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Messages - rrooster

General Discussion / Re: Tailoring HELP!
January 25, 2015, 06:25:02 PM
One thing could also be to make sure that crafting has high enough priority on the overview, so that other queued tasks do not take precedence.

And as mentioned above, each parka takes a lot of material, 120 if I remember correctly.

Also, you mention the ingredients are in range, but maybe they are not in a stockpile (I don't know if this matters, just a thought).
What I am most excited about is better immersion through improved colonist and enemy behavior/AI.

For colonists that would hopefully mean better time management (less interrupted tasks and unnecessary running around).

As for the other factions, more variety in attack styles (and targetting). Like for example  focusing on actually killing (not only incapacitating) colonists. Trying to breach the defenses more intelligently and not (most of the time) running into the same killbox. Stealing resources, etc.

At least aspects of colonist behavior have already been addressed in the change log for A9, so yay for that.
General Discussion / Re: Trade Ships missing
January 24, 2015, 06:10:23 PM
Quote from: TheSilencedScream on January 24, 2015, 05:49:45 PM

There's one mod (I apologize, I'm blanking on the name, but I believe it's in Epyk's mod pack) that allows you to turn SOME visitors into traders, though they typically only carry bulk goods or clothing.

I believe the mod is Misc by Haplo

Stories / Re: Elysium Now, a story
January 12, 2015, 07:07:55 PM

Survivor log, day 13

The first month is nearly over and time has gone by peacefully and industriously. Then today... there was a firefight.

As far as I can gather, a nearby pirate outpost had their scout try to sneak up on us, but Jon spotted him a good ways off and ran back to warn the rest of us.  While setting up a defensive perimeter inside one of the derelict buildings, the guys, Tony and Jon, somehow activated a bunch of long sleep sarcophagi that lay there under a ton of dust. So out came five clearly disoriented but fully-geared soldiers.

To our surprise they started to fight among themselves. First came angry words, then bullets. After observing the exchange for a while we decided to side with the party that had shown zero hostility towards us. With a few well-placed shots the hostiles were down. The hapless pirate scout also got involved but was soon down and wounded. We were able to capture him for later interrogation, along with two of the injured soldiers. The rest are dead. Our "guest house" of a cavern is overflowing, I am going to have my hands full tomorrow dealing with that bunch.

Jon did get a flesh wound as well, but Tony was quick to patch him up. Thankfully we've some medicine stored.

On more positive side of things, Trado has decided to join us and has already began to ponder how we can most effectively transform rough stone into sturdy walls.

It is only our 13th day here and this settlement has already been baptised in blood. That can't be good. Also, Trado joining us was not taken well by his tribe, so we need to keep our eyes and ears open for more trouble.

But for now, it's time for some well-earned shut-eye.


Pictured here: the boys with their toys. On a side note, I need to get this camera sorted out, or better yet, get my hands on a new one.

Stories / Re: Elysium Now, a story
January 12, 2015, 10:26:53 AM
Survivor log, day 5

A lot has happened in the couple of days since we landed on this rock.

We struck gold! Literally. I was out looking for rock samples and lo and behold, I stumbled upon a wall of gold! I went to get my pickaxe and started working on extracting the stuff immediately.

We've also managed to get comms going, so the plan is to get the gold sold asap to fund further exploration efforts. As a result of our early luck, we have decided to build a proper outpost here.

We also got a drone off the ground and got our first bird's-eye view of the area. Using the first shot, I was able to start sketching some initial defensive lines that we will start working towards. Given the apparent lack of steel, Jon believes we should utilise indigenous rock as the main source of building material. So we will need to get a stonecutting operation going, which will be hard given our limited numbers. Speaking of which, Trado, the tribesman, is going to be staying with us for a period of time... as a guest. We have him stationed in a cavern for the time being, while I try to convince him to join our little operation on a more permanent basis.

We also just made contact with a combat supplier and bought a few additional weapons, as Trado has indicated there are rather hostile outposts nearby.

