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Messages - Notho

General Discussion / Re: Vocanic Winter
January 12, 2017, 06:02:57 PM
Looks like I need to get started on a greenhouse then. Thanks for all the replies!
General Discussion / Vocanic Winter
January 12, 2017, 01:30:21 PM
So the game is telling me it will last for weeks or maybe months...

How bad is this going to get?
Quote from: 10001110 on February 24, 2015, 12:01:54 PM
With the changes coming n A10, the rates are fine, and could even be a little higher. This will make crafting clothing more essential, as it is now, it's passable. Devilstrand growth rate needs to be tweaked, as it is now, it's practically impossible to make anything out of it, and buying it is unthinkable with the price nerfs.
Clothing deterioration could also be (if its not yet) dependent on tasks performed. Easy to figure a miner's clothing will rip apart rather quick.
For this to be efficient, however, we should have the option to assign specific pawns to specific benches, pick the best to craft the good stuff and leave the rookies to work stone. This would be a REALLY nice to have soon, imho.
The tattered debuff is overkill, as temporary as this situation is, it's permanent on already highly unstable pawns. Maybe it should be removed\halved till we get A10?

I also want to be able to assign benches to people.

And, I thought of this today after my earlier post, if you could separate the stuff that's tattered from the new stuff, you could simply set the incinerator to get rid of it if it's starting to clog your stockpile. In my game, I haven't had an exotic goods trader in almost a full year...  >:(
I don't mind it, but I wish there were a way to separate the tattered clothes from the new clothes, so whenever someone takes some new clothes, the tailoring bench will know to make a new set (if it's set up to keep a certain amount on hand).
General Discussion / Wildlife Respawns?
February 22, 2015, 12:11:16 PM
First off, I'm really enjoying A9!

I started a game on a regular map and it had a large herd of deer and a smallish (5 or 6) herd of muffalo, along with plenty of boars and squirrels and a couple of tortoise. Winter came and the muffalo left and were followed by the deer shortly after that, which I think is working as designed since they're supposed to migrate (I think :P ). It's now fall of year two and neither the deer or the muffalo have come back. The boars and squirrels are still around, but they stayed through the winter. I've been hunting the boars pretty well and their numbers haven't decreased much, as far as I can tell.

I was just wondering if this was a bug.

Quote from: TheSilencedScream on January 25, 2015, 07:40:16 PM
I know it's not a huge thing, but I do look forward to being able to rescue visitors. I always roll my eyes every time one is injured and the best I can say is, "Well, thanks for the stuff."

General Discussion / Re: Rimworld on steam?
January 04, 2015, 06:54:04 AM
Quote from: shaddaz on January 04, 2015, 04:12:48 AM
Well it would be nice if he could put it up soon I had the chance to play A8 from a friend and I really like what I see so far but i like to have my games via steam as they are just easy to install and manage so I have to wait to get a copy until it is released on there :(

I was like you, but I finally got tired of waiting and bought the game directly. The game will even tell you if the version you're running is up to date, so you don't even have to check your e-mail all the time.
General Discussion / Re: How do you remove a floor??
December 29, 2014, 05:58:40 PM
Quote from: mbos14 on December 29, 2014, 04:27:08 PM
Quote from: rbos on December 29, 2014, 04:17:42 PM
It'd be neat if they decayed naturally on their own. Freezing and thawing could have a % chance to destroy a tile and either revert, or create some other thing based on what decayed. Wood becomes dirt, concrete becomes rough stone. There should be more decay out in the world, a landscape left to the elements ought to eventually look natural.

It could be for unclaimed areas only. I would like some decay over time as well as a way to remove floors.

But then i think you should have the option to fix it so you dont have to keep replacing the floor over and over.
Ideas / Re: What do you want in alpha 9/10?
December 22, 2014, 09:00:59 PM
I would like to be able to prioritize and suspend growing areas.
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld change log
October 30, 2014, 08:05:32 AM
Quote from: togt on October 30, 2014, 02:34:37 AM
Quote from: Notho on October 29, 2014, 07:35:53 PM
If we're going to have seasonal clothing, will we be able to build closets when it's not needed? Like the weapon lockers but for clothes?

Are you actually eager to pick out the clothing for your pawns?  Just wondering what part of this is apealing to the forum dwellers here.

I prefer if no further interaction is involved in this from the player. Let the pawns find their own seasonal clothing in the stockpile and put it in their own locker so they can wear it after waking up.

This is fine with me. I was only wondering if there will be some other way of storing extra clothing besides dumping it in a random stockpile.
General Discussion / Re: RimWorld change log
October 29, 2014, 07:35:53 PM
If we're going to have seasonal clothing, will we be able to build closets when it's not needed? Like the weapon lockers but for clothes?
General Discussion / Re: Bring back the muffalo!!
October 29, 2014, 07:17:45 PM
I approve. I haven't seen any for a while, but I though it was because I'm trying the new biomes.
General Discussion / Re: Even if...
September 21, 2014, 04:24:31 PM
A person could get around on crutches or something as well. Or peg legs. We need peg legs!!
Just shoot 'em. :P
General Discussion / Re: Alpha4d difficulty
June 03, 2014, 10:14:25 PM
Yep, it's a little aggressive at the moment. On Chill Callie, I was attacked on day 25 by nine pirates against my four colonists (one of whom couldn't do violence). They all had pistols (each had between 57 to 65 health), but it didn't make any difference. I had even managed to get a couple of turrets up. :P

Looking forward to the hotfix. :)