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Messages - Haze2

Mods / Re: Nominate a mod to be included in RimWorld!
August 28, 2016, 06:09:04 AM
Without such simple thing as a DOORMAT I can't imagine playnig Rimworld comfortably:

Another mods for fixing bones, scars, internal organs etc. are also important/necessary, but doormats are simple and definitely a must.
Quote from: ffodivx on December 17, 2015, 01:00:47 PM
Hi there. I did small fix on Medical Drinks for A12 (V 0.12.914 rev777).

It fixed problem in my A12d.
1.5c ever for A12d still too glitchy. Pawns don't want to use their backpacks (except for single dish). Only manual filling in will do. Almost the same with carts - hard to explain what's going on, but at least once I've seen haul-specializing pawn used it  for steel (and that was unexpeccted).

Possibly pawns should take into account any other items on their way to storage - not only single-type items, maybe that's the part of the problem.
Quote from: Ykara
This mod is not fully compatible with A12, you shouldn't use it till I find time to update it, it's interesting that it doesn't crash the game ^^

Well... Today I have found that it actually crashes a12d. When one of my pawns creates drink (displayed ad a red square with X symbol) and puts it on the floor, GUI diappears and mouse becomes inactive, just as ESC and other keys. Screen can be moved and time goes on, though.
Ermmm... Sorry. Reinstalled pure Alpha12d (0.12.914) plus took pure EPOE 1.51 NOT from hardcore mod (but from download link here) - everything seems to work for now.  :o  ???
Attention, please: I came to a conclusion that EPOE 1.51 seems to be INCOMPATIBLE with A12d. After researching basic prosthetics workbench i can't build it because necessary materials are not defined in mod.

After clicking on WB icon game GUI disappears, wb can't be build and then even ESC key can't defreese cursor status, although game time goes on and pawns still move.

Tried this on pure a12d and even after installing hardcore SK vengeance for A12d in different combinations - the same symptoms.