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Messages - blackwolf0925

General Discussion / Re: Rescue Insectoid?
May 30, 2020, 03:37:15 PM
It doesn't seem possible with my playthrough. I usually use the drill and that is where I get the infestation happens. I don't get any other option besides what I mention earlier when I down an insect and injur it.
General Discussion / Rescue Insectoid?
May 30, 2020, 03:36:56 AM
Hello there all, I am not sure if this is a bug or if this is not a feature for the insectoid. Is there a way to rescue a down insectoid once you dealt with an infestation. I usually get these from infestations and once I knock them down and injured them I am not able to do anything with it but put in a cryptocasket. Is it not possible to tame a insectoid besides migration and being on the map from the start. I want to try to tame one but my options seem limited.
Ideas / Restrictions on food for tame animals.
May 17, 2016, 09:52:47 PM
When it comes to animals they will eat anything within sight that matches their diet. I propose a restriction on what a tame animal can eat. I have blunder many a time when one of my animals eats something I was saving for a special occasion, say like hatching eggs for example. I would like to see my Labrador/pet be able to eat what I tell it if it is tamed.  That could be set up under obedience since I think an obedient animal will not eat something it is not suppose to.
General Discussion / Does mood help in creation
April 25, 2016, 03:10:03 PM
I wanted to know if mood actually has an affect when it comes to crafting items. I have a colonist right now that is crafting general clothing that others need. Her mood right now is content as she crafts and most of the time it comes out as good quality or better given her lower skill. So I was wondering if mood was apart of it or not.
General Discussion / Re: Introduce yourself!
April 25, 2016, 03:03:35 PM
Hello All, My name is Christian and like to introduce myself, I am an avid gamer and stumbled upon this game by accident one Youtube one day. Was very interested in it so I have purchased it and have to say I really enjoy it. My likes are anime, rpg's, and japanese music. So I say to all please treat me well.  ;)