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Messages - Rask

Does this mod add bionic shoulders?
If it does, it forgot to add regular (meaty) shoulders.
Bionic shoulders replace arms, etc, but can't be uninstalled effectively (only shoulder part is bionic shoulder).
Arms can't be installed to replace the removed shoulders.
They most likely "flee in panic" away from the map.

I don't think this would (or should) make raiders any more happy as they are very psychopathic people in the first place.

Sounds like it was added for flavor.
General Discussion / Re: Upcoming
November 18, 2014, 03:11:33 PM
Next up - rescuing friendly factionists without penalty (and maybe benefits!).
General Discussion / Re: Upcoming
November 18, 2014, 03:09:43 PM
What does it mean.
General Discussion / Re: Floor Speed
November 18, 2014, 03:09:05 PM
What we need is to be able to build floor paths diagonally, but the selector is perma-default on Box.
General Discussion / Re: Raiders as a source of income
November 18, 2014, 02:35:56 PM
I use the extended surgery mod to make all those butchered raiders into vat-made ears.
Market value 250 rofl.
If I had a silver for every time my hunters shot my construction colonists, I'd be able to build a bed.
SO. The new way to fight raiders and tribals is to build a killbox full of maybe 20 radiators and give them all heat stroke.
I will love this game.