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Messages - SC_Reaper

Outdated / Re: [A12d] Weather+
December 05, 2015, 10:48:16 AM
Sorry for the long wait, i've been a bit occupied lately. Just had an exam and quite a few assignments to turn in. Still have. But anyway, just want to answer what i can for now.
Quote from: Joshy1111 on December 05, 2015, 02:57:41 AM
Quote from: Komyets on November 26, 2015, 04:02:50 PM
Well, if there's something I know is that Weather does actually affects ranged combat, have you experienced any issues with that yet? Im starting a new colony soon so I might just use it alongside CombatRealism to see how it goes.

I believe that is hardcoded into the game sorry :(
Well. For what i know, i'm able to affect the accuracy of weapons. So in that way, it should affect ranged combat. I'll take a look at it either the following week, or the one after. I do have a few assignments left before christmas, but i'll see if i'm able to set some time aside.

Asides from this, i have already tweaked the multiplier values for the accuracy of ranged weapons. It should already be affecting combat, just not drastically.
Quote from: popster99 on November 25, 2015, 12:42:16 PM
somebody's been reading a certain somebody's book I know what the reference "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" is from
About that. I haven't read the book, as i've never actually found it. I first found the quote through reading, as well as watching and playing, different stuff from the science fiction genre. The first time i saw the quote, i more or less just thought of it as "something interesting and slightly relevant". As i've gotten through more of the science fiction genre, mostly games and movies, i've simply seen so many examples of the quote being relevant. So when i first joined the forum and filled out my profile, i was left with a blank space. It didn't take me to long to decide on using that quote.
Outdated / Re: [A12d] Weather+
November 25, 2015, 12:02:54 PM
Quote from: IndustryStandard on November 25, 2015, 03:37:19 AM
I don't suppose you could add a light rain event? Without the storms and lightning.

Unless that's in the game and I forgot.
Well there's only "Rain" in the game as it stands right now. But sure, i'll try and look into it. There's just a few lines in the def which i'm still trying to understand, so it may not be done immediately.
Outdated / Re: [A12d] Weather+
November 24, 2015, 04:19:39 PM
Quote from: Austintrollinski on November 24, 2015, 10:30:20 AM
this is a cool mod  8)
Why thank you. I hope you're enjoying it. :D
Outdated / Re: [A12d] Weather+
November 24, 2015, 03:14:15 AM
Quote from: Austupaio on November 23, 2015, 07:07:38 PM
Hurricanes and whiteout events sound fun, not sure Dry Thunderstorms are necessary though, as those already exist. :P

The ensuing gigantic fire actually destroyed my colony, so watch out for having two possibilities of the event. ;D
So um, yeah, this should do it for now. I changed the name of the weather, as well as the intensity of the lightning by a nice percentage. :D If you feel like something could be adjusted please do tell me, as i've not had any time to play the game lately. :-\
Outdated / Re: [A12d] Weather+
November 23, 2015, 07:16:42 PM
Quote from: Austupaio on November 23, 2015, 07:07:38 PM
Hurricanes and whiteout events sound fun, not sure Dry Thunderstorms are necessary though, as those already exist. :P

The ensuing gigantic fire actually destroyed my colony, so watch out for having two possibilities of the event. ;D
When i fail like that, it seems that i should probably go get some sleep. I'll fix it tommorrow when possible. :D
Outdated / [A12d] Weather+
November 23, 2015, 06:57:17 PM
A mod about letting hell loose in your backyard.

So yeah, this is a reboot of my old mod called New Weathers. For now it includes three different weathers.

For now i'll just try and get it up and running again, maybe adjusting it a little, as well as adding some pics for you folks to look at. I've already got a few things which i'll want to look into, but for now enjoy the weather and have a nice day!

So first up, here we have the Hurricanes. Swift, brutal and destined to ruin a perfectly nice day; here they are on return. Strong wind, dark skies, with rain and... um... more rain i guess? Anyway. The Hurricanes are on return in the Weather+ modpack and as you may have guessed already, it includes rain, some strong wind, as well as some clouds.

"Oh, there you are! I couldn't see a thing before, there's just to god damn much snow out there..."

Okay, so this one is a kind of redecorated type of weather, which i just didn't really feel like anymore, emerging as something entirely new. As for what the weather is about, i'll let you figure that out yourself...

Intensive Dry Thunderstorms
"Well, that's some funny clouds, think ya think?" And so said the lone wanderer to himself, right before it struck him.

So yeah, old things can learn new stuff it seems. Reborn as Intensive Dry Thunderstorms, you'll now be able to experience some good ol' lightning.

Here ya go! Link's right here:

Issues and suggestions
If you discover any issues, please contact me via this post. Suggestions as well as things alike, small adjustments as an example, may also be posted right below.

How to install:
- Download the content and place it in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

You may modify this content and include it in modpacks, as long as approval have been given by the author.
Mods / Re: also...Storytellers?
February 23, 2015, 09:55:33 AM
Quote from: GlassDeviant on January 28, 2015, 11:51:35 PM
Are there any mods that add/replace the default storytellers?
Uhm, i do know how you can make some additional one's; and i do in fact have some of my own i'm using sometimes.

If you want, then i could make something for you. Just come with some specifications about how you want it to be. Just don't count on it being set as the first thing on my list.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 9) New Weather
February 23, 2015, 09:43:54 AM
Quote from: Vonholtz on February 23, 2015, 03:34:36 AM
Grrr I am not getting it. Ok let me ask it this way do i need to make a folder called hurrianne and put the about and defs from the hurricane zip in that folder then put that in rimworld mod folder?

