they need to best defend. This would be done without first checking when the last raid was or if the player's defenses are okay.

Rimworld is advertised as a storyteller driven game but does this kind system really make the most sense for player enjoyment? I have a lot of fun in rimworld, this is just one of those things that gnaw at me, often it feels like im supposed to be playing a metagame instead of the game itself. Oh, also spawning insects on top of your colonists and instakilling them because the storyteller thinks your bored is pretty cheap.
General Discussion / Re: Steam Trolls!
July 15, 2016, 09:52:06 PM
Quote from: Gennadios on July 15, 2016, 09:26:02 PM
Please don't.  I've written legitimate negative reviews for indie darlings on steam because I had genuine issues that I felt others might need to know about, and I learned the hard way to disable comments.

The reviews are glowing as it is, please no trolling/harassing dissenters whether you feel the negative reviews are legitimate or not.

Was about to post this, the "mindless fanboy we have to DEFEND rimworld" is completely counterproductive, it will make people hate you and resent you, and be more likely to post negative reviews. Trying to "squash" them is an extremely childish and shortsighted response.
it appears someone has already linked my key to steam. Im sure you guys will sort that, but if it was as easy as just typing in my email to link my key, you guys might have a bigger issue with how your linking steam accounts. Like, it might be absurdly easy for tons of russian resellers to just link emails to arbitrary steam accounts and get copies of your game.

i looked at the duplicates thread and if your session server is mixing up sessions the thing to do is take it down immediately... its *very bad* for sessions to be getting mixed up.
General Discussion / Re: Instadeath problem
June 25, 2014, 11:16:10 AM
Depends on your base design really. Open, internally exposed bases will have a lot more trouble than bases with more compartmentalization, paving, and corridors. Have fall back points planned in every direction. And use a lot of doors!
General Discussion / Re: Overworld
June 25, 2014, 11:12:58 AM
Quote from: vagineer1 on June 25, 2014, 10:45:41 AM
Quote from: Architect on June 25, 2014, 07:08:46 AM
Oh I know what this is. Tynan talked a little while ago about having a system similar to Space Bases where an entire map gets generated, and you choose a particular section of it to land on and make your own. Basically it'll be what we have now in terms of normal game play, but at the beginning we will have a little more choice as to what kind of place we get to play in.

If that is the truth then what is the point of the rest of the world generating? We'd still be stuck in a portion of it.

positioning of other colonies and tribes, etc? maybe we'd get to raid them?
Quote from: UrbanBourbon on June 07, 2014, 01:32:06 PM
It might be wiser to leave raiders the BAD cover. If they have no cover, they'll just rush at you. All of them.
unless they outnumber you more than 4:1 or you dont have any powerful guns this really shouldnt be a problem... tribals yes can do this, but the counter to tribals is definetly turrets, unless they all have pilas in which case i hope you have miniguns for all your colonists. use lots of exterior sacraficial turrets too, they will gather around them as they are the only cover and then when they destroy it, they will get caught in the explosion.

Miniguns really are a godsend. I feel like the mechanoids dropping them might be a bug.
General Discussion / Re: Tynanpls
June 08, 2014, 11:06:52 AM
really wish there was a middle ground between a strict "storyteller" ai game and randy random. For example, there's no reason for that many raiders to raid a 3 man colony as there's nothing to gain for them, so why would they? I'd much rather a "storyteller" that doesnt babysit you, give you "breaks" or delicately scale up difficulty, but also doesnt throw unrealistic things at you out of the blue like randy. One that instead just acts as an actual world might... like dwarf fortres... *cough* so it becomes a challenge  to survive and doesnt turn into a game of "avoid trying to game the storyteller because thats boring"
Well, if it helps at all, here's my setup thats so far proven invincible even to 20 man pirate drop pod raids in the center of it. I didnt even need to use the safe room when that happened.

Basically the main thing is clearing out all potential cover your foes might use against you. This means bushes, cactii, ruble, and make sure the angles of your defense work in such a way that even if they get up to your wall, then they have futher turrets to deal with and you have  fall back routes planned and paved. also as you can see i typically always use high cover, it seems pointless to me to bother with using sandbags as the only cover method when leaning around a wall is so much more effective especially in combination with a sand bag in the gap.
General Discussion / Re: POLL: Alpha4e difficulty
June 05, 2014, 04:47:16 AM
mechanoids dropping into your base? christ. Not sure i'd be able to survive that either, the best place to fight them is far from your base in the open field. Especially with the miniguns on them... i cant imagine winning that firefight. maybe if you just abandon your base when that happens you'd survive, everyone run for the hills!
Bugs / [W|Alpha4e] gibbet cages dont cause fear
June 05, 2014, 02:20:50 AM
havent been able to use them to make fear anymore.
General Discussion / Re: POLL: Alpha4e difficulty
June 05, 2014, 12:52:30 AM
click any growing area and change the setting to grow oak trees.

the crematorium sparks off sometimes, i may build a little shed around it but fired extinguish pretty easily so i usually dont worry about it. as long as its not a battery outside or something rain wont cause catastrophic damage!
Soi havent gotten any psychotic animals or slave ships during this. Is it possible some events are bugged ty? or are those events just disabled in classic cassandra
General Discussion / Re: POLL: Alpha4e difficulty
June 05, 2014, 12:32:53 AM
Screenshot of the colony i mentioned earlier with turrets everywhere and stuff:

edit: a moment after posting this, a 15 pirate raid drop podded right into the center of my base to try to cause some havoc. I lost some walls and two turrets, but nobody died. Security success! love that event btw.
General Discussion / Re: POLL: Alpha4e difficulty
June 04, 2014, 11:57:38 PM
dem mods. blasting charges got removed you cheater!

Anyways, i'm now at the point on my map where i have so much metal that i have covered the entire open world surrounding my base with turrets just everywhere in the desert. While mechanoids outrange them individually, their AI often leads them into the range of multiple turrets and at least half of every mechanoid raid is destroyed by turrets, this is expensive but i make enough food to continually export it and import metal if i need to. Additionally, i have two allies with 100 goodwill so even if a mega raid came i could just call in double military support. Even then, i have an internal fallback point inside my base behind multiple powered doors that acts as both another storage room and a last-stand graveyard for raiders. Im essentially invincible right now. kinda boring and i dont even use the huge walls and funnels most people do.
General Discussion / Re: POLL: Alpha4e difficulty
June 04, 2014, 11:04:34 PM
I think its still a bit too easy considering a few factors. First of all, i dont use killboxes because they're boring and i have a feeling the AI will smarten up one day and try to go through walls if past raids all die in this one zone because i forgot to read the patch notes. So my base is a pretty open defense style but even without killboxes i can still fend off every raid so far without any losses.

Additionally, we have more options for defense, specifically to call in allies now. I've never had to do that despite having plenty of extra good will and allies ready to call in for support.