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Messages - Killa

Well deleting Hamachi seems to have helped somehow. Thnx for the tip.
 Just left the game on not responding while I went out for about an hour and a half and it's loaded. No idea what's going on but if you could suggest something that would be great as it's going to take about that long every time I load the game up.
Thnx for the help but I've been deleting the Ludeon folder everytime I attempt to activate the mod as my rimworld crashes on startup while the mod is active. To clarify: I activate the mod, the game crashes and then continues to crash whenever I start the game until I delete Ludeon as I think the mod is still active.
Hey I'm getting a problem activating the mod, the game stops responding and just freezes up. I've waited over 20 mins and it wont start back up, the game will run other mods fine and the same rimworld file will run fine on my laptop so I'm assuming it's not agreeing with something on my pc. Is there anything else you need to know to give me an idea as to what is wrong?