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Messages - Feyda

It has been a very long time since colonist royal pawns were restricted from doing any work.  The only ones that have restrictions now are certain traited pawns (dont remember the full list) and the game warns you that the pawn will be restricted if you tell it to give them a title.
General Discussion / Re: Gunlink
October 21, 2020, 09:04:04 AM
Kinda wish they were like utility items and didnt decay so quickly.  I really love getting a legendary shield belt now cause it pretty much lasts forever.
I usually have a few non combat pawns that get to play "dress up".  My last colony I decided that my non fighters would wear capes and berets.  They cost more work to make than dusters and cowboy hats but I enjoyed the look.
The whole point of recon armor was that it was a nice balance between protection (100%) sharp armor and movement (no reduction in movement).  Now you have an even BETTER version with locust armor.  Revenge of the 12 pig herd?  Draft the pawn and bounce to freedom.  Drop pod raid caught your guy in the open?  Booooing hes freee!  Manhunter pack on the board and you want to have fun killing them?  12 colonists with guns and locust armor on and they can jump as a group.

Yes your armor will decay over time but it should last a couple of years at the least.  Quality also slows down the decay rate.  In my colonies I just set a bill for crafting Locust armor and set it do "Do Until You Have X" where it looks to have at least X number of suits over 52% hitpoints.  My clothing assignment forces colonists to change out of their old armor when it hits 50%.
Caravans are pretty easy if you just use a couple of tricks. 

1.) Always have enough pack animals to carry the full weight of all items you are taking (that way pawns dont pack inventory on them self)
2.) Only select the humans and animals you are going to send on the caravan, then turn off auto supply and add the ENTIRE rest of your humans to the caravan (this keeps auto supply from adding a ton of unneeded food).
3.)  Your colony will now pack your caravan like a swarm of piranha attacking a sick cow in the river.
4.) When all of your caravaners suddenly pause for a second and then beeline for the edge of the map, select all colonists, then shift click the colonists who are actually going to remove them from the list.  Now for the remaining humans, simply click remove from caravan.
5.) Profit
Refugee quests can be awesome..  Housed 8 of them for my first scenario.  Two offered to join but I turned them down cause they were pretty meh.  Some time after successfully completing the quest, I got a drop pod from the group thanking me for letting them stay.  That drop pod had 986 uranium in it.
This is also causing an issue with building monuments.  It does not show any of the building plans, only the monument icon (one tile).
No problem.  The unstable updates are pretty frequent and that page displays new ones as they come up.  Handy to keep track of the big and small changes as they come down the pipeline.
General Discussion / Re: Unlikely Speech Outcomes
August 25, 2020, 03:39:02 PM
To clarify, I am on the latest unstable branch and do not use mods of any kind.
General Discussion / Unlikely Speech Outcomes
August 25, 2020, 03:38:40 PM
I have one Countess pawn in my settlement.  I had her give a speech with level 16 social skill... and she gave a terrible speech.  No worries, it technically is possible though unlikely.  Dealt with the mood debuff and didnt give any speeches for a long time.  Then I got a 2 pack of social trainers from a mission and boosted her up to level 20 social.  Figured she could make up for the last time.   Speeech time.... annnnd... another terrible speech.  Anyone else experiencing any issues with speeches?  It isnt that it was impossible for the back to back results, but with a 3.17% chance to have a terrible speech, having back to back ones should happen statistically less than 0.1% of the time.
General Discussion / Re: Is Skip overpowered?
August 23, 2020, 07:28:02 AM
Skip is quite nice, not gonna disagree with ya there.  I wouldn't say it is broken per se.  You can argue that quite a few of the pyscasts are "OP" in some way.  Vertigo Pulse absolutely wrecks enemies when used properly.  You know how annoying it is when that damn centipede lights 4 guys on fire and they wander around trying to put out the flames?  Vertigo pulse basically does the same thing in a big square AND makes them puke their guts out occasionally.  Berserk Pulse turns the enemies on each other creating a free front line of "tanks" while your ranged has a field day.  This usually causes enemies to doomsday their own team if they have rockets.  At low levels, Burden is my favorite cause it lets even tiny colonies with only one or two hunters kill Thrumbos with easy kiting.
Just move all pawns out of the border.  Game doesn't care about animals for exiting a map.  I've done it before when I got to an item stash with one guy and it was guarded by like 8 manhunting wolves.   Nope, cya!
Ideas / Auto Rebuild Include Bills
August 22, 2020, 12:37:00 PM
Auto rebuild is a nice feature for when sappers wreck your walls or an infestation spawns in the durn middle of you base and wipes out half your infrastructure, but is there any way to include whatever bills you had set up to be put back on an auto rebuilt workstation?  I just lost all of my workstations to annoying bugs and now I have to go back in and set up a whole bunch of bills again.
Ideas / Re: Cleaning and cooling psycast: Void pinhole
August 19, 2020, 07:14:49 PM
Has anyone seen Frank lately?