Again I am sorry I am not great at this stuff.

Edit: I think that did it I will learn this one day. LoL TY
Eh, i don't really know if you got it solved or not. But i just got acces to my computer again and can say to you that the only thing you need to do is unpack the file you downloaded; and then copy it into your mods folder. It should be located under "This Computer\Downloads" or "C:\Users\YourUser\Downloads".

Fx, mine are located under "C:\Users\Johannes\Downloads".

But yeah, as an alternate you can simply create a folder named whatever you want and then throw the About and Defs into that folder. It'll still work as it should; and in-game you wont see any changes at all.
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 9) New Weather
February 23, 2015, 03:14:15 AM
Quote from: Vonholtz on February 23, 2015, 02:42:47 AM
Ok old guy dumb ass question. I am not great when it come to computers so I wanted two of your weather mods. I downloaded hurricanes and local decompression. Now when I open both of them the folder and the files are the same names. all they want to do is cope over each other. So what am i doing wrong? the zipfiles are named right so is there some thing I have to do to make the mods work. All the other mods I use (40+ mods) just go in easy yours are the only ones I have trouble with. Sorry if this sounds dumb but I just not getting it.
Well, if the folders you see is named 'About' and 'Defs' then the problem is that the downloaded zip folder opened automatically and what you are seeing is one folder to deep into the mod. You will need to check your download folder to find the mod by it's name.

Fx, if i downloaded them both, i would find a folder named 'Hurricane' and 'Local Decompression' in my downloads folder. These folders are the ones that needs to be copied to your mods folder, not the folders inside.

I should probably set this into the 'How to install" section so nobody gets this problem again... ???

If there's any other problems with my mod, or there's still this problem, just send me a pm. (Private Message)
If you use the new version of my mod together with Viceroy's then i think they would 'play nice together' for now.

Just use the link i sent you, if you haven't already. ;)
Outdated / Re: Alpha 9 Mod List
February 22, 2015, 02:28:56 PM
You forgot this one. "New Weathers -"
Outdated / Re: [MOD] (Alpha 9) New Weather
February 22, 2015, 06:36:35 AM
I just want to notify everyone that a compatible version of my New Weather mod have been made for the Darkness mod by Viceroy. You can now download it and play both mods together.  :)
Outdated / Re: [MOD](Alpha 9) Darkness
February 21, 2015, 04:04:04 PM
Quote from: Viceroy on February 21, 2015, 03:18:12 PM
Cool, so how are we gonna do the compatibility fix, should I download your mod and tweak the light levels? Or are you gonna copy them from here?

And yeah I also gotta get up to scratch on my C# editing. We may yet make some pretty awesome stuff. So if you wanna roll our mods into one just let me know how we're gonna go about it.

Busy tweaking the colour values atm. Kinda takes a while to test every small tweak since I gotta let a whole day pass so that I can see the whole cycle. Been putting it off for a while, but no time like the present.
Yeah, i'll just copy them now and then put them up on my page. I guess you have been getting a pm too from the guy that wants to make the rim+ modpack? I told him that i'll put up a version of my mod that is "compatible" with your darkness, because he wanted both in it.

And yeah, rolling them together would be kinda cool. I'm just planning on making a weather which i've been having laying around, before i'm going to do much else. I've been "Off duty" in the last few weeks, but i guess i'm back now. But it would be quite interesting if we at some point end up in a collaborating.

And btw, just waiting to see what results you end up with those colours. :D
Outdated / Re: [MOD](Alpha 9) Darkness
February 21, 2015, 11:53:51 AM
Quote from: Viceroy on February 20, 2015, 06:06:07 PM
Sure dude, I don't mind collaborating on it, I wouldn't even be against merging into a weather immersion mod.

Now if only we can discover where the accuracy multiplier for darkness alone is. As for the levels of accuracy, those are affected by weather, and you are the weatherman here :p

And thanks so much for the offer too, this community rocks, you rock dude! I'll be tweaking this mod some over the weekend, to make twilight times more reddish/purplish.

Also I was reading through your mod earlier (also thinking of collaborating somehow) and saw you were in need of a sandstorm texture. So I created a basic draft for one. I'm not sure what dimensions it should be or what direction exactly it would pan into, so take it for what it is (a rough draft) and maybe we/you can work with it from there. At the very least it ought to tile without seams. *ought to*
A weather immersion mod... now that sounds awesome!  :D

And um.. i don't really know if there's an accuracy multiplier for darkness alone. But we could try making something that would either check the light levels and then use another set of "Weathers" to the different levels of darkness; or it would simply add to multiplier in the different levels of darkness. But for me to do any of that, i need a lot more knowledge about c++. ???

About the overlay. I haven't been able to find out how the game uses the overlay yet, or where it needs to be saved to. At the moment i'm trying to learn a bit more about c++.

And yeah, it would probaly look quite interesting if the the twillight times were more reddish/purple. (Or maybe a bit orange?)

Btw the overlay you made there looks nice.  :)
Outdated / Re: [MOD](Alpha 9) Darkness
February 20, 2015, 05:22:08 PM
Hey, what would you say if i made a version of my mod that is the "Darkness Version". I would do so that it works with your mod. It would be a lot darker. :D (And of course provide a link so people know that it's meant to be played together with your mod.;))

The point is that we both use the same method to change these things, so for the mods to make sense together - have the same amount of light - i would need to make another version.