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Messages - lokarn

General Discussion / Re: Best tool for hunting?
January 01, 2015, 02:49:15 PM
I had a tribal encounter very early in the game and wanted to see how a bow and a pila would work for hunting. It's pretty good actually, both weapons seem to kill smaller animals in a hit or two. Muffalo take a couple more depending on skill.

The range on moth is a medium distance and they have short aiming times. Bows can remove limbs fairly easily, be careful. :P
Quote from: Evul on December 28, 2014, 07:07:35 PM
If I remember correctly Ty once said raids should be a big deal and a thing that spice up the survival aspect of the game nothing that you need to adept your base to. The raid should be something bad and dangerus and something that should be unsuspected.
Not like it is now when you can assume raids will come every 1 or 3 month.

If this is true, then perhaps it's just a place holder because they haven't coded enough other types of events yet? As it stands now the game seems to be rather linear with one major point of contention, raids.   I would map it as such;

1. land have time to make a small, usually unfinished base
2. have random easy encounter number 1
3. finish small base, have low-medium encounter IE raid by pirate or tribe faction
4. Repeat random raid encounter with increasing difficulty and frequency based on story AI and difficulty setting.
5. sprinkle random easy event ( raging animal/beavers/power issue/weather problem)

I hope the raids can stay fun, and the environment can be made to be a challenge while still fun.
General Discussion / Re: PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAAND!
December 28, 2014, 07:55:33 PM
I don't know that you are "supposed" to do anything in this game. I don't know what your question is regarding morality. What has made you rage quit?  If you have paid attention to the game's literature you should get the impression that this isn't really a base building simulation. It is more of a story driven struggle to survive for these colonists. I think of it more like watching an episode of The Walking Dead, than a Sim City game. The "story tellers" that you choose determine the frequency, and severity of the events that you get happening. The difficulty is really just an option for how large of a zerg do you like to face.

Play again, this time focus on being entertained by what happens, rather than trying to control what happens so much. It's a lot like playing the coach's mode in Madden. You can't controll the players directly, but you can succeed by preparing them appropriately.

Have fun bud.
When I used to play Never Winter Nights there was an option to use high resolution fonts. All it did was make all the text the game had use bold text and perhaps increase the font one size. Is this not possible to do?
Ideas / Re: Minor, or not so much, game tweaks
December 28, 2014, 07:34:55 PM
I understand it's "reasonable" to bury the dead in a real world setting. This however is a video game. Is there any form of fun to be had by burying or burning the hundreds of bodies you will need to over the course of a game?

I personally just don't see any value to the game mechanic. It's not fun, it's tedious, and it takes up space. If it were gone, would you have less fun playing the game?
Quote from: Cimanyd on December 28, 2014, 04:10:51 AM

Quote from: lokarn on December 28, 2014, 03:09:38 AM
6. The tribal faction attacks with far too many numbers. I was playing on Phobe hardest setting and I had to defend from 30 of them. I was able to defend just fine, but then I had to make 30 graves for one attack, then they attacked again right after with even more! I restarted because making graves isn't really fun and I had a feeling that was going to be what I did all game. Or burn corpses all day every day.

You get more enemies per attack with the higher difficulty settings. That's what they do.

  You say that as if it answers my point. Again, they have too many. Not because it's hard, because it isn't. They are simply annoying. Why are they annoying? Because making 75 graves for two attacks has a zero fun rating. I understood the numbers would be 160% of what "challenge" would send. My point was it's too many. The other factions are ok. Pirates sent about 15-22 but these guys sent 30+ then about 40.  literally 5 mins apart in real time.

You could say my actual problem/complaint is with the grave making. I just don't see any value at all in fun terms with having to deal with the dead that are forced upon you. Yes I know you can research the incinerator, again zero fun unless you're a weirdo.  Plus these were the first two attacks ever sent. I wasn't planning to research incinerators so soon.
Ideas / Minor, or not so much, game tweaks
December 28, 2014, 03:53:35 AM

I've recently been playing this a lot and have some suggestions to tweak the game in a few ways.

1. Please do something about colonists choosing to eat those fun survival meals that fell at the farthest distance from my base. Instead add some code that makes them choose the closest food that is also the best food for them. Even better, like the slider for crafting and looking for resources, add a meal range slider to a diner table, or to each colonist that we can adjust.

2. When hunting have other colonists AVOID gunfire while hauling or also hunting, safety first!

3. Have hunters move to within 80% of max range to begin shooting, to avoid the endless aim, move, aim issue that I see a lot.

4. PLEASE!!! rethink the need to make graves for your enemies. I understand for your colonists, but burying your enemies is absolutely not fun, it has zero fun factor. All it does is annoy, and waste your land.

5. Re-think the severity of the sharing a room debuff. Seriously it's almost the same size as a mind attack. This game mechanic needs a new look. It makes very little sense.
General Discussion / Re: Hydrponics issue??
December 28, 2014, 03:35:10 AM
I know he said his problem was fixed, but for anyone else..

1. need to have a good growing temp
2. need a path available to reach the length of each growing "planter"
3. They need to be powered.
General Discussion / Re: Walls mountains and insulation
December 28, 2014, 03:32:21 AM
Hmmm. Based on the quote someone posted about heat leaking through doors I'd assume you could use a wall with several doors in it as a "vent" system to heat a base if you connected that to a geyser area. Like a long cooridoor that runs around your base, or through the center with doors every so often in it. You would want to be sure your colonists had no reason to open the doors, or go inside that hallway though.
I agree completely. There needs to be a max stack for the debuff. Also there should be some sort of resilience to gaining the debuff over time. I mean if your colony is several years old by the time they get there they have all killed countless people. I would think they'd get past the whole OMG I shot someone trying to KILL ME for the 1000000th time.
After roughly 15 colonies and about 50 hours of game time I have these issues to gripe about, some seem to be frustrating others as well.

1. Colonists choosing the "best" meal based on nutrition with zero regard as to distance. IMO it should have more math. IE choose the meal closest to them to eat that is also the highest nutrition coders need some if then coding in there.

2. Friendly fire while hunting. While adding some entertaining moments, it's very annoying to have your colonist blow off the other's leg while hunting a squirrel.....

3. Hunting related; Why do they stand at max range? Have them move to 80% range for hunting at least. I HATE having a colonist go nuts because they took forever hunting due to them aiming, then moving then aiming then moving then aiming then moving.......... repeat 50 more times.

4. The sharing a bedroom debuff is too large, and needs a rework. Do you know how hard it is to get a room for every single colonist? You run out of room so fast, and it's a nightmare keeping them all cooled/heated/both at all times.

5. In the trade interface sometimes my mouse interacts with a line a few lower than the one I am hovering over, and it's even lit up, no idea why.

6. The tribal faction attacks with far too many numbers. I was playing on Phobe hardest setting and I had to defend from 30 of them. I was able to defend just fine, but then I had to make 30 graves for one attack, then they attacked again right after with even more! I restarted because making graves isn't really fun and I had a feeling that was going to be what I did all game. Or burn corpses all day every day.