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Messages - benben471

I'm glad someone made this after i stopped updating mine :)
Quote from: benben471 on March 22, 2015, 11:00:17 AM
I'm having a similar issue, I think its because of the fact that both this mod and one that I am using both add prioritizing of objects, maybe they overwrite each other's prioritizations?

EDIT: the only mods that use the same defs on my list are Minus's extended surgery and bionics mod and  the mechanical defence 5 mod.

UPDATE: after going through the process of disabling the mods one at a time, making a new colony and seeing if the issue was fixed, I came to the end of the list; only the romance mod and the core game were left ticked and the issue persisted. I am using the most recent version without sounds.
UPDATE EDIT: just realized i had v 0.4 downloaded 0_0
Outdated / Re: Alpha 9 Mod List
March 22, 2015, 01:27:01 PM
Quote from: BlueFreakQ on March 22, 2015, 12:44:04 PM

I found a few others in the releases section:

[MOD] (Alpha 9) - Crash Landing -
Neotech -
Hospitality (really like this one - finally gives purpose and risk to visitors etc.) -
Project Catering -
Benben's Medi-bench -

and these two released/updated to 9 just earlier today:
Firefly -
The Romance Mod -

I apologize if any of these are already in the list.
yay in on a mod list now :D
Quote from: daft73 on March 06, 2015, 08:28:11 PM
Quote from: T-Wrecks on March 06, 2015, 07:06:25 PM
I added this mod to my fairly extensive mod list, but something strange happened. The mod worked fine except it stopped me from being able to tell my colonists to do something directly while not drafted. I don't know whether that's an issue with the mod or a conflict with others. I just thought I would mention it.
...To be more certain try to add mods one at a time to see what causes such bugs. Mods can be silly like that, adding lots of mods can cause unforeseen issues. ;)
I'm having a similar issue, I think its because of the fact that both this mod and one that I am using both add prioritizing of objects, maybe they overwrite each other's prioritizations?

EDIT: the only mods that use the same defs on my list are Minus's extended surgery and bionics mod and  the mechanical defence 5 mod.
Version 0.1.1 is out, added the cloth bandages i was hyped about making ^^
Ideas / Re: Your Cheapest Ideas
March 20, 2015, 11:18:04 AM
Tazers - Melee ranged, high-tech equipment with a high cool-down that incapacitates raiders.
Artefacts - Art that can be found in old buildings (makes them all less empty when I'm looking for cryptosleep caskets). Perhaps even old high-tech devices like neurotrainers could be found in the same way but, they could have a lesser effect.)
Quote from: StalkerCZ on March 19, 2015, 02:20:41 PM
Quote from: benben471 on March 19, 2015, 01:07:41 PM
Please tell me there's going to be/already is Pizza in this mod! :D
hi there! Of course there will be "Rimzza" ;)  in next Huge update! I also want to create more resources also maybe new plants. i also talk with developer of mod Xtra Plants and i have green signal for using resources like fruit ect.. i want to create realy complex mod. This is only first start and v1.0 in future there will be more stuff , more machines,  more .. ah more ..  :o
Quote from: Zxypher on March 19, 2015, 02:39:00 PM
You could maybe do it like the omni-gel mod and have an "Efficiency" stat based on medicine skill and whatnot that reduces the amount of herbals it takes for better doctors. Perhaps a mix of Medicine + Growing (Botany/Herbalism would be important to know).
I was thinking of adding a refund system and/or a quality to medicine where, the better your medical member is, the better the medicine is made and the less herbal medicine it would take to make them. (1-5 would have a low chance of making 'good' medicine and a virtually non-existent refund chance. 18-20 would have good-excellent quality guaranteed and a high chance for a refund of 5-6 and a low chance of a refund of 1-4 or 7-8). However I wouldn't know where to start since this is my first mod and I don't know how the quality defs work.

Quote from: apljee on March 19, 2015, 04:38:09 PM
If you wanted, you could instead create a new medicine type, like.. er... Midworld Medicine? Something that's a little bit worse than glitterworld medicine but better than normal medicine, and let's say.. 3 normal medicine go into 1 midworld medicine, and 3 midworld meds go into glitterworld medicine.

