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Messages - obuw

Okay, thanks.

Oh and by the way I just checked your mod list, thanks for all your fine work! I'm sure I must have used several of your mods in my various playthroughs. The Numbers mod for instance is super handy!

I think I might actually look into your food alert mod and use that as a starting point. Sounds somewhat similar to what I'm trying to do. Well, sortof. Close enough to make it a starting point. :-)
Help / Re: Modding the ResourceReadout
February 19, 2019, 03:47:10 AM
Thanks for the reply.

Um, not sure why you thought ModSettings would be relevant? Oh maybe you thought I want the user to select resources from a mod settings page? Naw it will be an ingame menu.

So doing a search for ResourceReadout, I only find references to resourceReadoutPriority and resourceReadoutAlwaysShow. Do I need to decompile the source to see the ResourceReadout code and how it displays stuff?
Hello all,

I'd like to make a mod that modifies or replaces the resource list that shows all your resources at the left side of the screen.

Basically I'd like to have a UI like a stockpile where you select which resources you'd like to display, and then it would only display those resources in the list and hide the rest.

I'm somewhat familiar with the basics of rimworld modding, I've made and tinkered with some xml mods in the past. But I've never done a UI mod before. So I'd really appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction.

For starters, what exactly is the UI element called? (Edit: it's called ResourceReadout). Can I access any of its code or settings from, say, the core mod? Are there any relevant tutorials dealing with this kind of UI work that might be of use? Or perhaps any mods that do something similar that I could take a look at? I've been searching around but coming up empty so far.

Many thanks!
So annoying having to deal with hard transitions like this. In the end, rather than deal with the eyesore, I had to resort to just covering my whole base with a single kind of flooring. :/

Anyone got any ideas or mod suggestions that might be able to help with this?
Sadly I don't think that's the case, as I made them fadeRough to begin with, and then changed them to fade when that didn't work.

Edit: Just double checked again, and nope, fadeRough has the same effect.
Hello all,

One of the things I usually do whenever I play is switch all terrain types to <edgeType>Fade</edgeType> to make them blend in together.

I do this with a simple find&replace for all relevant files, as well as adding it to FloorBase.

This worked fine all the way up to my last playthrough, which was A16. However, I'm finding that this no longer works on some transitions in B18. Attached a screenshot to demonstrate.

It no longer seems to work for floor-to-floor transitions, or floor-to-rock transitions for some reason. It still works for floor-to-soil/gravel/sand, and soil/gravel/sand-to-soil/gravel/sand.

Any idea what the reason could be? Is there a new property that I need to set or something? Or is it just something that Tynan changed internally that makes it impossible to do this now?

[attachment deleted due to age]
Ideas / Re: FUELED Nutrient Paste Dispensers
July 12, 2016, 09:41:57 PM
This would be a really useful addition. The hoppers are even more annoying since the changes to hauling, making your colonist carry 75 potatoes to the hopper (which already has 68 potatoes), then fill it up to 75, and then carry the rest all the way back.

And the issue becomes even worse when the NPD is in a prison. The hauler refills the hopper, then drops the rest of the potatoes on the ground, which then become inaccessible because they are in a prison room. Argh!

Not to mention,  say there are 3 potatoes left in the hopper, and you don't have any more, but you have tons of berries. The NPD will get stuck, until you manually remove the potatoes from the hopper and replace them with berries.

I think a fuel system could really help fix all these issues.
Hey there,

First of all, great mod!

I'm trying to cure alzheimers for one of my colonists but I don't see the surgery option. Any idea why? Was it removed at some point? If it was, any chance I can add it back? :P
I really like the interesting direction you're taking with this mod. I'll definitely try to incorporate some of these changes on my own game on my next playthrough. :-)
Ah, good to know what that value does. =)

But actually I don't want to make her harder to kill, just harder to lose parts. So for instance if I give her batteries the same amount of health as her torso, she can't actually lose a battery without dying, I think? Not sure how exactly the damage calculations work. =p
No worries, I think I'll just increase the body part healths on my local version instead. :-)
Thanks a lot for your fantastic work on the mod!

I messed around with the MAI's and tried very hard to add an operation to replace batteries, but failed miserably. :(

I think you mentioned earlier in the thread that it would be too complicated for you to add MAI surgery. Maybe there is another, easier way, like a recipe that fully fixes a MAI for 100 metal, or maybe even just make MAI's self-repair (nanites!) one broken body part per 7 days?
New v3.2 update, awesome! Thanks for all your hard work. :-)

Looking forward to starting a new game with it, but I'm in the middle of a factorio game right now which I gotta finish first. You know, no loose ends. =P

PS. on my last game, I manually added / tweaked a few things in TTM, wanted to share them in case you want to adopt a few of the ideas you like:

- Hydroponics recipe gives 4 x Hydroponics Basin Modules (for the same price)

- Added <EdgeType>Fade</EdgeType>  to ClutterFloorBase, which makes all the floors blend in nicely with their surroundings
- Reduced all floor costs to 1 of their respective resource (I got bored of using concrete & smooth stone everywhere, this encourages me to use these instead for a change of scenery =p)

- Added Conduit Embrasure

- Tried very hard to add battery replacement surgery, but failed. :(

PS. The Machinarium power plant should give a lot more power to be worth it imo. 6000kW can barely run 3 shield generators at standby, and you can make 25 MAI's / shield generators with the mats it takes to build one. 20000kW would be more in line I think. :-)
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 7) Reduced Lethality v1.0
November 02, 2014, 08:17:50 AM
I know! I found out about ImmersiveCombat after I made the mod, you did a great job with it. :-)

But I thought I'd release this one anyway because it works in a different way, by modifying body parts and skill constants instead of weapons and apparel - which makes this mod compatible with stuff like Project Armory and Aparello, while the Immersive is compatible with stuff like Extended Surgery.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 7) Reduced Lethality v1.0
October 31, 2014, 08:10:05 AM
Yeah. Reallife combat sucks though. There's a reason most people like to avoid the combat game in reallife. :P

The whole point of this mod is to change the "each bullet has a 1% chance to instantly kill you" combat system. Making the head a weak spot would go completely against that.

If armor actually reduced damage rather than deflected it, I could happily reduce body part healths. But with the game as it is, I think high body part values like these are necessary to create more enjoyable gunfights.