So, the immediate plan is clear. I am in charge of mining and construction, while Tony handles the crops. Jon cooks and, for the moment at least, continues scouting for and hauling useful stuff from the surrounding area. Additionally, as part of his scouting missions, he has started hunting the local wildlife to get a bit of variety into our diets.

I must say, the climate here is very agreeable, I hope this is true year-round.

There is some activity outside, I better go investigate. I'll try to add to this log whenever possible.


Stories / Elysium Now, a story
January 11, 2015, 05:05:46 PM

This story is my take on the social experiment described here:

This is vanilla Rimworld.


Survivor log, day 1, planetside.

Wow, what a ride. To make a long story short I am alive. And free again.

The slaver ship ran into a mine off of some nameless rimworld and I managed to get into an escape pod before the whole thing exploded. I was joined by two others, Tony and Jon, both live cargo just like me.

We made a semi-rough landing on the planet surface, but are all okay. The air here is breathable and all in all the planet reminds me of Earth.

The evening sky is on fire due to all the fragments of the ship entering the atmosphere. Some cargo pods have landed intact and we've started to rummage through them for supplies and building material.

I don't know what survival chances we have long term, but this planet seems hospitable enough. There seem to be plenty of flora and fauna, and we've already located some derelict structures where we've set up shop at least temporarily. Among other things, we hope to get a drone airborne asap to get a better overview of the surroundings.

We also met a local tribesman. His name, as far as I can gather, is Trado. He was kind enough to take a picture of us with my camera, which took some damage on landing but still works.


General Discussion / Re: How do I open the door?
January 09, 2015, 06:06:52 PM
Quote from: milon on January 09, 2015, 09:25:51 AM
Quote from: kasimirtlw on January 09, 2015, 03:56:51 AM
stick a rock in between :)  use storage zone 1x1  only stone chuncks

Or use something that won't slow you down, like pants, shirts, human skin...

Well that escalated quickly :D

General Discussion / Re: social experiment
January 07, 2015, 04:43:12 PM
Count me in too, been meaning to go back to vanilla.

I was able to unzip the two-part zip containing the save (.rwm), but like milon pointed out the world file (.rww) is still awol.
Quote from: skullywag on January 07, 2015, 01:05:43 PM
The generation of ruins is random i believe a seed will not guatantee placement, same as geos. Youll need to upload the world and save for people to see it.


I had a good starting location once and tried replicating it for a fresh go. I took me several attempts to get the exact same locations for the ruins and geos. It did seem though that maybe 3 or 4 ruins/geo configurations kept repeating (in no set order), so it wasn't totally random each new try. This was ultra modded though, including being an icesheet start, so there's that again.

EDIT: Got intrigued by this and found 21x16 ruins in vanilla (times two). The lower one can be closed off completely by applying "no roof" then "roof". Files attached if anyone is curious.

[attachment deleted due to age]
Stories / Re: Mistakes Were Made, a short story
January 06, 2015, 08:30:27 AM
Quote from: skullywag on January 05, 2015, 07:25:58 PM
hah damn flamethrowers....pain the butt eh? ;)

Heh indeed, but they make for good gameplay. Not checking what gear each soldier had was one of the many mistakes made during the onslaught (as clearly rushing someone wielding a flamethrower from some distance is not smart).
Quote from: Igabod on January 05, 2015, 03:04:58 PM
Quote from: rrooster on January 05, 2015, 02:53:44 PM
Quote from: 42BelowVodka on January 05, 2015, 10:25:32 AM
downloaded the FireExtinguisher but cant find it in game, its added at the stockpile but cant find where to get it, cant build it anywhere and cant buy it from traders
Quote from: skullywag on January 05, 2015, 11:48:38 AM
Should be carried by weapon traders. Its gonna be pot luck if they appear. Anyone confirm if theyve bought one from a trader?

I could swear I've seen one on a trader, but I didn't buy it because priorities.

Also, I once bought 32 tazers because they cost only 0.5 per unit. Their resale value was a big fat 0. Kinda felt the prices were bugged, but not sure as never got to use one and have no idea of their effectiveness.