And thanks, it's glad to know someone appreciates my modding! :) I've never really had someone be a "fan of my stuff" before, but thanks.
I love these suggestions! I was thinking more along the lines of combat medicine with the devilstrand(due to its 'durability') this medicine would have a better potency than regular medicine, heal quicker and be relatively easy to make with enough resources; a bit like a mid-game alternative to shelling out for glitter-world meds. There would be a downside with it though, it patches up quickly and better then medicine but, using it too much could cause numbness(reduced manipulation),addictions(craves more combat-meds and they ignore their priorities), disease(the devilstrand may have a blight that's remained dormant after harvesting) or insanity(schizophrenia,paranoia towards doctors and/or sudden greedy impulses).
This way they would have a strategic balance, since you don't want your best shooters to go on a psyco rampage and kill your colonists just, because you didn't want wait for him to heal
Please tell me there's going to be/already is Pizza in this mod! :D
Quote from: Adamiks on March 18, 2015, 04:41:15 PM
I think that Medikits should be crafted from 3-5 herbals, because Medikits are only 2x better than herbals.
The reason for so many herbal meds being needed make medicine is because I designed them with anaesthetics in mind. With many painkillers, they have concentrations. With this knowledge, the colony would use herbal meds of a low concentration in order to make medicine of a high concentration. Since their machine won't be perfect, they would need more of. Plus, its very easy to grow a lot in mountain colonies with the right amount of hydroponics bays and/or 24h growing mods. (I personally have 436 herbal meds currently on my main colony and im 6 months into the game) so its very much there to balance it a bit since, it costs little to make and medicine can cure very easily with level 9 medical staff and a medical bed (89% I believe). However, I will lower it if other people agree ^^.
Quote from: apljee on March 18, 2015, 04:57:49 PM
If that's the case, then we should make Glitterworld Medicine craft-able, too.
Apljee, I'm big fan of your stuff :3. I am planning on making Glitterworld medicine makable out of devilstrand or synthread as bandages. and either 50 Herbal Meds or 5 medicine. I would need to make it expensive but, balanced and I'm trying to make it a healthy mix of the two with other mods in mind(I don't want it to be too easy to lower the chronological age of colonists like several prosthetics/medical mods allow you to be able too since, it would be too easy).
Quote from: Ykara on March 18, 2015, 04:19:48 PM
Haha, I love your description ^^ I'm gonna check it out, looks more logical than other medicine crafting mods.
Thank you for the feedback! I'm not the best designer so the models won't look the best :)
If you find any incompatibilities with any mods since, I've tried it with a couple but not with any medical mods yet could you get back to me? :D

The medicine making will soon take 1 Cloth Bandage (native to the mod) and the 10 herbal medicines too. To make Cloth Bandages, This will be done on the tailoring bench out of 2 cloth. The reason I'm doing this is because it seems a bit more realistic in comparison to what I've got so far.
Please tell me if you like this idea.
Ideas / Re: Belief System
March 18, 2015, 04:03:33 PM
I like the thought of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Cthulu or Cthuffulo, god of muffalo's to be silly beliefs that the game could use. then there would be no stepping of toes or offending religions.
Reserved for future mods
Im not good with forum threads but lets give it a go!

Medi-Bench! V0.1.2 - New lick of paint for extra shine coming soon!
The Medi-Bench (patent pending at glitterworld: gamma hexadron 909) Is a revolution to the medical field allowing you to turn even the most vile of medical herbs into usable medical kits! All you need is the research to build it, a steady supply of xergium, cloth to make into bandages and the craftiness and medical know-how to put them together!

Images and models (warning im not a good artist :) )

Them numbers 0.0 wasn't expecting anyone to download this to be honest xD

Responsibility Note
The Medi-Bench Is not responsible for any broken fingers,hands, sprained wrists, sudden collapses of sanity, or walking into walls during use of this product. If this product stops working please contact your system administrator or turn the device on and off again.
Download Link:

How to install:
- Extract to "Medi-Bench" and place in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.

May be incompatable with Juliaellie's Apothacarious mod

Copyright notes:
Please feel free to use what I have made without credit (Although it would be nice if you wish to ^^ )

-Added Medi-Bench.
-Added Research Req.
-Added Make Medicine Bill.
V0.1.1-A Touch Of cloth.
-Added Cloth Bandages.
-Added Cloth Bandages bill at Tailor Benches.
-Fixed the description for 'making medicine' being backwards.
V0.1.2-New lick of paint.
-Fixed arguement is null problem with tailor benches.
-Updated for Rimworld v10e.

Coming soon!

Download Link:

How to install:
- Extract to "Modname" and place in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.
Copyright notes:
Please feel free to use what I have made without credit (Although it would be nice if you wish to ^^ )

Coming soon!

Download Link:

How to install:
- Extract to "Modname" and place in your RimWorld/Mods folder.
- Activate the mod in the mod menu in the game.
Copyright notes:
Please feel free to use what I have made without credit (Although it would be nice if you wish to ^^ )