I haven't seen any fire extinguishers in the game yet, but I played my first game with it installed last night and only got 2 weapons dealers in the whole 6 hours (that was supposed to be only one hour) of play time. I'm planning on doing another run tonight and I'll spawn in a couple traders just to try and see if I can find it in there.

As for tazers, they are VERY effective. Usually one hit from a tazer wielder takes an enemy down. You just have to strategically place your tazer guys so they don't get shot in the face before they get in close enough to taze the crap out of some dude.

The Stun Gun however seems to have been nerfed by a lot though. The aim time between shots takes FOREVER. And the accuracy seems to be way down too but that could have been due to the fact that the guy I used them on last night kept moving around to find cover any time I moved my guys into better positions to shoot him. I would have ended up just taking a pistol guy out there but the only pistol wielder was in the hospital with the plague at that time. In the end it took well over 5 minutes and probably closer to 10 for 2 stun gunners to finally stun one guy with a pistol. In alpha 7 (the last time I actually used the stun guns) they seemed to be a lot more effective than they did last night.

A stun gun, together with a freaking flamethrower, featured prominently (against me) when some space soldiers woken from deep sleep overran my latest colony (there is a written account about it in the stories section of the forum).
Quote from: 42BelowVodka on January 05, 2015, 10:25:32 AM
downloaded the FireExtinguisher but cant find it in game, its added at the stockpile but cant find where to get it, cant build it anywhere and cant buy it from traders
Quote from: skullywag on January 05, 2015, 11:48:38 AM
Should be carried by weapon traders. Its gonna be pot luck if they appear. Anyone confirm if theyve bought one from a trader?

I could swear I've seen one on a trader, but I didn't buy it because priorities.

Also, I once bought 32 tazers because they cost only 0.5 per unit. Their resale value was a big fat 0. Kinda felt the prices were bugged, but not sure as never got to use one and have no idea of their effectiveness.
General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
January 05, 2015, 11:45:59 AM
Quote from: milon on January 05, 2015, 11:13:29 AM
Welcome, rrooster!  How is stone distributed on the world map?  I also love marble & granite, and the best I have right now is slate & granite.
(PS - Really enjoyed your story!)

I don't know if this is 100% correct, but to me it looks like each horizontal line on the map has a defined configuration of stone types (the top most horizontal line of the map seems to always have marble and granite, for example). So to find the desired rock types you just click down (or up) on a vertical line until you find what you're looking for and then scan the horizontal line for a good starting location. I assume there to always be at least a few "lines" on each map that only contain marble and granite, so the above method speeds up the search significantly.

And thanks again for the compliment. I'm beginning to find out that creating a narrative to a playthrough makes it that much harder to just revert back to an earlier save file when something small or big goes wrong. To make it be about the journey not the destination.

General Discussion / Re: Introduce Yourself!
January 05, 2015, 10:42:13 AM
Hi all, this is rrooster from the Finnish Lapland.

I just realized I bought Rimworld exactly one year ago to the day (though I've only played alphas 1, 3 and 8 ). So, I figured I'll introduce myself as I've recently joined the forums as well.

If I remember correctly I first learned of Rimworld via the youtuber Zemalf who ran an early look series in late 2013.

Favorite other games include Civ 4, Fallout series, Cataclysm: DDA, DF, FM series.

Probably the most embarrasing thing about me gaming is how much time I spend planning as opposed to actually advancing game time and playing the damn thing. This is especially true with trying to get the best possible starting location in Civ 4 and was partially true with Rimworld until I figured out how stone types are distributed in the world map (marble and granite for the win...). I also spend a lot of time planning my colony's layout before unpausing, this can be embarrassing if, say, the colony gets wiped out in early game...  (Exhibit A:

For breakfast? Oatmeal porridge!

Stories / Re: A Tale of Desert Pacifists
January 05, 2015, 09:28:37 AM
Would love to see this continue!